Add true multi-currency conversion support in Quicken for Mac (317 Legacy/Merged Votes)



  • osvaldo
    osvaldo Member ✭✭

    I dont know what's so difficult,Quicken Windows 4 in Spanish had multicurrency support, it was great, hope we get such a multi currency support soon

  • J-C Bailly
    J-C Bailly Member ✭✭✭

    Many other foreign versions also had multi-currency support thirty years ago. This feature request for the Mac version was started in 2016 and acknowledged by Quicken as "planned"…

    Well eight years later, is it still planned or in development?

    Nobody knows since there is a total lack of transparency as far as development in progress is concerned, and for many, we still have to maintain a BootCamp partition on our Mac solely for Quicken for Windows!

    An update on this topic would be most welcome for what is, otherwise, a splendid software.

  • I just discovered that transactions are not included in my budget if they are associated with an account using a different currency than my budget. Now that I've figured it out, it makes sense - the budget needs to aggregate transactions from multiple accounts and would need some way to know how to handle different currencies. However, this is quite frustrating as I am an expat and spend regularly in both the US and EU, and want to include all of those transactions in a single budget. For the time being, I need to incorrectly classify US checking accounts as using the Euro.

    I really like Quicken, but have been flirting with using PocketSmith instead as they offer much better multi-currency support and feed integrations with non-US institutions. They do it through an integrator (Plaid, I believe). I prefer Quicken tooling, but the lack of international support is a continual thorn in my side.