Northwestern Mutual Investment Services download errors (QWin)



  • evanspp4
    evanspp4 Member ✭✭

    I still get the original error message as shown below:

  • antdestra
    antdestra Member ✭✭

    Same Issues.

  • MDS95
    MDS95 Member

    Same as of 8/9/24 @ 7:00am…Error message has changed to OL-306-A. Quicken tries to reset accounts and cannot connect.

  • ChasHue
    ChasHue Member ✭✭

    A word of caution for all. Multiple successive attempts to update via quicken will lock out your account. In that case you will not be able to log in from the NM website and will need customer support assistance to unlock. A temp password will be sent to you by support.

  • antdestra
    antdestra Member ✭✭

    That’s a great point ChasHue… happened to me and I had to reset through NWM. Probably makes sense to turn off Quicken downloads until we know the issue has been resolved.

  • William Buckley
    William Buckley Member ✭✭

    same here

  • mnkoster
    mnkoster Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I'm very disappointed in Northwestern Mutual for their slow roll on fixing this issue!

  • irasend1
    irasend1 Member, Windows Beta Beta

    Spoke again with NMIS today and they know it is a problem but still have been unable to put in a fix. Apparently they recently migrated to Pershing's software for their investment services. If you go into the NM website to check investments you'll see that it is Pershing who handles it. The FAQs say to use Pershing Investments with Quicken. Unfortunately the NM account numbers are different, so you can't just use Pershing directly from Quicken. Stupid square peg and round hole!

  • reidbone
    reidbone Member ✭✭

    irasend1 - Thank you for the update.

  • ChasHue
    ChasHue Member ✭✭
    edited August 13

    Update. After consulting NWM, yesterday, they have no clue to when (and I suspect if) the issue will be resolved. For me, it is a deal breaker. If they can't resolve this issue I will look for another management company. Manual entries will not be feasible.

  • JMattLyons
    JMattLyons Member ✭✭

    Who are you contacting at NWM? I intend to let my NWM financial adviser know my displeasure, but I suspect this will need to come from the top as individual advisers have very little sway at the corporate level.

  • irasend1
    irasend1 Member, Windows Beta Beta

    I spoke with someone at Integrated Webservices (They handle the website etc.). Probably not a "higher up", but at least understood computers. Phone


  • ChasHue
    ChasHue Member ✭✭
    edited August 15

    JMatt. I have had contact with my adviser regarding the issue. There is not much that level will be able to do outside of sympathizing with our concerns. Frankly, this is beyond unacceptable and I still have doubts this is a priority for NM. How this is handled will influence my decision to stay or move on. The fact that there is an absence of communication via email or even a message to the issue and resolution on NM's website is unacceptable.

  • antdestra
    antdestra Member ✭✭

    I also contacted my Advisor this morning to keep up the pressure, and spoke to the NWM tech team. Nothing really new, I was told they are aware of it and their engineers are working on the issue…will update me once they are able to.

  • gcfurlong
    gcfurlong Member ✭✭

    I've been having the same issues since Aug 1 as well.

  • Rick Guilander
    Rick Guilander Member ✭✭

    Has anyone tried to download directly from Pershing? It's been a while but the last time I tried Pershing didn't have a direct download to Quicken.

  • stlord7
    stlord7 Member ✭✭

    Selecting "Pershing Investments" in the Add Account dialog seems to use a similar web address ( in Quicken but it wants a "Financial Organization Number" to set up an account in addition to the User ID. Anyone know what that Financial Organization Number would be for Northwestern Mutual at Pershing?

  • irasend1
    irasend1 Member, Windows Beta Beta

    As best as I can tell, there isn't a Financial Organization number for NM, hence the problem

  • BrentM
    BrentM Member

    Last night when I synced Quicken (on Mac) I received the message below. So, I'm not holding my breath for a fix, but at least it appears they are doing something.

    Message from Northwestern Mutual Inv Svs-NMIS

    Account linking is currently unavailable. We do not currently have an estimate on when this functionality will be restored.

  • ctquinn
    ctquinn Mac Beta Beta

    What they are doing is preventing you from easily reporting connection errors from the status window.

  • aaciii
    aaciii Member ✭✭

    same on Windows.

  • svikas
    svikas Member ✭✭

    I needed to troubleshoot the connectivity issue between Quicken and Northwestern Mutual Investment Services (NMIS). My account was locked on the Northwestern Mutual website because Quicken's connection attempts were failing. The issue was that NM had introduced a new terms of service page, which I needed to accept directly on their site. Due to multiple failed attempts by Quicken, my account was locked, preventing me from accessing NM until I reset my password and accepted the new terms. After doing so, my account was unlocked. However, even after resolving the login issue on the NM website, Quicken still couldn't connect. That's as far as I was able to troubleshoot. I suspect the terms of service page might be affecting the connection, but I've already accepted it.

  • 005587
    005587 Member ✭✭

    Any new updates on this issue? I just reset all of my NWM accounts to 'deactivate' so that it doesn't keep trying for now.

  • I had submitted negative feedback on the Northwestern Mutual website, and I did receive a call back. The agent confirmed it's a known issue and that they are working on it, but they are waiting on Quicken at this stage. They gave no indication of what they are waiting on, but at least both parties are aware of the broken connection.

  • gaugerfamily
    gaugerfamily Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have exactly the same issue and ran through the account reset, acceptance of terms from NM and tried to Update via the Link. Same failure from Quicken Classic (Business and Personal? software. I subsequently contacted my Advisor and they are telling me via their Tech support people that said "there was a security issue with Quicken that is working to be resolved by Quicken, but they have not heard yet when it will be resolved." This seems to be the same response that Richard Bottiglieri received. Frustrating - I feel like NM and Quicken may be deflecting on the problem and who is actually accountable to resolve it. Someone made a change to software and now stuff does not work. Typical - I worked in commercial software and integration for 40+ yrs. What are the Dev teams doing to put in a patch?

    NABATO Member ✭✭

    The latest I've heard is that NWM is waiting for a communication from Quicken. I'm not certain that either side has elevated this to a high priority.

  • j58
    j58 Member ✭✭
    edited August 23

    [Removed - Off Topic]

  • j58
    j58 Member ✭✭

    So my comment was removed because it was off topic. Then I'll rephrase it. What is the latest concerning downloading transactions from NWM? I notice there are no comments on this thread from a quicken support staff. I'm having the same issues as you guys are for at least two weeks now.

  • BGood
    BGood Member

    I spoke with NWM earlier this week and reiterated my frustration and the fact that being unable to download transactions has a material impact on my willingness to remain with NWM. I was told that they are waiting on Quicken. At this point the finger pointing back and forth is irrelevant. Both entities need to understand that they have some very frustrated customers and need to work together to get it fixed. Like the above comment, a status update from the Quicken Support Staff would be appreciated.

  • gaugerfamily
    gaugerfamily Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Quicken Support, you are monitoring this thread. What are you doing to resolve this issue linking records to Northwestern Mutual systems? Please provide a status on the software Issue and estimated timeline for a release. Thank you