American Express Banking not connecting - CC-502 (QWIN)



  • Jnic
    Jnic Member ✭✭✭

    Final post on this topic.

    Tried to update today and Quicken went back to 501 error after 4 minutes of "processing". The really weird part is that I also got a very delayed (after One Step timed out) 2FA code from Quicken. While it's been fun… I quite and have removed AMEX from One Step download. Like many others; I'll decide what to do next.. I appreciated the chat and will most likely be in touch again on another topic.

  • brpqkn
    brpqkn Member ✭✭

    It’s not your option, it’s theirs. The merchant gets to decide their connection method. If you look in your Accounts list at the various connected accounts, you will likely see some that are using EWC+. Amex Cards, for example.

  • BrianV
    BrianV Member ✭✭

    Ok so now my problem just got worse and Quicken put a "do not enter" sign in front of my account and says they can't update it. Even if i download transactions to it. What is going on??

  • I have this same problem and have not been able to sync my American Express FSB Savings Account for a month now. I also tried to download the transactions from the American Express website in the .QFX format. An "OL-220-A" error is thrown…

    Is Quicken doing anything to resolve this ongoing issue? Including, esclate at American Express??

    Please let us know.


  • BrianV
    BrianV Member ✭✭

    Finally resolved, was able to connect and download. Took quite awhile but grateful for the fix. was about to move savings to a different bank.

  • joekivel
    joekivel Member ✭✭✭


    What type of download? Web Connect or something else?

  • JB20
    JB20 Member ✭✭

    When I read this I was hopeful that this issue was resolved. Unfortunately I am still unable to connect to my American Express Savings via American Express-Banking. When I try to do so I get a message stating "Quicken Couldn't Find Any Accounts to Add" and instructing me to contact American Express. Of course when I do so I get the standard "we don't support Quicken" answer which they've been saying for the last 4 years.

  • JimS1
    JimS1 Member

    macOS 14.5/Quicken Version 7.8.2 (Build 708.53926.100)

    CC connection is American Express. Savings connection is American Express-Banking.

    I disconnected Savings yesterday, 7/24/2024. Then performed a new connection setup. My quicken is now connecting to both CC and Savings with no errors. My savings account has not had a new transaction yet so I have not verified that they will show in Quicken.

  • BrianV
    BrianV Member ✭✭
    edited July 25

    I believe i did the same as JimS1, which i had tried numerous times earlier this month unsuccessfully but which now worked.

    I went to online services on the account and deactivated the online setup, then chose reconnect. It asked for authentication codes twice during the process and asked whether i wanted to set up a new account or link, but now it is connected as

    "Financial Institution: American Express - Banking. Connection Method: Express Web Connect"

    Unlike JimS1 i DID have new transactions and they loaded correctly, so hopefully this is solved.

    As an aside, as a temporary workaround i had also attempted earlier this month to download transactions directly from American Express as an OFX data file, but when i imported into Quicken it wouldn't allow me to add it to my existing account. I then resigned myself to having a historic pre-July 2024 account (no longer working) and then a new account file i would have to manually update every month by downloading the OFX file. Additionally annoying is that all transactions imported into quicken as deposits, even those that were actually payments.

    So i'm glad the main account is working again, at least for now….

  • JB20
    JB20 Member ✭✭

    Interesting, when I try to connect to "American Express-Banking" I don't see the option for the connection method of "Express Web Connect"

  • Gabe2
    Gabe2 Member

    I found out that Intuit is the entity that is actually working with American Express on this issue at the behest of Quicken.

  • starunit
    starunit Member ✭✭
    edited July 29

    I'm testing an alternative to Quicken: [Removed - 3rd Party Software].

    It uses Plaid to broker connections to financial institutions. There is NO problem with it connecting to American Express FSB bank (however it doesn't connect to Fidelity, and it requires re-authentication with PayPal every couple of days).

    But, AMEX's statement "they no longer allow Quicken & other software to access their customers' accounts." is inaccurate. It's something between Intuit and AMEX.

  • brpqkn
    brpqkn Member ✭✭

    The inaccuracy of this statement has been known since the beginning since many gave been connecting all along.

  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭

    Looks VERY intersting. Surprised I have not heard about it before. Seems to support Bill Pay through Direct Connect as well. Fidelity is an issue. I wonder why there is a problem there?

  • Mitch104
    Mitch104 Member ✭✭✭

    It's working again for me, started this past weekend (American Express-Banking). I tried again this morning and after entering the code it updated like usual. At this point I'm going to wait and see as I opened a Cash Plus account at Vanguard and might still move everything over, but I'm not in a big rush now given this recent turn of events.

  • joekivel
    joekivel Member ✭✭✭


    Not for me. Tried this morning also without success. Then tried to manually download transactions in a QFX File, but It just downloaded an empty file without the transactions. It almost appears like AmEx/Quicken are trying to prevent transaction downloads. I really have had enough of this. Quicken has neither been informative nor helpful with this issue.

  • starunit
    starunit Member ✭✭

    What part is inaccurate?
    For me, Quicken had been connecting to AMEX FSB for several years. Several weeks ago it stopped, and, when trying to reauthorize, started throwing errors.

