More than one username with the same CU?

Jim Van Leeuwen
Jim Van Leeuwen Member ✭✭✭


I think I might know the answer to this question, but it's been a while since I've run into it, so want to be sure I am remembering correctly.

My wife and I use Navy Federal CU for one of our primary financial institutions and we have checking, savings, CDs, credit cards, etc. Most of the accounts are joint accounts but our credit cards have just one of us listed as the account owner and then we add the spouse as an authorized user. Up to now, we have had all of the accounts linked via EWC+ under my NFCU username.

We recently opened an AmEx card from NFCU with my wife as the account owner (and myself as a AU) and I realized that the reason the account wasn't updating when running an OSU was because it was only seeing my transactions (since I am just an AU on the account, I can't see transactions she has made without logging into the NFCU website under her username). I tried deactivating the EWC+ link to the AmEx account and tried to link my wife's NFCU username to the AmEx card. This then broke the link between all of the other accounts already set up with EWC+ with NFCU.

Is it possible to use more than one username for EWC+ with the same FI? If not, is there a way around that limitation? If I have to pick between the two usernames, I would use mine because more of our accounts are in my name (so less extra work), but ideally, I would like the AmEx card to update with OSU also instead of having to manually clear transactions that she makes with the card.

Any ideas? TIA.


Quicken Windows Deluxe Subscription


  • jtemplin
    jtemplin Member ✭✭✭✭

    FWIW, I download transactions for two EWC+ financial institutions which have different logins:

    • Bank of America (2 logins, 5 accounts — myself and my spouse)
    • AMEX (3 logins, 3 accounts — myself, my spouse, and a card we designate for household stuff)

    I'm puzzled your separate logins can't download their own transactions. This has worked for at least a few years (when both FI's transitioned to EWC+).

    Jon T.

  • Jim Van Leeuwen
    Jim Van Leeuwen Member ✭✭✭

    After I deactivated the EWC+ link that was tied to my username and went to re-add it under my wife's username, I got a slew of pop-up errors saying that the account had been removed (which I guess made sense), but it definitely had broken the EWC+ links for all of the accounts that I wanted to leave attached via my username. I quickly set them back up again under my username (I just didn't want to have a mess of trying to fix it later, etc.).

    We're the connections with your BofA and AmEx accounts all EWC+? Wondering if the type of connection matters maybe.


    Quicken Windows Deluxe Subscription

  • jtemplin
    jtemplin Member ✭✭✭✭

    All EWC+.

    Once is a great while, if I've had issues with BOA, I found it was important to deactivate ALL 5 accounts for online access before trying to reconnect ANY of them. If I didn't do that, sometimes Quicken would leave out one of the accounts from the list of accounts you could link. That seems to reset all the accounts cleanly. You might want to try that.

  • Jim Van Leeuwen
    Jim Van Leeuwen Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2024

    It might have been that the account was previously linked under my username might have been the issue and starting with a clean slate might make it work. Good thinking.

    I never like making one of these kinds of changes when I'm getting ready to work because if something goes wrong, I hate leaving Quicken in a "broken" state until when I get a chance to fix it. I undo things quickly!


    Quicken Windows Deluxe Subscription

  • Jim Van Leeuwen
    Jim Van Leeuwen Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2024

    So I've tried deactivating all of the NFCU accounts and then reconnect them under my username for all the accounts except the AmEx. Goes fine and then I go to add the AmEx under my wife's username and it comes back and says I need to remove all of the other accounts from One Step Update (so all of the accounts under my username — just not the AmEx). When I try to run a OSU after this, it says that all of the NFCU accounts except for the AmEx that I just set up are getting CC-800 errors and there is the "no" icon (circle with the line through it) to the left of each account (however in the Account List, it shows all of the accounts are still linked with EWC+).

    I am guessing I need to do something else other than just deactivating the EWC+ link on the existing accounts to clear things out completely before I go and re-link all of the accounts using the two different usernames.

    Any ideas on that? Thanks.


    Quicken Windows Deluxe Subscription

  • Jim Van Leeuwen
    Jim Van Leeuwen Member ✭✭✭

    Do any of the Quicken folks have any ideas on this any why I might be having trouble adding a 2nd username from the same FI?


    Quicken Windows Deluxe Subscription

  • NotACPA
    NotACPA Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    My wife and I each have accounts, and our own logins, at several FIs including US Bank, Chase cards and Fidelity Investments. And I have no trouble with One Step Update downloading txn from each of our accounts using our own logins.

