Exporting "Net Worth Over Time" report to CSV

rtribit Member ✭✭
The QM19 "Net Worth Over Time" report does not have an "Export to CSV" option. It would be very useful to have the option of exporting just the data portion (not the graphs at the top of the report) of the QM19 "Net Worth Over Time" to a CSV file.  The data portion is the column data under the graph portion. 


  • MarcR
    MarcR Member ✭✭✭
    If you click on hide graph and then click on the export report in different formats, you can export to a .PDF file, which is way nicer than a .csv file.  Other options include, .xlsx and .txt.
  • rtribit
    rtribit Member ✭✭
    MarcR:  Unfortunately, I can not find the "hide graph" in my Quicken for Mac 2019 (QM19).  Can you provide me with more specifics on how to find and click on "hide graph" with the "Net Worth Over Time" report?

    RickO:  I have tried my Mac's Print PDF for this report.  Unfortunately, the best I've been able to do with that approach is 1) Print to PDF, 2) use Adobe's PDF Export function (I pay for this) to export the PDF file to MS Word, then 3) copy and paste the parts of the MS Word file into an Excel file.
  • rtribit
    rtribit Member ✭✭
    RickO:  Thank you.  Your copy & paste workaround worked for me.  Much better than my Adobe approach.
  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is one of the older legacy reports that is not going to get updated.
    @Quicken Marcus can you please confirm this? There seems to be some mixed messages over time about the plans for the old reports. At one time it seemed the plan was to eventually replace them altogether using the new report engine then there was a statement not long ago about eventually going back and fixing or tweaking them. 

    Can you shed some light as to what the eventual plan is for the old reports?

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