Wrong "Stock Splits May be Missing" for CEW (ETF on TSX, Toronto)

Marcel Member ✭✭
edited January 2019 in Investing (Windows)

At the end of December
2018, while updating, I suddenly received a message proposing to add some
stock splits information that were missing in my data. I was 100% sure that this
information was wrong. So, reading the message in this window, I selected “Clear
All” and clicked OK. The next day and each time I update, I am receiving the
same message but only for the ETF, on the Toronto TSX with the ticker being CEW. It is obvious that no such thing as a 1.04957 split ratio is
valid. Clearing the Symbol and clicking OK does not resolve the problem since the same window come back at each update.

I am using Quicken 2016, Canadian version, at the latest update.

 What can I do to get rid of this message? I am assuming this error is coming from the Quicken server and need to be corrected by them. Any help will be welcomed. I am attaching a screen shot of the error message.


  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited January 2019
    I have the same thing happening.

  • Marcel
    Marcel Member ✭✭
    edited January 2019

    I received the following answer from Quicken:
    "I read your problem and i think that is a
    Quicken configuration problem, we are very sorry for the inconvenience. On
    behalf of our team i can suggest, you can contact our Quicken customer service
    for the instant help"

    But I changed nothing to my configuration. Each day I just update by stock value. And suddenly appears this warning window! If, after making a backup, I select OK without clearing the marked ticker, a stocksplit entry is made and, in the memo section it is written "from data feed".

     It is obvious that this wrong information is coming from the Quicken server. No split never occurred with the CEW ETF.

    I am then expecting that a correction is made in the Quicken data  server that is pushed to me.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Marcel said:


    I received the following answer from Quicken:
    "I read your problem and i think that is a
    Quicken configuration problem, we are very sorry for the inconvenience. On
    behalf of our team i can suggest, you can contact our Quicken customer service
    for the instant help"

    But I changed nothing to my configuration. Each day I just update by stock value. And suddenly appears this warning window! If, after making a backup, I select OK without clearing the marked ticker, a stocksplit entry is made and, in the memo section it is written "from data feed".

     It is obvious that this wrong information is coming from the Quicken server. No split never occurred with the CEW ETF.

    I am then expecting that a correction is made in the Quicken data  server that is pushed to me.


    Note the poor grammar and punctuation in the message you received.

    That message was a SCAM support email. Do not call the number included in the email.

    For real Quicken support, use the contact information linked from Help > Quicken Support
    QWin Premier subscription
  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Marcel said:


    I received the following answer from Quicken:
    "I read your problem and i think that is a
    Quicken configuration problem, we are very sorry for the inconvenience. On
    behalf of our team i can suggest, you can contact our Quicken customer service
    for the instant help"

    But I changed nothing to my configuration. Each day I just update by stock value. And suddenly appears this warning window! If, after making a backup, I select OK without clearing the marked ticker, a stocksplit entry is made and, in the memo section it is written "from data feed".

     It is obvious that this wrong information is coming from the Quicken server. No split never occurred with the CEW ETF.

    I am then expecting that a correction is made in the Quicken data  server that is pushed to me.


    I strongly suspect you were not contacted by official Quicken Support.

    The ONLY Official Quicken Support can be reached for FREE via chat or phone. Read this:

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Marcel
    Marcel Member ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Marcel said:


    I received the following answer from Quicken:
    "I read your problem and i think that is a
    Quicken configuration problem, we are very sorry for the inconvenience. On
    behalf of our team i can suggest, you can contact our Quicken customer service
    for the instant help"

    But I changed nothing to my configuration. Each day I just update by stock value. And suddenly appears this warning window! If, after making a backup, I select OK without clearing the marked ticker, a stocksplit entry is made and, in the memo section it is written "from data feed".

     It is obvious that this wrong information is coming from the Quicken server. No split never occurred with the CEW ETF.

    I am then expecting that a correction is made in the Quicken data  server that is pushed to me.


    Thank you, Jim and Smayer97, for pointing out this Scam.

    Smayer97, reading your comment suggests that this Community Support group is not monitored by Quicken and that I need to open an incident with them?

    Thanks again.
  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Marcel said:


    I received the following answer from Quicken:
    "I read your problem and i think that is a
    Quicken configuration problem, we are very sorry for the inconvenience. On
    behalf of our team i can suggest, you can contact our Quicken customer service
    for the instant help"

    But I changed nothing to my configuration. Each day I just update by stock value. And suddenly appears this warning window! If, after making a backup, I select OK without clearing the marked ticker, a stocksplit entry is made and, in the memo section it is written "from data feed".

     It is obvious that this wrong information is coming from the Quicken server. No split never occurred with the CEW ETF.

    I am then expecting that a correction is made in the Quicken data  server that is pushed to me.


    It is monitored most hours but not quite 24/7. So there are gaps. That said, the monitoring is still AFTER the fact... scammers can still post before they are caught. GetSat just does not provide tools to the moderators to be able to stop them before they post.

    Also, another tactic is that they now often post and then immediately delete their own posts, knowing that GetSat automatically sends out e-mail notifications to anyone "Following" a thread or category of threads.

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

    Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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    Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    @Marcel:  To some of your questions ...

    Yes, that information is coming from Quicken's servers.  The pop-up is saying you have a split of 1-for-0.953146 in your data but that the split should be the inverse of that; 1 for 1.049157.  That type of data is stored in the price history information for the security and may not be visible to you through a specific StkSplt transactions in a transactions listing for an account.  

