PNC Bank Direct Connect - Not Downloading or Taking Transfers

fnatale1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

Been on phone and at computer all morning and afternoon trying to get PNC Direct Connect working again. Was not downloading although the system gave me green check boxes. Was not uploading transfer instructions. I'm at a loss. PNC Direct Connect does not seem to be communicating with Quicken. I've been working with PNC Online Support to no avail. We've disconnected and reconnected all accounts. Still not taking my transfer direction. Transfers show up as manual, but the upload request is not being processed by the bank. I need/want Direct Connect to keep all my bill pay vendors. Help!! I need this connection to work. I suspect that PNC must have recently done something on their end to disrupt (usually the case).


  • jfclague
    jfclague Member ✭✭✭✭

    PNC direct connect has also been down since Sunday for me. I am not on the latest versions (52.19/.20) and Windows.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod
    edited September 2023

    Hello All,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to report this issue, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.

    We have forwarded this issue to the proper channels to have this further investigated. In the meantime, we request that you please navigate to Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files attached and (if you are willing) a sanitized copy of your data file in order to contribute to the investigation.

    While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.

    We apologize for any inconvenience!

    Thank you.  


    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • fnatale1
    fnatale1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    This problem has not been resolved. PNC and Quicken still not communicating via Direct Connect. I obtained a new PIN number from PNC. Deactivated/Reactivated all accounts. Tried to connect again without success. Quicken reaches out to PNC and within a second returns a "green" radio button stating that all accounts are up to date with 0 new transactions. This is wrong! I have plenty of new transactions that are not downloading. I was able to download two new accounts, but no transactions are downloading or uploading. PNC is not taking my Quicken transfer commands. Please help!!

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    My primary bank is PNC and it is set up with DC and DC Bank Bill Pay. I have not been having any issues recently with setting up and sending bill payments and transfers.

    In my experience with PNC (which goes back only about 2 yrs) there have been only a few significant DC connection issues. Every one of those connection issues needed to be resolved by PNC's Tier 3 tech support. PNC's Tier 1 & Tier 2 Customer Service can sometimes help some but often they know little to nothing about Quicken. Be sure to ask to speak to PNC's Tier 3 about this if you have not already done so.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭


    1. Does the Online Services tab of Account Details show your PNC account(s) are set up with DC and does it show it is enabled for Bank Bill Pay (see what is shaded in yellow in the following picture)?
    2. In the Account Register, below the Account Name does it show when the last download occurred and that the account is set up with DC?

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • fnatale1
    fnatale1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Boatnmaniac, thank you for your response. I confirmed and verified that all of my 8 accounts are set up correctly. Registers and Account Details all say "Direct Connect". One thing that I can't verify is whether I was using Bank Bill Pay or Quicken Bill Manager. I think the latter, but I'm just not sure. I've been using Quicken for over 30 years now. I started paying bills through it via Quicken Bill Manager or its predecessor during the time when they used to charge you a nominal fee for the service.

    In an attempt to see if the Bank Bill Pay/Quicken Bill Manager is my issue, I deactivated all Quicken Bill Manager accounts and only activated PNC Bank Bill Pay. All 8 accounts are now set for Bank Bill Pay. I attempted to yet again connect with the bank. Unfortunately, I'm still a fish out of water. A connection of some kind is made showing a green radio button, but no downloads occur.

    I've seen your recommendation of contacting PNC Support and asking for a Level 3 tech. I think I'm going to try this, as I'm really frustrated. I've been using Quicken to pay my bills forever. I've got so many automatic payments set that I don't even know where to begin outside of Quicken. Problem is that some bills are due, and I really wanted to get this mess fixed before having to resort to an alternative approach.

    Quick question for you regarding Bank Bill Pay and Quicken Bill Manager. Can you have both activated at the same time? Can you have some accounts on Quicken and others on Bank Bill Pay? I'm thinking that this Quicken vs Bank Bill Pay might have something to do with my connection issues, but I just don't know.

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @fnatale1 - Some comments:

    Registers and Account Details all say "Direct Connect".

    Good. But I also asked if the Account Register page also shows the last download date and time. What it shows or does not show there can help to identify whether or not a certain issue exists that can prevent transactions from downloading.

    Bank Bill Pay and Quicken Bill Manager

    You talk about "transfers" and then you talk about bill payments. Those are 2 very different things. Transfers can only be accomplished between your various PNC accounts, they cannot be used to pay bills from other companies outside of PNC. So, are you trying to do transfers or pay bills or both?

