Red flags -will not clear- unless I set to "Automatically add"

Core I713700 Quicken Classic Deluxe
I have gone thru -all- the various "fixes", work arounds, validate/super validates but the problem is still there.
Setting Automatic add will clear the red flags but turning it back off breaks the 'red flags'.
Checking, credit card, investment accounts all affected.
Transactions downloaded but not displayed for approval.
Hello @K Cole,
We appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention, and I understand how frustrating it must be to not have found a permanent fix so far.
First, could you please confirm if the steps you have taken so far are as described in this support article?
Additionally, we will need to gather some more details to further investigate:
- When did you first notice this issue?
- Have there been any recent changes to your Quicken settings, such as a software update, etc.?
- Please tell us where your data file is located on your computer. Do you have it stored in a folder located on your local hard drive (C: Drive), or in a cloud-based/external drive (e.g.: OneDrive, DropBox, USB, etc.)?
Check back and let us know! Thank you.
-Quicken Anja
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I have tried all the actions I have seen and read.
I have not changed Quicken settings in years. The stuck red flags are on multiple bank and investment accounts, not just one.
Data files are on a local Core I713700 NVMe drive D.
The red flag problem started approximately 1-2 weeks ago.
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I did a REINSTALL. Now then I connect I get a -blank popup- that says "enter quicken id password" but there's no place to enter anything. . . it's blank.
REINSTALL says Version R26.14 build I will not do updates until I get the PW resolved.
When I close the popup UR(X). . . it pops up again. . . . I close it again and I can see my Quicken home screen. Then when I click on the Red Flag I can see the new red flag entries that have not been accepted. Everything then works like normal.
If I could get rid of the password pop ups the reinstall should work.
FYI- When I switch back to the OLD NON-REINSTALLED Quicken the red flag problem is still present.
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Thank you for your replies,
You may be seeing that blank login pop up because you reinstalled an older version of Quicken. R26.14 was released in April 2020. You may want to try reinstalling by following the steps in this article:
You mentioned that you've followed all the steps. What happened when you restored a backup from before the issue started?
Please let me know how it goes!
Quicken Kristina
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I restored -several- backups and NONE mad a difference.
This brings up another function that has not worked for a long time. I have set to only keep a limited number of backups. This does NOT work no matter how I change the settings. Backups are -never- automatically erased. I have to go in and manually delete old backups when I start getting overloaded with them. -I have never seen a FIX for this- Please provide one if there is.
I will try the NEW reinstall.
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The NEW Quicken reinstall has taken care of the Red flag problem. A reinstall could probably be recommended if all else fails.
However, the -limited backup quantity- is still broke, is there is any solution? I set the number to keep to 2 for a test and I still have 15.
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Thank you for the follow-up,
I'm glad to hear that the new install corrected the original issue (the red flags).
To help troubleshoot the secondary issue, please provide a bit more information. Are the backups that aren't disappearing automatic backups, or backups you are manually creating? Have you recently changed the file location the backups save to?
Since the automatic backup limit is per file, rather than total, there are some changes, such as making a copy of a file, that can cause Quicken to see that file as new, and thereby subject to it's own limit rather than part of the limit on the original file. Is it possible that is responsible for some of the surplus backups?
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
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I have not changed AUTOMATIC backup settings in many months. They are in the same location on the disk drive.
This has not worked for years. I have read that many others have the same problem with not deleting old backup FILES.
I don't understand the statement "the automatic backup limit is per file, rather than total" ???? Perhaps you can enlighten me on what you are referring to. Quicken -will not delete- the old files as it is supposed to. I had to write a CMD program to delete old backup files because they kept building up until they took up too much storage.
Automatic backups are named QDATA followed by a year date followed by the backup date and time.
EXAMPLE: Qdata-2022-11-09-2025-03-13.AM09.59.QDF-backup ——Qdata-2022-11-09-2025-03-13.AM10.05.QDF-backup
Apparently REINSTALLING Quicken has a bad PITA downside. Now -none- of my accounts update. I RESET one account and it now updates so I apparently must reset all 15 accounts to get them to work once again.
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Thank you for your reply,
You mentioned that this has been happening for years. Do you recall roughly when it started (how many years ago, for example)?
I tried to replicate the issue you're reporting, but was not able to. What are your backup settings? You mentioned that you set the automatic backups to 2, but what are the other backup settings you have set up in preferences? Do you have the reminder for manual backups turned on?
To clarify what I mean by per file, for example, lets say you have your main Quicken file, an older Quicken file you no longer use (but keep for reference), and a file you maintain for another family member. With an automatic backup limit of 2, Quicken should create up to 2 automatic backups for each of those three files.
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
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I set the backups to 2 for a test only. I like to keep a few more. Of course I do not have "manual backup reminder" checked.
I -DO NOT- have "remind me if no online backup has been created' as I do not do manual backups and checking the reminder would be redundant.
I have used Quicken for many, many years and gone thru many, many different problems. I do not know when the backups quit working. I just gave up on it ever being fixed.
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Thank you for the additional information,
I have forwarded this issue to the proper channels for further investigation and resolution. Please navigate to Help>Report a Problem and send a problem report with log files, and if you're willing, a sanitized data file attached.
While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.
We apologize for any inconvenience!
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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Willco. I wasn't aware that Quicken logged automatic backup attempts. I believe I have done this in the past years.