Fidelity NetBenefits transaction download is all "Unidentified Security" (edit)



  • mjmdo07
    mjmdo07 Quicken Windows Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited August 2023

    [Removed - Rant]

  • BarryMo
    BarryMo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I urge all people who are having this issue to call Quicken support. They way the have documented the "official" issue with NetBenefits does not reflect this as a symptom.

    Since this has not been working for a month, I would suggest you ask for a refund for your monthly portion of your subscription.

  • micdif
    micdif Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Besides the same issues everyone else is having above for the last month - I also notice that the shares have the decimal point moved to the wrong spot. For instance, if it's supposed to be 26.548 shares it downloads as .26548.

    I've manually updated all of my downloaded transactions for the last month but what a pain and a timewaster.

    My automatic transfer just went over to my account so auto-purchase will be completed and the mess of a download will happen again in about 4 days and I'll have to manually update again. Joy.

    I love the deletion of comments on other people's post with redaction of [rant]. Of course everyone is getting frustrated when things haven't been fixed for over a month when people are paying and trusting the data.

    Hopefully, it'll be resolved soon.

  • anneclark
    anneclark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    And now my share price data has gone wonky. Specifically VDMPX went up 1,500% yesterday (I wish). Guess that means they're working on something even if they're going in the wrong direction!

  • BarryMo
    BarryMo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I think it is trying to treat the incoming purchases as a bond purchase too.

  • Uzername
    Uzername Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2023

    I have had no success updating the SYMBOL associated with each fund using the EDIT DETAILS section of the portfolio.

    I tried using the SYMBOL name found in the comment line of the downloaded transaction.'

    eg) CONTRIBUTION;ASSET ALLOC 2030 NON40OJ15; as of 08/07/2023

    Unsure what a CUSIP ID is and how it relates to the SYMBOL listed on the webpages and in the downloaded comment. Nor do I see where to edit/add a CUSIP ID in Quicken.

  • AvengerC
    AvengerC Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I've been having the same issue since July. I called Quicken support today. They made me share my screen, create a new file and account, etc. They claimed to have looked for any issues with Fidelity and Fidelity Netbenefits and said there are none. They said it was most likely my file. However, everything else is downloading properly. I gave up, then found this thread. This is the exact same issue. "Unknown Security," with the correct security in the comment. For a while, it was coming as a bond purchase with the decimal place off on shares. I manually corrected each transaction. Today it was not a bond, but was still an unknown security, though the number of shares was correct. I can't find any updates on a fix for this issue. Very frustrating.

  • BarryMo
    BarryMo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023

    So sad.

    My comment about asking impacted people to call support was removed. However, this is exactly why I asked people to do it.

    I would encourage you to contact support with the forum link to show this is a systemic issue and not related to your file.

  • mjmdo07
    mjmdo07 Quicken Windows Subscription Mac Beta Beta

    Yes please see my removed "Rant".

  • Uzername
    Uzername Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    So you were able to start over with a new account and then it worked?

    How can it be certain it will work when the next set of transactions occur on the next pay cycle? Unfortunately we need to wait every 15 days to see if Quicken/Fidelity have fixed the problem.

    I wont call Quicken, I don't want to start a new account. I will continue to wait for a response from the "Report a problem… " option.

  • micdif
    micdif Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I just spent over an hour updating my "automatic downloads" that's supposed to make my life easier that we're paying the annual subscription fee for. Luckily, I only have a limited number of funds I'm in or this would've really been unmanageable.

    I used to be able to take the information in the memo filed to update the unknown security but it appears it no longer matches the actual transactions at Fidelity. I used to be able to just update the security but when I compared it to my Fidelity statement the security in the memo did not match the number of shares/$ amount with the security listed in my Fidelity statements.

    It got so confusing I just deleted all of the downloads Quicken had done and just manually entered my transactions as I compared it to my Fidelity statement. I viewed Fidelity statement on my phone while entering on Quicken on my desktop. A lot of work for something that's supposed to be automated. Luckily, I only have to do this once a month but this has been ongoing since July.

  • ocean1
    ocean1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    edited August 2023

    I have the exact same unidentified security problem with my Fidelity downloads. This started in mid-July (3 pay cycles thus far). The share amounts have been correct. The memo line includes the security name, so at least its marked. Having to manually fix every transaction is a painful waste of time.

    [Removed - Speculation/Rant]

  • enev
    enev Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    edited August 2023

    [Removed - Solicitation]

  • BarryMo
    BarryMo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023

    [Removed - Solicitation]

  • Xephalon
    Xephalon Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Also have similar issue. Any updates from Quicken?

  • Scott
    Scott Member ✭✭✭

    Still no updates?

