Separate transactions with duplicate amounts not downloading.

Multiple times in the past week I've noticed that after downloading transactions from two of my credit cards, transactions are missing (one is with a Barclay's US credit card using EWC, the other with an AMEX card using EWC+). In each instance I've picked this up because the account doesn't reconcile and I have to go back through the transaction list on the credit card website to find the missing transactions. What I've noticed in this process is that the missing transactions have all had the same amount as a recent previous transaction for the account. So I suspect that this is an instance where error checking to avoid downloading duplicate transactions isn't working correctly. Obviously this is a HUGE issue for me - it is extremely tedious to go back through my credit card transactions in Quicken and compare them to the online list to find what is missing.
Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere, I didn't find the identical information in other posts.
It could be that the transactions were "matched" to the older transaction. Do you have auto-enter downloaded transactions turned on OR are you individually accepting the transactions.
-splasher using Q continuously since 1996
- Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
-Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list0 -
This is happening to me, too - bigtime!!! My understanding is that transactions we manually enter in the register do not have a downloaded ID and for this reason, the system should add new transactions EVEN IF WE HAVE MANUALLY ADDED THE MISSING ONES. Something else is at play here. I am missing a number of transactions daily from one bank, for sure, and possibly two. Can't say for sure about the second bank, because I don't really have enough daily transactions downloaded from the second bank to draw a meaningful comparison. Have you tried deactivating and reactivating the account with the missing downloads? This might at least get you the missing transactions - it did for me, but again the next day when I run one-step update, there are more missing transactions. This is a serious issue.
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This is happening to me the past couple of weeks too and as you said, it's a huge issue. I've been watching closely to see if I was accidentally accepting transactions that were tagged as "match" transactions in the downloaded transactions feed, but that is not the case and the transactions are simply not showing up to be accepted or matched and effectively they are being ignored. To be clear, this is happening with any transaction that has the same amount from the same vendor to another recent transaction (example, parking twice in the same parking garage for the same amount of $ in the same week but on different days and the 2nd transaction never appears). I noticed the same thing with my balance not matching the online balance and then needed to go through tens/hundreds of transactions looking for what quicken ignored. Needs to be fixed ASAP!
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I'm having the same issue on my Chase credit card, but I'm using Quicken for macOS.
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Has anyone looked in the log files to see if the transactions were/were not included in the download to determine if it is an aggregator issue or Quicken's handling of the downloaded transactions?
-splasher using Q continuously since 1996
- Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
-Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list1 -
Since this is a "universal problem" not restricted to the financial institutions listed above, I will answer yes, I have looked at it as best it can be done by a user (since we only have access to the logs between Quicken and the Quicken Connection Services):
When using Express Web Connect/Express Web Connect + (for Quicken Mac it would be whatever Quicken Connect uses for a log file) the log file to look at is the Cloud Sync Log.
Here is an example:
{"id":"419594857396922624","createdAt":"2024-02-14T15:40:24Z","modifiedAt":"2024-02-14T15:40:24Z","source":"QCS_REFRESH","accountId":"419033322467453185","postedOn":"2024-02-13","payee":"MCDONALD'S FX2627","coa":{"type":"UNCATEGORIZED","id":"0"},"amount":-4.3600,"state":"CLEARED","matchState":"NOT_MATCHED","knownCategoryId":"2250600000","cpData":{"id":"202402131044041240117#20240117","postedOn":"2024-02-13","txnOn":"2024-02-12","payee":"MCDONALD'S FX2627","amount":-4.3600,"inferredPayee":"McDonald's","inferredCoa":{"type":"UNCATEGORIZED","id":"0"},"cpCategoryId":"706","mcc":5812},"mlKnownCategoryId":2250600000,"mlInferredPayee":"mcdonald's","type":"CASH_FLOW"},
That in bold is the unique Id used in Quicken. Anyways my "missing duplicate transaction" is a purchase at McDonald's for $4.36. The "second one" was "discovered missing" when I got another transaction that was charged on the day after this one. So, I looked at the Cloud Sync log and found that it wasn't in there (but the other transaction charged on the same day was). I tried Resetting the account and still didn't get it. Note that these days with Express Web Connect + resetting the account means you have to go through reauthorize too. Then I deactivated and reactivated the account, and it showed up, both in my Quicken account and in the Cloud Sync log, with a different unique Id. If you look at that unique Id and I tell you that these transactions were charged a couple of days apart, it become obvious that this isn't a problem where the financial institution is creating duplicate unique Ids since the date is first part of that unique Id. Note that I did the deactivate/reactivate on the 15th. Look at the postedOn and txnOn dates.
