Fidelity again ?!?

This is the third time that quicken downloads can't reconcile correctly with Fidelity. First it was doubling all Fidelity accounts. Then it was zeroing out Fidelity accounts. This time it is taking 1/3 of a single Fidelity account. What's up with this? It is beginning to feel like a test run for something nefarious. Is it just with Fidelity accounts?
Yes, this problem seems directly tied to Fidelity. Wha's unknown (to users) is whether the problem is (a) what Fidelity is sending to Quicken, (b) how Quicken's connectivity provider, Intuit, is processing the data from Fidelity, or (c) something Quicken is doing upon import to mangle the data specifically from Fidelity. The problems seem to be changing for people in between updates from Quicken, so I would put my money on it being a Fidelity issue with their export to Quicken/Intuit. Or Quicken has tried to program around Fidelity's non-standard data export, and then Fidelity fixes something and it breaks the work-around Quicken implemented. It's not likely we'll ever know the true story, because Quicken doesn't share information about such problems or their resolution.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19933 -
I have two securities in my 401k and only one is updating. I have three other accounts that are fine but the 401k is not and I can't get it fixed. Is anyone at Quicken talking to Fidelity???? This is the majority of my holdings and it's not right. To make matters worse, I'm forced to a simplified view so I can't even make a manual correction to get my totals in the ballpark. I expect more from Fidelity, I'm sure it's on their end.
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Just found another posting that it's happening for others and it's for Fidelity funds!!!!! OMG. How embarrassing I have a vanguard fund (at Fidelity) and a Fidelity fund and the Vanguard is fine and the Fidelity is not. This has been going on for 3 months. Please fix this!
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I have two accounts that are not updating properly out of seven total. started about a week ago.
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I have a Vanguard and a Fidelity account. BOTH get 'an error has occurred'. with NO error code. Schwab as well as every other of my accounts update OK. This only seemed to have started after I updated Windows 10 with the latest updates.
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Similar problem here. Suddenly quit working for Fidelity. Tried deleting and reading and I get some transactions for the last 3 months or so, but there is no initial amount to work against. At any rate, I show a zero balance. Is Banktivity any better, or do they have problems with Fidelity too?
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Just answered my own question by downloading a 30 day demo version. Same problem, shows up as $0.00. Maybe I'll just give up on 401k accounts.
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I tried to add my Fidelity accounts through Netbenefits Worldwide instead of the 401 k option. It worked…sort of. I could not choose the detailed option so I get no transactions, just a total for each account in the 401k. And it used Quicken connect for the transaction type. But at least I have a total for each account now. I do not know what the difference is between the worldwide vs 401k option when choosing Fidelity.
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For giggles I tried to add the accounts using the 401k version of Netbenefits. Now at least I get an error message that says Fidelity is blocking Quicken. Error FDP-105… what does it all mean?
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I am getting the same error as @john303. FDP-105 "URL. Fidelity is blocking Intuit access!" Website unavailable
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For about a month now I've been getting only 4 of my 6 regular fund investments from NetBenefits (it completely ignores 2 of them with no transaction at all). Of the other 4, Quicken constantly asks me if at least 3 of them have changed to different funds and it consistently forgets one of them and pretends like it's a new holding every time.
Fidelity has been a mess with Quicken for most of this year.
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Argh…Just tried to re-add my accounts using the worldwide net benefits and now get the blocking message.
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I have 3 Fidelity accounts, none are NetBenefits. After Fidelity's major outage during the last day of trading yesterday, I have been getting an error message that Quicken cannot connect and asking me to reset up the accounts. Anyone else having this issue?
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We have one Fidelity account and for weeks now it shows 0 balance, even though on-line at Fidelity that is clearly not the case. It also insists on making a related account called "PENDING ESPP CONTRIBUTION" that also has nothing in it. One day, for a fleeting few hours, the correct balance showed up, but now it is back to 0. Have reset connection from scratch multiple times. I am not used to these forums but when I search it seems like lots of people are having similar issues, but they are all listed in different sub-forums.
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Yesterday, my Fidelity account finally listed the correct amount. But I've seen this before, and expect it to go back to zero again soon. (Although I hope not.)
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I too am experiencing issues when it comes to downloading transactions for my Fidelity 401(k) account. Quicken will download ~4 transactions, and thereafter I must manually enter ~4 transactions.
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My Fidelity account has been zeroed out as well. Second time this year.
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Yup, after a couple of days of registering the correct balance, my Fidelity account is back to zero again today.
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NetBenfits account detail information is not download…. no error message just no details since 7/20
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has anyone from Quicken commented here yet? what is the status of, again, fixing this problem?
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@the_loralee I found this alert… no update since July
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That supposedly fixes the missing holdings, but it doesn't seem to address the fact that Fidelity accounts are still selectively downloading securities and making a mess of existing ones that were working until sometime in July. Every week of the 6 funds I invest in through my workplace 401(k), 1 of them downloads as 'unknown' (Vanguard 500 Index Trust) and 2 of them (a couple of Blackrock funds) don't download at all. Those last 2 I have to manually enter every week, requiring a trip to the Fidelity website to lookup transaction history to get the share amount bought since the investment about is fixed week to week.
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I agree. I was hoping that would fix the issues. I am also not getting any downloaded transactions from fidelity netbenefits 401k as well. I open up a tac with quicken and fidelity and still no resolution. The problem started mid July.
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Once again the new Quicken/Mac update has fouled up the download of Fidelity NetBenefits and dropped my balances by 90%. How many times has this have to happen before there is a permanent fix?
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I'll just toss in that my Fidelity account (not NetBenefits as far as I know) continues to oscillate: usually 0, but every week or two the correct balance pops up, but then zeroes out again a couple days later. I've gotten used to sort of ignoring it, and hoping eventually Quicken or Fidelity fixes it. Must be affecting a lot of people, strange that it's taking this long.
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Im getting errors related to fidelity.
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Same. all but 1 of my fidelity mutual funds show up. The one that doesn't is Fidelity Diversified International Commingled Pool Class O. I noticed the fund was renamed Aug 1, 2023. Wonder if that's related at all? Hoping Quicken fixes soon.
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I have had a problem with downloading data from my Fidelity 401(k) account since July 2023. Quicken says it downloaded data, but nothing is transferred to the Quicken account. Is this a Quicken problem or a Fidelity problem?
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Ditto: I and others have had the same question with Fidelity for months. To spice things up even further, many of us have also now found our Thrift Savings Plan balances likewise zeroed out. My guess is they’re unrelated but they sure sound like the same song.
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Yep, same issue! Come on Quicken! At least let us know you are working on it! Need to start shopping for alternatives.