Add capability to enter stock options / restricted stock grants in Quicken Mac (63 Legacy Votes)

Quicken Windows Subscription admin
edited October 2023 in Investments
Add the capability in Quicken for Mac to enter stock options and restricted stock grants just like Quicken for Windows has.
171 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated

Submitted for Development team review on 7/13/2023 - QMAC-25149


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  • Member ✭✭
    edited March 2017
    Same here. I just migrated my account information from Quicken for Windows over to Quicken for Mac 2017. Everything came over (mostly) clean except for my stock option account, which was and is a complete disaster. Can Quicken at least provide some guidance on how to deal with stock options manually?
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2018
    Same here. Was very disappointed to discover there is no support for stock options in Quicken for Mac 2016 - after I purchased the product. Can Quicken provide a statement as to when this will be supported? Without it, investment tracking is incomplete to say the least.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited March 2018
    I have found it difficult to clean up the existing transactions.. Can be done when they expire.  Whats really odd is detailed option transactions do not get loaded into quicken, however from the portfolio view the holding is there.  This tells me Quicken is looking at detailed info and summary account info -- i use etrade.  So i manually add the detailed transactions in order to match the portfolio view.  Seems to work.  However still seems to be some issues with 1 option which represents 100 shares.. the software clearly has issues with it.  
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    I have found it difficult to clean up the existing transactions.. Can be done when they expire.  Whats really odd is detailed option transactions do not get loaded into quicken, however from the portfolio view the holding is there.  This tells me Quicken is looking at detailed info and summary account info -- i use etrade.  So i manually add the detailed transactions in order to match the portfolio view.  Seems to work.  However still seems to be some issues with 1 option which represents 100 shares.. the software clearly has issues with it.  

    Hi, are you talking about Quicken for Mac? I have not found a way to enter stock options. It only seems to know about shares. No concept of purchase price, strike price, expiry etc.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    I have found it difficult to clean up the existing transactions.. Can be done when they expire.  Whats really odd is detailed option transactions do not get loaded into quicken, however from the portfolio view the holding is there.  This tells me Quicken is looking at detailed info and summary account info -- i use etrade.  So i manually add the detailed transactions in order to match the portfolio view.  Seems to work.  However still seems to be some issues with 1 option which represents 100 shares.. the software clearly has issues with it.  

    Yes quicken for Mac 2017.  Here's what i found.  When I sync with E*Trade it gets normal transactions, things like stock purchase, dividends etc... However for options, what happens as best i can tell is quicken also receives a overall account sync.  So even though the detailed transaction for an options trade doesn't come through, the overall account picks the option trade up.  You can see that in the portfolio view.  So when this occurs i think quicken has the transaction captured (name of option 
     and it can be selected when you enter a manual transaction.  Then you can use the right commands to create the transaction.. I still think there is a problem with cost basis.. because it has a problem with 1 option equals 100 shares.  So i am not sure how complete all the info is, but right now for me I have been able to manually add my option trades.  I have not been able to clean up converted transactions ( i converted from windows version) However,  i find once they have expired, the overall account reflects that, i.e. the option is gone.  and i add another manual transaction to counter any open aspects of the converted transaction. (in many cases  there will be 99 shares hanging out there because it thought the trade was just 1).  I hope this helps.. best i can figure out at this point.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    I have found it difficult to clean up the existing transactions.. Can be done when they expire.  Whats really odd is detailed option transactions do not get loaded into quicken, however from the portfolio view the holding is there.  This tells me Quicken is looking at detailed info and summary account info -- i use etrade.  So i manually add the detailed transactions in order to match the portfolio view.  Seems to work.  However still seems to be some issues with 1 option which represents 100 shares.. the software clearly has issues with it.  