    Also, have you been able to set up these transfers or bill payments with PNC Bank before and was that done with Bank Bill Pay or Quicken Bill Manager?

    If you have not used Bank Bill Pay with PNC Bank before: Have you enabled this service in your online PNC Bank account? You cannot do transfers and bill payments with Bank Bill Pay until you first enable that service.

    BTW, transfers cannot be done with Quicken Bill Manager. If you want to do transfers you will need to use Bank Bill Pay or schedule them in your online PNC account.

    I do not use Quicken Bill Manager so I do not know if having both Bank Bill Pay and Quicken Bill Manager enabled is possible. Maybe someone will correct me but I think it is possible. What I do know is that if you have both enabled on the Online Services tab of Account Details you will need to be very careful in how you are setting up bill payments inside Quicken because if you select the wrong service when trying to pay bills or send transfers you will not get the results you expect to see. So if you have Bill Reminders and bill payments set up in Quicken for PNC, make sure that they are set up for Bank Bill Pay and not for Quicken Bill Manager.

    You did the right thing in disabling Quicken Bill Manager for PNC. Bank Bill Pay is far more reliable and trouble free than Quicken Bill Manager is. And Bank Bill Pay is 100% free for as many bills as you want to pay each month (unless you have a business account for which I think the monthly fee charged by PNC is $2.50) whereas Quicken Bill Manager does have a monthly quantity limit.

    Also, if you have bills and transfers that need to be processed by PNC now I would suggest that you log into your online PNC account and schedule those payments and transfers there. You should then manually enter those scheduled payments and transfers in Quicken (they will not get downloaded until after the payments and transfers have posted) but at least then you can feel confident that they will then get paid. Once your DC connection issue(s) are resolved you will no longer need to do this.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • fnatale1
    fnatale1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Boatnmaniac, thanks again for your comments. Some additional info on my end.

    1. Registers and Account Details both say Direct Connect. Further, Date and Time of last download is present. However, no downloaded information is found. It seems like PNC is connecting with me but never downloading or uploading transactions. The connection happens way too fast. I get a green radio button almost immediately. Only downloaded info is connection date/time stamp. No transactions.
    2. By "transfers", I mean internal PNC account to PNC account transfers of funds. For example, I could initiate a transfer from my PNC Savings account to fund my PNC Checking account. I used to be able to do this through Quicken. Now, I can initiate the transfer, but the command does not get executed by the bank, It remains in Online Center.
    3. I'm still unable to connect this morning. I should say, that it appears that I can connect, but downloading and uploading is not functioning. I'm going to call PNC now to see if I can get a Level 3 tech to help me sort this out. I read in some of these posts that the only way to get this working again was to revert back to a previously saved version of my Quicken file or delete the accounts completely and start fresh. Hoping it doesn't come to either. Been a real nightmare for me. I think I'm late for a mortgage payment.
  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    First, I strongly recommend that you do not delete your accounts. Deleting accounts to fix a problem is usually not a solution (except perhaps if during initial account creations and setups when something went wrong during that process). And doing that usually ends up creating a lot more issues because all that history is lost and any transactions with other accounts is lost messing up those other accounts. For most issues there is a relatively non-disruptive solution. It's just a matter of how long it might take to find what that solution is.

    How did your discussion with PNC's Tier 3 go?

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • fnatale1
    fnatale1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭


    Still not connecting correctly. Interestingly enough, transactions downloaded tonight during a One Step Update. I thought the problem was finally fixed. Celebrated too soon. Upon attempting to initiate an internal account transfer from Savings to Checking via Quicken, I was greeted by the all too familiar response of the transaction not uploading and remaining in the On Line Center window.

    I have not deleted any accounts, although I strongly considered doing so. I, however, did elect to archive data. My quicken file was really too big. I had transactions still in the register dating back to 2007.

    Although the file is much smaller and I went through the process of validating the file, I'm still not connecting cleanly with DC. PNC Level 3 Help didn't provide any real relief, unfortunately. They took some of my data files and were going to confer with Quicken Support, where I have an active open ticket still in play.

    My plan tomorrow is to try to get Quicken on the phone to see if they can further help with the problem. I'm so disappointed that the download that happened this afternoon didn't stick. I thought we had it licked, but alas, I'm still a fish out of water.

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @fnatale1 - Sorry to hear you are still having problems. PNC Tier 3 is usually quite helpful in resolving DC issues.

    Do you have Mobile & Web Sync turned on? If so, you might want to try turning it off and then trying to run OSU, again, to see if that helps.