    This last weekend it started connecting again (at least it didn't throw an error), but required reauthorizing each time I restarted Quicken - as if it were not storing a credential.

    I started testing [censors won't allow third party software references on this community forum] as an alternative. It does not throw a connection error - seems to work. I have no transactions to download, so I suppose I cannot state definitively that it is or is not connecting. I won't know that for a couple of weeks.

    The statement I quoted was from an earlier post: @annegchodosh on 10 July. I should have referenced it better. The poster said they'd called AMEX and reported what they were told.

  • brpqkn
    brpqkn Member ✭✭

    @starunit the statement from Amex that they no longer allow Quicken has been known as inaccurate all along. There have been issues for some, but others have been able to connect through all of this with maybe a two-day glitch. So, the idea that Amex does not allow Quicken connection as a policy has never been correct, it seems.

    My point is they moving to a new softer platform based on this statement doesn’t make sense. There may be other reasons , but their claim is not one of them as it’s not true.

  • starunit
    starunit Member ✭✭


    I see. I didn't realize you were agreeing with me. Thanks.
    Actually, I didn't have enough interest in the problem to have read the multiple issues and comments from over the years. I was reading just just this thread, saw the comment, and responded to it.

    The 'official' post, by Kristina (2024-07-01) is still unresolved - 29 days later. This was the error (or maybe CC-506/FDP-106 ) I was getting for over two weeks until I finally disconnected the account.

    As for looking at other alternatives: if this was the first and only (or second or third) time, then I'd just wait it out. But after the Chase debacle, and Bank of America a few years ago, I'm seeing a pattern. I'm just checking the landscape as it were. Perhaps Quicken is still the best option.
    (As an aside: I've logged in to the AMEX site, and it DOES NOT have a link to the security options that would toggle 2FA, activity alerts, or authorized connected apps).

  • ThatOneGuy
    ThatOneGuy Member ✭✭
    edited July 31

    I too am having ongoing issues. Quicken (Anja) said they are resolved but after the notice that I needed to "Improve my connection method" It's not been working. to the point I completely deactivated online banking, re-activated where it brought in a list of 9 accounts (for only 3) the second deactivate round it brought in 6, I linked what I could with the proper account numbers to the proper accounts. However, now… IF it updates, it puts the transactions in the wrong account. Deactivated again and still doing this. I know I linked them properly. This isn't a download bug, this is a quicken bug! Software is supposed to get better, not worse over time.

  • Scott Saylor
    Scott Saylor Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 9

    decided not to wait and opened a Discover Online Saving account. Thye have a $250K incoming/outgoing limit per 30 days so, next month, I'll be able to transfer het rest of ny funds close the AMEX Savings account.

    Any bets on whether or not Quicken will fix this by then? I'd say NOT - 100 %

  • joekivel
    joekivel Member ✭✭✭

    I am in the process of doing the same. Going to Capital One. Same APY as AmEx and Quicken connects to Cap one with EWC+

  • starunit
    starunit Member ✭✭

    I'm not basing my portfolio on whether an app can connect to it. Rather, I'm looking at whether a different app better suites my needs.

  • brpqkn
    brpqkn Member ✭✭

    This is a good approach. I find that Quicken works for all of my accounts with pretty much no issues, except for this. And, since I only connect once a month to get my $0.26 interest on about $17.50, the inconvenience is minor :)

    But I definitely agree that the portfolio should drive the tool and not vice-versa, with an exception being portfolio components that are easily replaced for this, and other, reason(s). Several here seem to find no issue with jettisoning the Amex Savings.

  • tk77
    tk77 Member ✭✭

    A couple weeks ago it started working, where I could sign in and link my account. However, there still seems to be some sort of issue. I have 2 accounts on my login (mine, and a linked family members). Quicken shows both accounts, twice. Each of the "2" copies of my account have separate issues. One will link, and then fail on the first update. The other will also link, but then shows the transactions from the other (my family members) account, and also changes my opening balance (incorrectly). I tried linking all 4 to 4 new Quicken accounts to see what would happen. 2 of them (one from each account) fail on an update, and the other 2 both pull down transactions almost randomly from either account. ie, both accounts show transactions from one of the accounts (it's seems random, as if I re-add the accounts multiple times sometimes they both have transactions from mine, or the other).

    This is probably due to another issue with AMEX's new setup (or Quicken reading the accounts wrong). Everything was working fine previously.

  • Rx
    Rx Member ✭✭✭

    You may want to try again. I was also seeing 2 of each account. TODAY, I only saw one of each account and successfully linked them to the correct Quicken accounts. Other than one spurious transaction (one that should've been in Acct A that showed up in Acct B), it seems to be working. It does still ask for the security code every time.

  • tk77
    tk77 Member ✭✭

    Ah, nice! I just gave it a try and it only showed the two accounts once and I got mine re-linked. So far so good as it also didn't mess up the opening balance like it was doing previously. Will have to see how it goes with new transactions.

    Same with asking for the security code every time. Annoying but not a deal breaker.

    Thanks for letting me know!

  • starunit
    starunit Member ✭✭

    @Rx Thanks for the note. Sounds like progress is being made.

    I'll be waiting for @Quicken Kristina to update the other post giving the 'All Fixed' nod.

This discussion has been closed.