    Thanks for the reply. I have submitted an enhancement request for option support with Quicken Support. Hopefully they'll add it soon!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    I have found it difficult to clean up the existing transactions.. Can be done when they expire.  Whats really odd is detailed option transactions do not get loaded into quicken, however from the portfolio view the holding is there.  This tells me Quicken is looking at detailed info and summary account info -- i use etrade.  So i manually add the detailed transactions in order to match the portfolio view.  Seems to work.  However still seems to be some issues with 1 option which represents 100 shares.. the software clearly has issues with it.  

    That would be nice.. i remember watching the windows version mature for options trading.. it wasn't perfect from the beginning either but it got to a very functioning tool. I hope they address this as well!  
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2018
    QMac2017.  MSecurities options do download to portfolio view but not as a transaction.  When you add cost for 2 options on the portfolio side the transaction side shows 200.  Not a problem except now the portfolio is off by 100 fold.  Example. Sell short 2 puts for proceeds $400.  Enter short sale for $400 and transaction side shows 200 at $2 for $400 but portfolio side shows cost 200 shares at $40,000 and market value of $400. (all values credits due to short).  I have same issue with long options.  TDAmeritrade also has variance.  Basis and gain/loss is off by huge numbers until there are no options in the account. This was not a problem in Windows version.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited April 2018
    This is a must have feature for stock grants and options.  No warning when migrating from quicken for PC.  ridiculous!   
    Quicken team, please provide an estimate on when it'll be supported
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    I have found it difficult to clean up the existing transactions.. Can be done when they expire.  Whats really odd is detailed option transactions do not get loaded into quicken, however from the portfolio view the holding is there.  This tells me Quicken is looking at detailed info and summary account info -- i use etrade.  So i manually add the detailed transactions in order to match the portfolio view.  Seems to work.  However still seems to be some issues with 1 option which represents 100 shares.. the software clearly has issues with it.  

    I find Quicken 2017 for Mac support for options to be a great improvement over Quicken 2007 (which I recently upgraded from). As Brian noted, it seems to get current holdings (and thus option symbols, quantities, and prices) from E*Trade correctly. However, it does not see to read the transactions, so I have to enter them by hand - though I can use the portfolio view to automatically get most of the information correct.

    However - there are problems with 1 contract being equivalent to 100 shares of the underlying stock. It seems to understand this when adding a new transaction (or maybe when modifying an existing transaction - I don't remember at the moment which one works correctly). In any case I've always been able to make the transactions in the register come out correct in terms of number of contracts, price, and change in cash.

    My problem is in the portfolio view. Quicken 2017 for Mac is getting the correct quote from somewhere, but it lists my 1 contract as 100 shares and values the cost basis and total gain/loss as if it were 100 contracts. Oddly, it gets the current value correct. It also produces odd blips in my total portfolio value graph on days when options are bought, sold, assigned or expired. Otherwise my total portfolio value is correct.

    For example, I am short one contract of ANSS APR 21'17 $95 CALL
    The portfolio view shows (I've transposed columns and rows for easier entry as pure text):
    Symbol: ANSS 170421C00095000
    Quote: $4.18
    Day Change: +0.00
    Shares: -100
    Cost Basis: -$44922.00
    Value: -$418.00
    Total Gain/Loss: +44504.00 (99.07%)

    The lines in BOLD are 100 times the correct values.
    The total Gain/Loss is the difference between the correct Value and the incorrect cost basis.
    The correct cost basis is -$449.22 and the correct Gain/Loss is +$31.22(6.95%)

    Someone has clearly put a little (but not enough) effort into the handling of options as it is sometimes correct.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited November 2019

    I have found it difficult to clean up the existing transactions.. Can be done when they expire.  Whats really odd is detailed option transactions do not get loaded into quicken, however from the portfolio view the holding is there.  This tells me Quicken is looking at detailed info and summary account info -- i use etrade.  So i manually add the detailed transactions in order to match the portfolio view.  Seems to work.  However still seems to be some issues with 1 option which represents 100 shares.. the software clearly has issues with it.  