    It that doesn't help then perhaps there might be some corruption (just a guess on my part) in your data file. You might want to consider deactivating the PNC account(s) in question (backup your data file first). Then do Add Account and let Quicken add them as NEW account(s) and don't link it to your existing account(s). When done, try sending a transfer command to PNC during OSU.

    If this works then it would tend to confirm that there is something with your current PNC accounts set up that has become corrupted. If this works, you could then close your existing accounts or if you wish you could move all of the transactions history from there into your new accounts.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • fnatale1
    fnatale1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Boatnmaniac - Another day of Help Desk calls with both Quicken and PNC turned into no fruitful solution. Quicken went through series of steps to reset my account. While promising, nothing seemed to work. PNC is trying to contact the Level 3 who somehow got things to download that one time for me. She's supposed to reach out to me tomorrow.

    I just deactivated Mobile & Web Sync and attempted to update the PNC accounts again. No dice. Same blasted response. Says that all accounts have been updated, but nothing gets either uploaded or downloaded. In fact, now the resulting info is suggesting that my accounts have been downloaded successfully as of 12/18/2026! How is that even possible??!

    I'm beginning to think that there is some kind of corruption in my file. Might attempt your suggestion of deactivating and downloading as new accounts. Might also consider setting up a new "test" file with just PNC accounts. Purpose will be to test to see if we can download and upload.

    The challenge for me is that I have so many bank accounts and credit cards and brokerage accounts and the like built into my file that rebuilding a new one is probably not worth it to me. I love Direct Connect, but I'm at the stage where I might just have to abandon the damn thing and roll with Web Connect to at least get the download functionality. Certainly not what I ever dreamed would have to happen.

    Only other solution that I can potentially think of trying is reverting back to a saved file from before this mess started happening to me. That would take me back to early September. Might be worth a shot. It would, of course, require that I redownload a month's worth of transactions, but if it gets Direct Connect back, I'd be thrilled.

    I've spend countless hours trying to solve this issue without any success. The only glimmer of hope came a couple of days ago when that one download happened. I just can't seem to get it to happen again and regularly. Forget about uploads.

  • rmosko
    rmosko Quicken Windows 2016 Member ✭✭

    I was having what sounds like the same problem: I was not getting any transactions to download for my PNC accounts through Direct Connect (a few) and Web Connect (one acct)

    I don't know if you tried this, but today I (backed up and) ran my Quicken file through "Validate and Repair File…", and that appears to have solved my problem.

  • JeffJ2
    JeffJ2 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Thank you rmosko!!! The "Validate and Repair File…" fixed my transaction download issue.

  • fnatale1
    fnatale1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭


    THANK YOU!!! I, too, just completed a "Validate and Repair File…" and I am now able to reconnect via Direct Connect. All accounts are downloading transactions once again. This needs to be shared with the masses.

    @Quicken Kristina

    Please note the fix to this PNC Direct Connect issue. Many have been challenged with the inability to download or upload transactions with PNC. I was actually forced to move my connection method to Web Connect for a couple of months. I elected to try to reconnect via Direct Connect when I saw that some fixes were implemented in the latest Quicken Version. Unfortunately, the fixes did not work for me. However, this Validate and Repair seemed to fix all connection issues with Direct Connect. I'm downloading and uploading once again. Please somehow distribute to Quicken analysts and perhaps PNC analysts.

  • I had the exact same issue. The "Validate and Repair File…" resolved the issue. Thank you!!

  • pmarker
    pmarker Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I was having the same problem of PNC not able to send bill payments or transactions downloading. When I first contacted Quicken they said it was because my PNC Checking accounts were not setup to use Direct Connect and I needed to contact PNC to get a Pin number to setup my Direct Connect. I contacted PNC and they sent me a Pin number via US Postal email which took a week to get. After getting the PIN number the Direct connection setup seem to setup correctly with no errors but now none of of my PNC Savings or Checking accounts would download transactions even thought Quicken did not show any errors. I worked both with PNC and Quicken to try to resolve the issue but nothing seem to work. Finally I created a new test Quicken file and added the PNC Savings and Checking accounts and it worked on the new file. So there was something wrong with my existing file and it was corrupt. I tried the tool to Validate and Repair my data file and that did not worked. While working with Quicken support they noticed how large my Quicken file since I had data back to 2007. I used the Create and Copy advanced option under the Copy and Backup File option and I copied only data back to 2020. After doing that and setting Direct Connect backup for PNC accounts everything started to work. So the issue seem to be that my Data File was to large or it made it corrupt. Quicken also seems to work faster now since my data file is smaller. Hope this helps others with the same problem.

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