How do I turn-off "Is this the next scheduled payment to XXXX Credit Card"?

When I record a transaction where the payee is Amazon, I get prompted: "Is this the next scheduled payment to Amazon Prime Card . . . " I also get this for transaction for Kohls, Lowes, Hilton, Micro Center and Walmart because I have Quicken accounts for each of their store cards. This is been a problem for a long time now and I am sick of it. How do I turn if off?

Are these prompts referred to as a "suggest reminder" or are they called something else?

My settings Suggested Reminders is set to:

  • "Review my accounts for suggested reminders" is unchecked
  • "Suggest Reminders based on my past activity" is unchecked
  • "Undo Reminders you have declined . . . ." is grayed-out
  • "Decline all suggested reminders" is grayed-out


  • mshiggins
    mshiggins Quicken Windows 2017 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    There is no way currently to turn off the prompt asking if a transaction is the next scheduled reminder. But apparently you are not alone in wanting to be able to turn off that prompt. Here is an idea to enable turning off that prompt. I recommend you add your vote and comments there:

    Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
    Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • Stuart Boyle
    Stuart Boyle Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks for that. I'm getting past the point of frustration. This is not the only problem I'm dealing with. Maybe if I rename the accounts by adding the letter "z" prefix it will trick the program to not prompt the user. So "Amazon Prime Card" become "zAmazon Prime Card".

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If I understand you correctly, you have defined scheduled reminders for making your monthly credit card payments.

    When it's time to make the payment, how exactly do you record this payment transaction?
    Do you record the next instance of the scheduled reminder on or before the Due Date and BEFORE you download bank transactions containing the transfer confirmations?
    Or do you go to your checking account register and start typing a new transaction using the same payee name as the scheduled reminder?
    Or do you wait until the transfer transaction confirmations download from the bank and credit cards?

    I always record the next instance of the scheduled reminder at the time I receive the new statement, about 3 weeks before Due Date, using one of the Manage Bill and Income Reminder views.
    The "next scheduled payment" question only rarely comes up for me and only when there is/was a need for recording an extra transaction for this payee name (which I try to avoid)

  • Stuart Boyle
    Stuart Boyle Member ✭✭✭

    I schedule reminders for all my credit cards for the last day of the month. So currently, my next due date is July 31st. I pay before the "true" due date.

    When the last day of the month comes around, I make the payment on credit card company's website and then enter in Quicken by going into "Bill and Income Reminders" and selecting "Enter" under "Action. This is always before the "true" due date.

    What's puzzling, is that these prompts are not smart enough to know that if I was making a payment on a credit card, there would be a payment from a Banking account and the Category field would include a transfer to a Card Card account.

  • TomUpNorth
    TomUpNorth Member ✭✭✭

    I might have seen this once but never regularly Stuart, and my Reminder options are same as yours. FWIW none of my CC reminders are Auto, all are Upcoming so I have to remember to pay them on time. Then, each of my reminders' options under "Edit this and future…" are set for the date due and "Remind me 3 days in advance" and I normally enter them as Paid around the first of the month. That is because I typically get all my statements by the 1st and then I reconcile them and go to my Bill Pay system at my bank, and set them to be paid on their due date which is then a couple/three weeks later.

    Quicken Classic Deluxe for Windows, Subscription, Windows 7 Professional x64

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    This is the kind of problems in Quicken that sort of irritate me.

    I can certainly see the rational for such a feature, but to me when you find that you are making "wild guesses" then you don't implement such a feature. And I might add that the dialog box that comes up doesn't provide the user with enough information to make a good decision. So, even that part of the implementation is bad.

    The whole reason for asking for this to be optional is because it just doesn't work right. If it worked right (and I'm not sure that could ever be done given the nature of the problem and data available) then no one would be asking for this "feature" to turn it off.

    This is my website:
  • GeoffG
    GeoffG Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2024


    "The whole reason for asking for this to be optional is because it just doesn't work right. If it worked right (and I'm not sure that could ever be done given the nature of the problem and data available) then no one would be asking for this "feature" to turn it off."

    I beg to differ. If you have all recurring activities scheduled as UKR was alluding to, you will not see this prompt. The key is setting the timing of the reminder to coincide to on or just before the downloaded income or expense transaction posts. I have set every recurring transaction for income, transfers and expenses to a scheduled reminder and never see this prompt, unless there are multiple transactions for the same day or next few days, which occurs seldom for me.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @GeoffG What you stated is "how to avoid a 'feature' that doesn't work right".