    @Jim Van Leeuwen, It sounds to me like the difficulty you're experiencing is specific to the FI … and not a generalized Q issue. I'd suggest that you work with Tech Support at those FIs to try to resolve the issues.

    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • RalphC
    RalphC Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    It seems that Quicken is recording the information that it's being sent by the financial institution (FI) and you might have thrown a curveball at the FI. You could contact the FI custormer support and explain your dilemma and they might have a 30 second fix to remedy the way the data is sent to Quicken. But, my guess is you'll get a customer support representative that's never heard of Quicken. You might want to stop spitting into the wind, close the account in your wife's name, and open an account in your name with your wife as an authorized user to replace it.

  • NotACPA
    NotACPA Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @ralphc, the OP can probably be added to the wife's account as an Authorized user without closing the account in her name. Simpler process.

    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • Jim Van Leeuwen
    Jim Van Leeuwen Member ✭✭✭

    I am an AU on her account already. The issue is that when I’m logged in as myself, I see my transactions on her account but not hers. I’m not going to close the account and start over to get Quicken working (I’d manually reconcile the account first). NFCU is generous with credit limits but they do have hard limits per person.

    I’ll reach out to support at NFCU to see if they have any suggestions. They just migrated NFCU to EWC+ in the past year so it also might be a new issue.



    Quicken Windows Deluxe Subscription

  • NotACPA
    NotACPA Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Jim Van Leeuwen "I see my transactions on her account but not hers"

    That's a MOST strange statement. I'm an AU on my wife's accounts, and I see ALL of the transactions, not just "mine". In fact, I make No txn on her accounts … I'm just an AU so that I can manage the accounts (she's a retire NP, I'm a retired banker .. so OF COURSE I'm the finance guy).

    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • Jim Van Leeuwen
    Jim Van Leeuwen Member ✭✭✭

    Maybe it's a NFCU thing? We just opened the account a few months ago and I am the one who uses the card the most, but I just keep having to manually reconcile her transactions and I didn't put it together until a few weeks ago — I always have to reconcile the transactions she makes (since I use my username for Quicken with NFCU, so it pulls my transactions but not hers). What made me actually look into it more was that NFCU gives a statement credit for Walmart+ and I had purchased the membership using my card, but the credit didn't show up when logged in as me.


    Quicken Windows Deluxe Subscription

  • NotACPA
    NotACPA Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    On that card account, by any chance are there 2 cards with different card numbers? And only 1 of the cards is downloading?

    My AA cards (hers and mine) have different card numbers, but we get a single statement that's subtotaled by card number and we make a single payment for the total amount. It's one account both at the FI and in Q.

    Could your situation be something akin to that?

    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • Jim Van Leeuwen
    Jim Van Leeuwen Member ✭✭✭

    @NotACPA really good thought, but no luck. We do have different card numbers, but get a single statement like yours broken down by card number (almost all cards we have do it like that), but on the website, there is no way I can see that I can filter to show her transactions (I can filter on a number of things, but just not that). I just do not have access to her transactions when logged in under my username since I am just the AU.

    Up to this account, I've always been the account holder and she's the AU. I am going to reach out to NFCU's support folks to see if they have any input they can give on how to make this work.


    Quicken Windows Deluxe Subscription

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Jim Van Leeuwen -

    I am an AU on her account already. The issue is that when I’m logged in as myself, I see my transactions on her account but not hers. I’m not going to close the account and start over to get Quicken working (I’d manually reconcile the account first).

    Out of curiosity, are you an AU on her credit card or an AU on her online account? They are 2 different things.

    AU authority on the credit card can simply mean that she has granted approval for the CU to issue you are card and for you to use that card. Since you can see only your transactions it also tells me that your card has a different account number on it than her card has.

    But since you cannot see her transactions in your online account it seems to me that you are an authorized user of her credit card but not an AU for her online card account. If my guess is correct, you can ask the CU if they can help you get set up to link her online card account with your online account so that you have full access (at least full view access) to her credit card transactions. It will probably entail having her giving the CU approval to grant you such access. But if that can be accomplished, then perhaps you can get her transactions to download into Quicken using your online account login info.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home

  • Jim Van Leeuwen
    Jim Van Leeuwen Member ✭✭✭

    @Boatnmaniac …really good thought. I will actually check on that first then. They also have upgraded their website and app in the last months for everyone, so this is possibly a new issue even.



    Quicken Windows Deluxe Subscription

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