User Visible Bug Reports (6 Legacy Votes)

Couldn't agree more! [removed]1
I'll third that motion! [removed]1
Name one major vendor of software that exposes its bug list to the public.
I'm not talking open source code or such.
I'm talking retail software.
Any company would be foolish to do it.
Not only will it cause extra work for the company (which in fact would take away from time to fix things), it is plain bad publicity.
Most users will not understand the details of bugs, so it will not aid in them getting "into the right spot" or "prevent duplicates". It would pretty much take a full time employee to keep everything straight and up to date.
What's more the customers will see very long lists of bugs, and not appreciate "minor bug" from a "major bug" (to most customers the bug they are having is always "major" even if it just that they have to do one more mouse click). They would just look at the list and say so that is why I'm having problems, or there are too many bugs I'm not going to use this. They will have context to compare to other software because no other company would be foolish enough to do this.
There is also privacy issues. To work on some bugs they need information from the user that shouldn't be shown in public.
Every company I have worked for always screened anything they showed to the customer through marketing to make sure it was clear to the customer of what the problem was, and that it didn't go to customer A when it was talking about customer B.
If you really want to get some insight into bugs and submitting them and such, sign up for beta testing. -
I agree with this request. Maybe because I'm an IT professional, having developed my skills working on IBM mainframes where IBM made a list of all known bugs available, and currently work on Microsoft's Dynamics AX ERP where Microsoft makes all known bugs available online, any bug which directly affects the user's ability to use the product accurately or correctly needs to be identified. And there needs to be an easy and direct way to report a newly identified bug, and to determine whether the problem you are working on has been identified and whether there is a workaround.1
If you consider all the companies that have public blogs and forums that allow users to raise and discuss issues, etc, effectively are publishing their bugs publicly. The main difference is that the list may not be thorough and it certainly is not organized. But the info is there...hmm sounds like GetSat...Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires(Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)
(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
I have been hoping that Quicken would take the opportunity to to some form of that with GetSat, which is a platform designed to help communicate with a company's user base about problems and their resolutions...I did not bet on this...and alas, Quicken has not taken up the opportunity to do that.Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires(Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)
(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
I see nine (9) categories for various questions, issues, etc., set up for Quicken on this site. However, the "Other Questions' seems to be the bucket for issues / problems. Quicken should set up something specific for this area where users can see of other experience the same issue or report a new one. This would also alloy Quicken to use it as a "management" to help determine what needs to be fixed. If a lot of folks report essentially the same issue, then maybe it is something to fix! I deal with silly screen flashes when maximizing Quicken, at lease double clicks necessary to get a menu / item to activate, etc. And please don't lay it back on the user to say they should update some driver or whatever. If Quicken clearly stated the needs / constraints / requirements, then we could better understand. Most of Quicken 2018 works great for me, but there are some [removed] annoying issues that need to be fixed. Use this site to better plan what you (Quicken) work on.xx0 -
Hello All,
This Idea seems to have fallen stagnant and due to the age of the request and lack of User Votes/Comments, it will be archived within the next 7 business days.
If you would like to see this Idea kept alive and considered for possible future implementation in Quicken, be sure to add your vote and a comment explaining how this Idea would be beneficial for you.
More information, including steps to vote and how to submit your own Ideas for future product features/improvements, is also available here.
Thank you,
Quicken Community Support Team
-1 -
I recommend you keep the idea - and implement it asap.2
Yes, still something worth considering.
Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires(Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)
(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)1 -
Plus 1 from me.
Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list1 -
At the very least, you should provide a _personal_ response bug system.
This is what professionally supported software products do.
Your management no doubt resists publishing bug lists to the world.
Personal response means:
- only the person reporting the bug sees its item and progress
- the person reporting gets an immediate email back acknowledging their report
- the person reporting gets email updates as Quicken progresses to the fix
- the person reporting can always sign in and get the messages for each bug reported, also respond there if not in email.
Really professional software does this also in community, with bugs consolidated if many persons are reporting, visible to members. This is great, and consolidating should be what you do internally at least, but reporting consolidated bugs rather than apparent personal responses may be too much for a consumer community as Quicken has.
To underline, the entirely loose, never say, drop many important bugs practices on present community reporting is a real loss to your reputation at Quicken. Separating community 'help each other' from actual bug reporting and repair should be a great step forward, in a responsible, responsibility-admitting, own-the-problem sense as outlined here.
Thank you. Wishing Quicken to work better, as of course it can.1 -
As an IT professional, the following tools would be very appropriate to engage users at a higher level.
A reference tab for the bug list would be most helpful. It should a description of the known issue as well as any potential workaround solution along with an expected fix date.
A reference tab for planned enhancements to enable user feedback regarding the usefulness
Thank you.2 -
I would also like to see a list of planned "enhancements" or "annoyance removals." As an example of the latter, a feature to standardize column widths across all reports of a given type.
Been using Quicken (and TurboTax) since DOS days in 1990s. Now using Quicken subscription on Windows.
1 -
Give us a way to reference the status, plans, and work-arounds for bugs and enhancements that we report.
Using discussion forums for bug reporting makes the company look very unresponsive. We see the same problems that we have, reported by others for years. If you want to make a high quality product and generate user satisfaction, you need to be communicative and responsive to the problems.1 -
+1, NO +2
Been using Quicken (and TurboTax) since DOS days in 1990s. Now using Quicken subscription on Windows.
0 -
Link doesn't work. August 2023
Been using Quicken (and TurboTax) since DOS days in 1990s. Now using Quicken subscription on Windows.