And yes, I sent my logs. I would suspect that they have tons of such logs by now.
This is my website: -
Both for a bank account which receives multiple Zelle deposits of the same amount, and for a credit card which has charges for different amounts to the same business, multiple transactions have been missing from downloads over the past several weeks. An additional problem for many months has been that for one credit card, the indicated online balance is off by a penny, so I have to reconcile manually.
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I am having this issue in at least two accounts. I have an automatic reload feature on my Starbucks app, so when it reloads it is for the same amount it reloaded maybe a week ago and Quicken is not even showing the transaction at all! At first I thought maybe it was "matching" it to a transaction from a few days previous but it is not even showing up in the new transactions to accept. This constant babysitting of my accounts is certainly not what I'm paying for. Does anybody know if Quicken has this as a listed known issue?
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@loridow Yes, they know about the problem, but as of yet have not announced any fix (or other status).
This is my website: -
Yes, I have looked at the logs also, and the behavior is quite consistent. When there is a transaction missing, the data for that transaction is also missing in the file "Cloud Sync Log" (this is the relevant log file for Quicken for Windows). You can get to this file by going to Help - Contact Support - Log Files.
I have sent in 2 reports to Quicken already for this issue, and will be doing another one now, since I had another missing transaction this morning.
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There are many threads here on this issue. I just wish Quicken would at the very least acknowledge the issue and state that they are working on a patch for it. The silence from them is deafening!
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There isn't going to be a "patch", because the problem isn't in Quicken (the program) it is on the server(s). And other than maybe announcing they fixed it sometime way after people find it fixed, they aren't going to tell us what they fixed. This is just standard operating procedure for Quicken Inc.
This is my website: -
I have been experiencing the same problem with my Bank Of America accounts. Please help me understand. When you state the problem is on the server(s) please explain why this isn't a Quicken problem. Thank you.
You Don't Have to Have a Point, To Have A Point
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The confusion is the term "Quicken". People are using it to refer to both the program and the company.
Quicken (the program) isn't the cause of this problem, but this certainly is a problem for Quicken Inc (the company).
They send out patches for Quicken (the program). I stated that that isn't going to happen (at least not to fix this problem). How can I be so sure?
Because Quicken Mac has the same problem and hasn't had a patch update in quite a long time.
Just in case people don't know, the flow of data for Express Web Connect and Express Web Connect + is:
Quicken (the program) ←> Quicken Connection Services (Quicken servers/Quicken Cloud dataset is where the data is stored and is the same place Sync to Mobile/Web is stored) ←> Intuit (Quicken Inc pays Intuit as their aggregator) ←> financial institution.
So, we know the problem isn't in Quicken (the program), and it isn't the financial institution, because this is hitting multiple financial institutions.
That leaves the "servers" (Quicken Inc's or Intuit's). But my guess is that it is the Quicken server. It doesn't really matter to the customer though.
When the fix this, someone will make a change on the server and then it will just start working. Someone will certainly know they made the change before the customers know, but they won't be sure of that change until the customers start reporting that it is fixed. That is why I say that the customers will know before they announce it is fixed. The customer announcements are the actual "confirming" before announcing.
This is my website: -
Thanks for all of the feedback. This is happening on multiple accounts on a regular basis. I've also seen the $0.01 error consistently as well. Deactivating/reactivating the accounts don't fix the problem. I'm convinced as others have indicated that the issue isn't with the Quicken desktop software but with the information provided to Quicken via the EWC/EWC+ process.
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I'm reporting that a missing Bank Of America credit card transaction from 2/3/2024 downloaded Tuesday night 2/20/2024 at about 10pm eastern time.
This transaction has been missing for 17 days and has now been found.
The transaction 'matched' to the one I entered manually. The Downloaded posting date is now recorded as 2/3/2024 although it actually downloaded on 2/20/2024
You Don't Have to Have a Point, To Have A Point
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I am having exactly the same problem on my Mac with Quicken subscription. It happens when the transaction is the same, like when I go buy my coffee every few days at the same coffee shop with the same order and tip.