    Looking at the BlackRock data for CEW (https://www.blackrock.com/ca/individual/en/products/239532/ishares-equal-weight-banc-lifeco-etf#/), I see them reporting a distribution effective 12/28/18 that includes a "reinvested" component of 0.53835 CAD and a cash component of 0.05055 CAD.    I am not familiar enough with Canadian financial practices to know if those relate to your issue here.  

    There are circumstances in US companies where they issue a 'stock dividend' of x-shares rather than a cash dividend.  Those are effectively a stock split even though there may not be an associated price adjustment.  In Quicken, those 'stock dividends' are entered into the transaction list as Stock Splits.  So it is plausible that a 1.049157 stock split applies.  

    If it does apply, you should see some record to that effect in your brokerage account data.  But I further note the BlackRock information says the event is payable 1/4/19, so I would not expect to see it on a 12/31/18 end-of-year statement.  Look online if available.

    Now to the prompt issue ... 
    Step 1 is to make sure you have a good backup available.
    Step 2 is to determine what is correct in the real world.  I suspect the 1.049157:1 split may apply but may be better recorded as a StkSplt transaction on Jan 4, 2019.
    Step 3:  I would accept the 1.049157:1 offering dated 12/27/18
    Step 4:  I would enter the 1.041957:1 split as a transaction dated 12/27/18.  Same as the offered data;  that give you a visible transaction rather than a data bit hidden in the price history data.
    Step 5:  I would re-date the StkSplt transaction to the Jan 4, 2019 date (if that better matches real world records).

    I think after all that, you will not have further issues with the pop-up.  But no promises.  These types of popups have a mind of their own and can reappear at odd times in my experience.
  • Marcel
    Marcel Member ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    @q.lurker : Thanks for taking the time...

    To answer your about cash reinvestment, read the following :

    ...To the extent
    that any iShares Fund has not distributed the full amount of its net income or net realized
    capital gains in any taxation year, the difference between such amount and the amount
    actually distributed by the iShares Fund will be paid as a “reinvested distribution”.
    Reinvested distributions (if any), net of any required withholding tax, will be reinvested
    automatically in additional Units of the applicable iShares Fund at a price equal to the
    NAV per Unit of the applicable iShares Fund and the Units of that iShares Fund will be
    immediately consolidated such that the number of outstanding Units of the iShares Fund
    following the distribution will equal the number of Units of the iShares Fund outstanding
    prior to the distribution.

    Because "the number of outstanding Units of the iShares Fund
    following the distribution will equal the number of Units of the iShares Fund outstanding
    prior to the distribution", there is no change in the number of shares that we own.

    So, for unknow reason, someone or something has erroneously feed
    the Quicken server with wrong data.

    I have
    tried to be smarter than the Quicken server and tried to implement a
    workaround. The TSX being closed on December 26 and 29 in Canada, I simulated a
    sale, using my average price, of all my shares on December 26 and simulated a
    buy, using the same average price of the same number of shares on December 29.
    The objective was to avoid the 27 and 28 of December and to keep the same value
    in my portfolio.

    updating, I am still receiving the proposed stock split entry. This time, if I
    accept it, no modification is made to my number of owned shares since I had
    none of them on December 27 and 28. Unfortunately, each time I update, I still
    get this window. I also tried a scenario where I deleted all the historical
    prices for CEW but while populating this data again, I am still receiving the
    proposed missing split!

    Quicken, can you fix your server with accurate data?
  • Marcel
    Marcel Member ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Can someone from Quicken address this problem or should I open a ticket on your support chat or phone your support line?
  • Arctic Hare
    Arctic Hare SuperUser ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Marcel said:

    Can someone from Quicken address this problem or should I open a ticket on your support chat or phone your support line?

    Marcel, I also received this error message early this year. I don't claim to understand it as it seems to be phantom message (there was no stock split), but I simply clicked OK and I never saw the message again. Is the message persistent for you?
  • Marcel
    Marcel Member ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Marcel said:

    Can someone from Quicken address this problem or should I open a ticket on your support chat or phone your support line?

    If I click OK without clearing the green check mark next to CEW, then a split entry will by added to the transaction file and the number of shares for CEW will change, which is not valid.
    If I clear the check mark (clear all button) and then click OK, the same window is coming back at each update!
    Data from the Quicken server need to be updated because such a split never existed.
  • Arctic Hare
    Arctic Hare SuperUser ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Marcel said:

    Can someone from Quicken address this problem or should I open a ticket on your support chat or phone your support line?

    I didn’t clear the checkbox and it did not change the number of shares held - in my case.
  • Marcel
    Marcel Member ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Marcel said:

    Can someone from Quicken address this problem or should I open a ticket on your support chat or phone your support line?

    Maybe you do not experience this problem because you have Quicken 2019 H&B Canadian and my version is 2016?
  • Marcel
    Marcel Member ✭✭
    @ Arctic Hare
    I do not see your last answer which was:

    "I don't think that the Q version matters. I just accepted the stock split, but it didn't actually create a stock split. Have you tested whether it actually enters the split on your system?"

    Yes, if I answer "OK" without clearing the mark next to the CEW ticker, a stock split is added and my number of shares owned is modified.

    I can not get rid of this window. I will try to contact Quicken support but, because this ETF has a very low transaction volume, I do not expect them to move as fast as if it was an ETF like XIU. :/