    Agree QM has difficulties handling option transactions. No doubt if you are going to do lots of options QW is by far more suited for the effort. After much experimentation here is what I do :

    Don't have experience with PUTs in QM17 but half sold covered calls. Totally agree that Qm has its issues handling options. I will relate how I handle covered calls & perhaps you can use the info to assist  you in manually modifying your put transaction. 

    I  delete the transaction cause its always an issue. If you show the placeholder you can modify it ; in the case of call options I set up the transaction as a sell under type & category . lets say I sold 2 contracts..I set up the transaction as a sell of 200 shares cause thats the way QM likes to see it.  I know what I I got for each contract so the transaction is the transaction would be sell 200 shares (2 contracts) at say 2.80..this comes to $560.00 which is then added to my cash balance. The cost basis info will not be reflected in the Portfolio view but as long as its accurate I am good to go. 

    When the option goes to 0 or I decide that say 90% gain is enough for me.. I buy the call back.. In QM I set this up as a buy to cover transaction under type & category. Then in order for it to show properly in the tax schedule I modify the sell transaction to short sell. Everything closes out & the transaction with short term capital gains works perfect in the tax schedule.

    Its been many many moons since I dealt in the world of shorts & put options but perhaps you can figure it out based on what I have discussed above.

    If you are going to deal in  large numbers of options I would say QM is not going to be fun for you; Presently QM is very limited in the investment areas..The most glaring IMHO is the inability to sell individual lots..Presently only able to handle FIFO/LIFO lot sales.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    This is a must have feature for stock grants and options.  No warning when migrating from quicken for PC.  ridiculous!   
    Quicken team, please provide an estimate on when it'll be supported

    I have the same situation . Quicken team , please provide us whit the ETA for ESOG for MAC
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    This is a must have feature for stock grants and options.  No warning when migrating from quicken for PC.  ridiculous!   
    Quicken team, please provide an estimate on when it'll be supported

    did you all look at this yet?
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    This is a must have feature for stock grants and options.  No warning when migrating from quicken for PC.  ridiculous!   
    Quicken team, please provide an estimate on when it'll be supported

    looks like there is some functionality for this
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    This is a must have feature for stock grants and options.  No warning when migrating from quicken for PC.  ridiculous!   
    Quicken team, please provide an estimate on when it'll be supported

    This only works on the PC version. doesn't work on the mac
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2019

    This is a must have feature for stock grants and options.  No warning when migrating from quicken for PC.  ridiculous!   
    Quicken team, please provide an estimate on when it'll be supported

    It sounds like I should run Quicken on Windows in VirtualBox eh?  Worth the money?  I'll give it a shot
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Mark Liberty - thanks for researching.  However employee stock grants are different.  The problem is with open market puts and calls.  They are added to portfolio in QMac at one valuation and when you add a transaction to balance you cannot sync the number of shares and price per.  Each option represents 100 shares.  So reconciling the portfolio with the transaction quantity or price per is off by 100 fold. This was not a problem in QWin. 
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    I'm facing the same issue in that I have employer granted stock options that I can see in my brokerage account.  While quicken 2017 for Mac is able to download most of the holdings in that account it ignores the stock options which is irritating as I am not able to accurately view my total finances in quicken.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Options in Mac 17 is worthless.  Can not handle them acurately period.... makes the whole management of portfolio a mess...... when will it end and get their act together and fix this.  why can't you guys just port the code from good ol reliable windows you know the versions that worked before you took over
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2018
    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Investment Transactions.

    IDEA/ ENHANCEMENT REQUEST: Can Quicken put in an enhancement for entering and dealing with Equity OPtion transactions? I have been using a work around for years - the stock transaction entry for this and it is becoming tedious. Please cal ll me at. [phone number removed for privacy]  Make sure that the person who calls me knows about Equity Options.  The last time I called the person did not know. ( I have been using Quicken ever since Microsoft Money was discontinued and that software handled Options- i.e I have been using quicken since 2012 or earlier and am now on the auto renew program. I just bought Quicken 2019 and it still does not have the improvement I want.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Moving to merge.