    My point is that the 'feature' doesn't work right and probably should have never been created. And that is the reason people want to turn it off. The fact that there is a "workaround" doesn't change either these statements.

    This is my website:
  • GeoffG
    GeoffG Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I suppose to each his own. I consider it to work as intended, and not a workaround. You (and others) disagree.

  • TomUpNorth
    TomUpNorth Member ✭✭✭

    If this was discussed already I apologize, but it occurs to me that the only time(s) I have seen that dialog is when I don't enter (record) the payment transaction from my Reminders list. I.e. when I want to record them as Paid, I goto the list, hit Enter, and make any adjustments needed before clicking "Enter Transaction".

    Maybe a "well duh" but if instead one composes a line item in Checking e.g. Amazon Prime VISA and the amount and Save, I would expect to see the pop-up dialog every time.

    Quicken Classic Deluxe for Windows, Subscription, Windows 7 Professional x64

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2024

    Maybe discussing the "intent" and why I consider it "guessing" and not implemented right is exactly what is needed.

    The intent is pretty much exactly what you stated. You have a reminder for a transaction that has yet to be entered into the register but has just been downloaded. The dialog is asking you if it is that reminder. If you say yes, then the reminder will be merged into the downloaded transaction in the same way it would have been if you have entered it before the transaction was downloaded and then matched to it.

    Now for why I think the implementation is a "guess" and as implemented is not a 'feature'.

    1. It doesn't consistently work. I have tested this, and it is very "iffy" if it will trigger at all.
    2. When does trigger, the feature is "extended" to use cases that make it a guess. The payee's name doesn't have to match. The amount doesn't have to match exactly the date doesn't have to match exactly. The date of the reminder can be before, or after the downloaded transactions date. That leaves a lot of guessing. It will match reminders that have nothing to do with the downloaded transaction.
    3. It is trying to solve a problem that in my opinion should be handled by the user "doing the right procedure", and not try to make up for a bad process that they are using. To me this very much like "Automatic Transactions Detections" (with one major difference). Because the information isn't there to be sure of what to do it makes a guess. Bad enough, but the dialog also doesn't give enough information for the user to figure out what transaction/reminder are involved. But "major difference" is #1 above. If you can't count on it to trigger in this situation then you can't rely on it as a method to get this process done.
    This is my website:
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2024

    I forgot to add the what happens if you say "no", and what will happen if you say yes at the wrong time.

    If you say yes and in fact this isn't the downloaded transaction that goes with the reminder then you will have merged your reminder in with the wrong transaction, and what's more the reminder won't be trigger again (it will move to the next reminder date) for matching to the downloaded transaction it should have matched to.

    If you say no it will leave the downloaded transaction and reminder alone. If it is in fact a match, then the user will have to fix this when the reminder actually is entered into the register.

    Note that the main reason for this whole problem is not getting the reminder into the register before the downloaded transaction.

    I personally think that people should be taught that that is what they need to do, get the reminder in when it should be (before the downloaded transaction). And if they "miss" there is also a procedure for fixing that, which isn't that hard.

    Creating a feature because the reminders aren't being used correctly, and having it have to "guess" is just a bad practice in my opinion.

    This is my website:
  • TomUpNorth
    TomUpNorth Member ✭✭✭

    Maybe why I gave-up on "downloading" a long time ago. At least in my case it was way more trouble than it was worth.

    OT but another pet peeve of mine is when I want to Quit Quicken and it says "Did you want to Save that transaction?" and I have no idea what Transaction(s) it is asking about so I usually just answer Yes.

    Quicken Classic Deluxe for Windows, Subscription, Windows 7 Professional x64

  • Stuart Boyle
    Stuart Boyle Member ✭✭✭

    My CC reminders are also set to manual since I pay them manually. I set the reminder to 0 days in advance.

  • Stuart Boyle
    Stuart Boyle Member ✭✭✭

    In my case I do have all my recurring activities scheduled but get the prompt regardless. Also, all my CC transactions are manual and I have multiple ones set for the last day of the month with the transaction downloaded to Quicken one to three days later.

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