When I talked to support they would not acknowledge the issue. It must be the bank or me. I am glad that I am not alone in this.
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Still not fixed. Today when I I did a OSU there was one missing transaction from my Chase Visa account. A transaction for the same amount at the same vendor happened last week. I had to manually enter it and mark it as cleared.
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There continues to be a mess in my Quicken! This morning another same dollar amount/same vendor transaction did not download from my American Express Account. Then in my Wells Fargo account, a deposit that had not appeared when it was deposited on 1/29/24 suddenly appeared today….almost a month later! This has reached a point with Quicken where this level of errors on a daily basis is unacceptable.
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I am afraid if you think Quicken will fix this, you and I will be disappointed.
I have had this problem for a month now. Last week, after nearly two hours on the phone with support, I was assured it was escalated and would be fixed in a few days.
This morning the problem remains. I called Quicken to check status and was told no escalation existed. Then they wanted to go through the same tedious steps again.
The message from Quicken seems to be, we want you to get tired of asking and go away.
Message received. Mission accomplished.
To everyone, good luck.
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I've been having this same problem for over a month as well.
Y'all should just be thankful if you don't regularly take subways in NYC… it's a $2.90 flat fare, every single time you ride. Yeah, that definitely makes a mess of my credit card account when I try to reconcile it in Quicken
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I understand what you're saying, but…. I believe I fixed the problem (at least temporarily) on my system by the following steps. Here is a copy/paste from my post of a few minutes ago….
I finally fixed the issue of missing transactions for my "Bank of America - All Other States" accounts (8 of them). It seemed that whatever steps I tried, they did not work, so I thought the problem was somehow with the .QDF file, even though the "validate and repair" process did NOT detect a problem. Here is what I did. I hope this info helps you resolve your issue:
First, I deactivated ALL of those accounts (for Bank of America - All Other States).
Next, I added back Bank of America - All Other States, but I had to give each account a DIFFERENT NAME when adding it, so I would not add to or delete the data for the existing account. When asked if I wish to add, link or not add those accounts, I chose to add new accounts (so I could see if the Bank was downloading all of the transactions when adding back. It did indeed add ALL of the transactions, including those that had been missing from the pre-existing data.
I then looked carefully at the existing accounts: Any existing account with missing data was then targeted to be rebuilt.
Since the bank downloads only a certain number of days of transactions, I had to COPY transactions prior to the earliest downloaded transaction date from the existing data into the NEW download (easily distinguishable, because I changed the account names (above)).
I made sure the online balance was equal to the new balance shown in the newly downloaded register, which now also had the copied transactions predating the earliest downloaded transaction date.
If the balances were off, it was because of a missing or duplicate transaction in the old (copied) transaction records, and not in the newly downloaded transactions (assuming the online balance and the register balance were the same right after the download completed).
I then adjusted the starting balance so that the ending register balance for that account would equal the online balance.
I then monitored carefully newly downloaded data each day to make sure the online balance for that account equaled the register balance. It worked - apparently, this rebuilt the account record and I could then delete the old (existing) record for that specific account.
After deleting the old (existing) record for the specific account, I deactivated the accounts, again, and renamed the new account back to the name of the old account (an unnecessary step, but one I performed just to maintain the same account names and naming conventions that I use in Quicken). I then reactivated the accounts and added back the accounts, LINKING them to the existing (and fixed) accounts in my register.
After monitoring these accounts since the last week in February, I am pleased to say this problem has not occurred again. I had been having this problem on a daily basis, as transactions were missing every day there were new transactions that were downloaded. So, it does seem these steps have fixed the problem.
Hope this helps.
I should mention that I did not check any of the logs, but from the above, it seems the problem was unique to my .qdf file. How else can you explain the fact that the newly added accounts for the same bank account did NOT have missing transactions AND that my fix (even though possibly only temporary) has corrected the problem for well over 3 weeks now, when the problem WAS occurring daily?
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My most serious problems with Quicken were handled by perseverance and logic — NOT by Quicken Support. They often repeat tedious steps and assume we do not understand what we are doing. Bad assumption. Makes things worse when you realize you know more about their software than their "tech support."