    Hi Chris.  I trade a lot of options (more than I trade equities) and interact w/ a lot of people on this site regarding options and Quicken so I'm interested in understanding more about what you would like to see in Quicken for handling options.

    Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: Investment Transactions.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2018
    For the record, Quicken on Windows handles options fine for my point of view. Quicken for Mac does not even try.  It is not a feature offered in the Mac version.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2018
    please add functionality for employee stock options and for restricted shares to quicken for mac
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited January 2019
    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Quicken for MAC - Stock Options.

    I use Quicken for Windows on my Mac, which means I have to keep Windows up to date as well as Parallels.  When will Quicken for MAC have the capabilities that the windows version has - for example, managing Stock Options and reporting.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited November 2019

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Quicken for MAC - Stock Options.

    I use Quicken for Windows on my Mac, which means I have to keep Windows up to date as well as Parallels.  When will Quicken for MAC have the capabilities that the windows version has - for example, managing Stock Options and reporting.

    Same situation for several years but I moved to Qmac in 2015. I have become more active in options which were entered manually through several steps.  The latest version 5.9.2 does download and match option transactions.  It is not perfect but I am not missing the windows version anymore for security trades.

    I trade options through 2 different brokers.  Closing and Expiring options sometimes needs a little manual help. For example, One broker data uses remove instead of appropriate closing transaction. Also you might get a download of contract quantity from one broker and share quantity from the other. This can be edited now. The broker downloads also use different formats for security name.  That actually helps.   I had 22 options transactions between Jan 1 to 24.  I have not counted the few I had to edit. 

    Matching buy and sell or short and cover can't be done manually if the download quantity is by contract and the original entry is by shares.  So it is a two step process. Edit the quantity then match.  

    Update: I am only using publicly traded options. 
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited November 2019

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Quicken for MAC - Stock Options.

    I use Quicken for Windows on my Mac, which means I have to keep Windows up to date as well as Parallels.  When will Quicken for MAC have the capabilities that the windows version has - for example, managing Stock Options and reporting.

    Note that when I sell a call option QM automatically thinks the option was a sell covered call & enters a buy to cover. As you say some manual manipulation is needed. 
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Quicken for MAC - Stock Options.

    I use Quicken for Windows on my Mac, which means I have to keep Windows up to date as well as Parallels.  When will Quicken for MAC have the capabilities that the windows version has - for example, managing Stock Options and reporting.

    This is nowhere near as complete or thoughtful as in Quicken for Windows.  It is EASY in Qwindows.  It is inexcusable the functionality cannot be the same for something that is reasonably common - stock options.  Workarounds should not be needed.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    ISteven Shane said:
    This is nowhere near as complete or thoughtful as in Quicken for Windows.  It is EASY in Qwindows.  It is inexcusable the functionality cannot be the same for something that is reasonably common - stock options.  Workarounds should not be needed.
    I am trying to switch from QW on parallels to QMac but the lack of functionality on the Mac makes this difficult.  Plus Quicken has charges the same for the 2 systems, though the Mac version clearly has much less functionality
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    I am trying to switch from QW on parallels to QMac but the lack of functionality on the Mac makes this difficult.  Plus Quicken has charges the same for the 2 systems, though the Mac version clearly has much less functionality
    For what it's worth, Quicken no longer sells a separate Mac version or Windows version. You purchase a membership/subscription for a period of time, and it enables you to use the Mac version, Windows version, or both.

    That said, yes, definitely, the Mac version lacks functionality compared to the Windows version because they started over several years ago to build a modern Quicken Mac program and still have quite a ways to go; progress is being made, but the progress is slow and it seems it will still take a long time to achieve something close to parity.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭
    Just switched back to Quicken for Mac (2019 version now) after years as it seemed the functionality was getting back on par with Windows.  Except 1 feature I can't find.  Tracking Employee Stock Option.  
    Does this exist?  If so, how do I do it?  If not, please consider adding it.  
    Thank you!!!


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