  • jvogelaar
    jvogelaar Member ✭✭

    Have the same problem, although noticed on my download week before last that in transaction data that the field Fidelity sends that in Quicken is mapped to CUSIP that Fidelity actually sent the real QUSIP whereas before what was coming across was not a real CUSIP. However, in that same data file the shares balance reported by Fidelity apparently still used old not-real CUSIP, so Quicken reported shares variance.

    Whether the cause and solution is Fidelity's or Quicken's responsibility or a combination thing they need to get together on, I don't have enough insight into the nitty-gritty of the file data maps to say, but I hope Quicken has heard this and will get it resolved if they haven't already. Here's hoping…

  • jeffrose5
    jeffrose5 Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
    edited August 2023

    I've also been having the same issue since the July timeframe. Since it's at least the 3rd time without it being magically fixed, I finally called Quicken tech support (who verified this is an issue with both of my Fidelity 401k's - and only my Fidelity 401k's - by way of setting up a test file and downloading transactions which showed "Unidentified Security" - starting in July in all of my Fidelity 401k's) and (not surprisingly) they asked me to contact Fidelity. I reached out to Dana at Fidelity and referenced her to this thread. Fidelity will get back to me within 7-10 days from now. I'll report back what I hear.

  • jeffrose5
    jeffrose5 Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
    edited August 2023

    @micdif, you got me thinking - I did a manual QIF download of the past 90 days from Fidelity (to replicate exactly what Quicken support had me do, in my previous post) and imported the data into a new test file (not account) and voila! No "unidentified security" anymore.

    The QIF data is different (it does not have the security name in the "comment" field) than the WebExpress download.

    So, I think a manual download from Fidelity/Netbenefits is going to be the workaround for those who do not wish to manually update their securities while they work to fix the issue.

  • jeffnjnecom
    jeffnjnecom Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have the same symptoms in the same time frame. In most, if not all cases, the number of shares is also off by a decimal point. If I actually bought 2.54 shares of XYZ, it would show 0.254 shares of Unidentified Security.

  • jeffrose5
    jeffrose5 Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    I'm not sure where my 2nd post went, but I found a workaround - simply download QIF data from Fidelity/NetBenefits and import that instead of using automatic downloads. For those with a lot of securities to correct, this might take less time than manually changing all of them.

  • mjmdo07
    mjmdo07 Quicken Windows Subscription Mac Beta Beta

    Tried that a while back fails with Quicken for Mac. Will import only into an empty account! I did see the notice of a new and improved Fidelity connection forthcoming hopefully that may help. Really disappointing. I have used Quicken for 30 years or thereabouts. Biggest failure to date.

  • Scott
    Scott Member ✭✭✭

    I've downloaded the qif data file but the balance doesn't match Fidelity. Plus it shows double the balance.

  • mjmdo07
    mjmdo07 Quicken Windows Subscription Mac Beta Beta

    Holding my breath, it may be back. Share balances now correct!

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Scott you say you are having problems with the balance being doubled. Is your account in Simple mode, where you see a dashboard with 4 big square sections rather than the transaction list? If so, that has been a problem for several months now.

    Clicking on the gear at the top right of the account page selecting Edit account details then Complete mode is a workaround for that. Simple mode downloads different transactions, so you may need to supply the missing transactions.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Scott
    Scott Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023

    It's not simple mode but complete mode. I deleted the Fidelty Netbenefits account (since the downloaded transactions are a mess) and then added Fidelty Netbenefits as a new account. I go to the Fidelity website and pull all the data back to when I started (2018) with my employer. I chose not to do updates when adding this account back and ignored the option to manually add shares. When I import the QIF file into the Fidelity Netbenefits account I find it brings in the transactions but also looks to be importing the existing balance at the top of the transactions. If I delete that transaction then the total is very close to being correct, but it's still off.

    This doesn't seem to be the way to go if I choose to go back and change it to have Quicken download transactions. At least currently if I do it anything that gets downloaded and added is incorrect and I have a mess again.

  • geoffj
    geoffj Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I am still having issues. Every time I get new transactions from Fidelity it says they are not matched to ones already in my account.

    It is very painful to have to match them manually everytime a new transaction occurs.

  • mjmdo07
    mjmdo07 Quicken Windows Subscription Mac Beta Beta

    Too good to be true. Yesterday was perfect. I have moved the NB account to be kept "separate" and created a new manual account. Securities in the existing NB account were spot on 8/31 now several are missing again today. What's up Quicken?

  • mjmdo07
    mjmdo07 Quicken Windows Subscription Mac Beta Beta

    I had moved the NB account weeks ago to "keep septette" so it is and has been fully dependent on Quicken for data.

This discussion has been closed.