Citi - CC-502



  • jbinbama
    jbinbama Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Is there an issue with connecting to citibank accounts? I haven't been able to update my credit card transactions in 3 days. Just to try it I tried a new quick file and count find my account. No matter what I get a CC-502 error.

  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    I followed boatmaniac's instructions in the Costco Citi Visa thread and now works like a charm. If you still get CC-502 you likely did not go to advanced options first and select Direct Connect.

    [Removed - Speculation]

    I'm thankful for knowledgeable users!

  • Arthur112
    Arthur112 Member ✭✭

    Same issue….

  • rmgubala
    rmgubala Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Are there any updates regarding CC-502 with Citibank cards?

  • cardoctor98
    cardoctor98 Quicken Windows Other Member

    yep. wont download transactions

  • Quicknator
    Quicknator Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Same CC-502 issue past week with Citi. Tried the data management suggestion above without adding new account or deactivating/reactivating existing account - didn't work. For those of you who have deactivated/reactivated your Citi accounts to fix the cc-502 error, please let us know if you are now having CC-800 errors, especially if you have recently restored from backup older than 1 month.

    Background: As a result of deactivating/reactivating accounts in past to fix similar errors, then restoring from a backup greater than 1 month old after other errors, I began getting recurring CC-800 errors several times a week on different accounts. After spending close to 100 hours research and working with support, per their direction, I finally had to make a copy, then reconnect every financial institution in the new file (a whole lot of work, but less than the prior troubleshooting work), which solved the CC-800 issue. However, I am now terrified about the idea of deactivating/reactivating ANY account, until Quicken fixes the CC-800 issues.

    I am awaiting a magic fix from Citi/Quicken - I'll keep trying to connect until it works again, until I hear otherwise from Quicken.

  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭

    No errors for me since "the fix". I did not add a new account. To be more specific, what I did was add Citi to my test file which required going to the Citi website as Quicken properly required. Even though Quicken was already there as an approved third party, I let it do it again with the 10 minute warning clock running on their site. Went to advanced and was sure it was Direct Connect. Finished and it worked.

    The clock still had 8 minutes left so I went to my LIVE file in Quicken. Deactivated Citi. Reactivated and made sure Advanced showed Direct Connect as it defaulted to EWC, entered login and password and it found the account. I changed from Add to Quicken to Link to Exisiting and all was just as desired. Balance was fine. Next OSU got two recent duplicates which I deleted. And now "whole" with Citi - at least for a little while.

    Some of this was intuitive for me as I have had to do similar before. Some a little different than boatmaniac posted. Same end result.

    FWIW, I think restoring from a backup that old will always bring issues with it. I try to be within a few days if I ever need to restore. In fact, if I suspect I may need to restore (too darn often woith Quicken) I copy my current live file to my desktop. GThen if I need, I rename the most current and dragand copy the desktop saved file back to the Quicken folder and usually pretty good. May have to resync to the Quicken servers but has always been less problems FOR ME than a restore from backup.

    OK, time for coffee….

  • Orris
    Orris Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Unable to connect to Citibank checking for the last 3 days. De-activated account and tried to add account. Same result. Removed 2 step authentication from Citibank. Same results error code CC-502.

  • Quicknator
    Quicknator Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the clarification, Bob. That way does seem safer and more efficient. I have intuitively tried the copy method you described in the past, and you’re absolutely right - way fewer problems and faster.

    Unfortunately, my cc-800 errors were going on too long to restore from a more recent backup and I don’t want to risk the deactivate/reactivate process on my freshly cleaned copy to clean the cc-502 errors, then get the cc-800 errors back.

    My advice to Quicken was, the whole point of a backup is to safely restore (one way or another). If not possible to safely restore, the backup is worthless.

  • jbrown08322
    jbrown08322 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Same here. Don't have the 2 step turned on, go to Citi's "Manage Your Desktop Apps" and start it. But Quicken still can't connect to their site.

  • jbrown08322
    jbrown08322 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Same here. Don't have the 2 step turned on, go to Citi's "Manage Your Desktop Apps" and start it. But Quicken still can't connect to their site.

  • Ploooplooo
    Ploooplooo Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Same problem with Citibank bank accounts. Seems to be timing out.

  • jbrown08322
    jbrown08322 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I followed the Linda Morgan link noted earlier ( ) and was finally able to link back to my Citi Credit Card account.

  • S Eri
    S Eri Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I have been having problem with Citi CC for couple of months. Costco card has been the most problematic. I tried the suggestion given by UKR but that did not work (Thanks, it was a good starting point), until I selected the "Costco Anywhere Visa Card by Citi". Now I can download my CC transactions.

    I went to Tools > Add Account > Select ""Costco Anywhere Visa Card by Citi". Connection Method: Express Web Connect

    Connected all Citi accounts, not just Costco. I was able to download all accounts.

  • outdoorgrl
    outdoorgrl Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Is there a way to be notified when Quicken has this fixed? After other accounts downloaded this morning, Quicken gave me a notice about Citi problem with an option to be notified of updates on the issue and resolution. Did anyone else get this? When I clicked on it, it just sent me to the generic community support page. Maybe I did something wrong but does anyone know of another way of being notified by Quicken of progress on Citi CC502?

  • outdoorgrl
    outdoorgrl Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Son of a gun, I simply re-tried downloading Citi credit card transactions and it worked fine.🙄

  • jamessite
    jamessite Member ✭✭

    I was able to finally download my Citibank checking account transactions. It looks like things are back to normal for now.

  • Kroth
    Kroth Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    resolved without any workaround this morning

  • husslein
    husslein Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    While none of the above "solutions" resolving, mysteriously — without any changes, my personal Citi accounts (checking, savings, and credit card) worked! I noticed it working as my Citi business accounts, which had remained untouched (and not working) during this latest cc-502 ordeal, successfully online synced/updated. In attempting the various above, I had deactivated online for my Citi Personal and had to reactivate it using the usual method. Using the regular Citi (not Citi cards) which works for my checking/savings/credit cards.

  • sangley
    sangley Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    After multiple days of failure including this morning and multiple times yesterday, Just tried it a second time this morning and it worked. I would not assume all it well but I can report that it worked the second time this morning. Reliability needs work.

  • TomKinFL
    TomKinFL Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Just tried it a second time this morning and it worked.

  • DavdM
    DavdM Member ✭✭

    Still issues with Citi this morning. I was able to connect and download my Citi transactions, but it took f-o-r-e-v-e-r ; a bit over 10 minutes of the "Downloading Transactions" window with the little spinning circle. BTW, it's impossible to close that Downloading Transactions window when it's not responding or taking too long. The only way out is to bring up Task Manager and close out Quicken from there. This is a long time issue with Quicken and it would be nice if Quicken would provide a fix to be able to close this window when things aren't responding or taking too long.

  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭

    Quicken has promised this fix for hanging OSU, but with no ETA. I started a suggestion topic here for an END or CANCEL button in OSU and they agreed. One day.

    Kudos for whoever at Quicken or Citi actually responded and got EWC working again. I'm going to sticj=k with Direct COnnect until they nolonger support it. It is MUCH faster and has cut my OSU time down.

  • crwalejr
    crwalejr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    This fixed the problem for me. First, went to my Citi Account in Quicken, then selected Edit Account Details and then the Online Services tab. I deactivated the account in Quicken. I then clicked on the General Tab in Account Details screen. Make sure that in the Financial institutions area of the General tab it says "Citi Cards". I also deleted information in "Account Number" area of the screen. I then clicked on the Online Services tab again in Account Details. I left the Account Details screen open in Quicken so that I could access it quickly later.

    I then went online to Citi website and logged into my credit card account. I navigated to the "Manage Your Desktop Apps" page and selected "Add Access". I selected Continue on the next popup screen that asked "Allow Access" and a screen with a 10 minute countdown appeared which allows me 10 minutes to go back to Quicken and Activate the account. I then went back to the Online Services screen that I had left open in Quicken and activated the account. Worked like a charm. Hope this helps with your issue.

  • Crewdog68
    Crewdog68 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Same for all Citi Credit cards for me. Sigh.

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Have you tried doing what many others are saying resolved the issue for them (changing the connection to Citi Cards and selecting Direct Connect)? The process is spelled out in several places in this thread (some with more detail than others), including in the thread immediately prior to your post.

    If you do try doing this, make sure you first deactivate each of your Citi credit cards or the process will not work properly.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

  • DFC
    DFC Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    edited September 2023

    Hello All - Thanks for all your responses. I just got off a chat with Quicken support. They stated that it's not Quicken's fault for the error. It's Citi's fault. Apparently, Citi is upgrading the web connect function. Seems like those of us that use Citi should received some type of refund. I was told that I could just download transactions from Citi's website. Not cool. I'm paying for the functionality of Quicken. Oh well. [Removed - Solicitation]

  • Barry Bloom
    Barry Bloom Member ✭✭

    Boatmaniac - yes I tried it as stated & did deactivate - did not work

    Remember just because a workaround worked for some it may not work for others - anyway that ultimately not the solution unfortunately - we can't blame users or Quicken

    Citibank download function has always been marginal at best

  • fitz6544
    fitz6544 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    Just Downloaded transactions this evening. Seems it's fixed…maybe. I didn't change of do anything different to the account.

This discussion has been closed.