Create account groups (5 Merged Vote)

M Wax
M Wax Member ✭✭✭
I'm a Quicken user for 20+ years. I like my account groups separate. May I ask is it possible to separate Property and Debt into separate groups? Is it possible to create a group? I would like a separate group for life insurance? I now have it listed under Property and Debt. Shouldn't the user be able to have this ability to conform to how they would like to organize ones assets and debt?
25 votes

Reviewed · Last Updated



  • DorKul
    DorKul Member ✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I'm new to Quicken (recently bought the Quicken Deluxe 2017 version). In
    two different softwares that I used before - I could group my accounts
    together, so that if I have 2 accounts in Bank A, and 3 accounts in Bank B, for example - I could manage each account separately, but still see a roll-up of the total amount in both banks.
    Both previous softwares showed me the accounts grouped by the bank they
    belong to, the balance in each account, and the total balance in that
    bank - all in the left pane at the side. I liked that feature, and it
    seems strange to me that I don't see that option in Quicken.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    To put it another way, Quicken has chosen to group accounts in the Account Pane by category and subcategory rather than financial institution. The major categories are Banking, Investing, Property and debt and the subcategories are Checking, Savings, Credit, Investment, Retirement, etc. Many users find this useful.

    If you want to see a roll-up for a particular financial institution, you can go to Reports/Net Worth and Balances/Account Balances to display the Account Balance report. Then click on the gear to customize the report and select just the accounts for the institution you are interested in and it will display the balances for just that institution. You can save this report for future use and repeat for your other institutions.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • DorKul
    DorKul Member ✭✭
    edited October 2019

    I didn't know about that difference

    between IDEAs and PROBLEMs - now I'm wondering if I should change some
    of my other post types (and if so - how).

    On that subject, I was
    looking for information about the possibility for using the mobile app
    with foreign currencies, and I saw that quite a few people had entered
    QUESTIONs about this - basically asking if it was possible, and
    receiving the answer that it is not.

    I wanted to go one step
    further than just asking, and put in a vote that this is something that I
    would like to see (and evidently others would, too) - so I posted a
    PROBLEM with that request. Should I have posted an IDEA instead? Would
    that make a difference?

    Thanks again for your help.
  • Bishop3
    Bishop3 Member ✭✭
    edited October 2018
    I too would like to have the ability to group accounts.  I have 529 accounts with American Funds and the only way to have direct connect services with them is to have a separate account setup in Quicken for each account and fund within that account.  It is a limitation of American Funds and not with Quicken.  This works fine, but I have 4 account with American Funds and each have 4 funds.  This creates 16 accounts in Quicken. 

    To make matters worse some of my C shares now converted to A shares, and thus I now have more funds and more Quicken accounts in order to direct connect to them.

    Everything works good except the account list is long.  Would just be nice have the ability to expand or contract groups of accounts in the bar on the left.  I know this may cause some ripple effect with the way Quicken already groups account, so it may not be that easy to implement. Just wanted to get my vote in that this would be a nice to have feature in future if possible.
  • Bishop3
    Bishop3 Member ✭✭
    edited November 2019

    I too would like to have the ability to group accounts.  I have 529 accounts with American Funds and the only way to have direct connect services with them is to have a separate account setup in Quicken for each account and fund within that account.  It is a limitation of American Funds and not with Quicken.  This works fine, but I have 4 account with American Funds and each have 4 funds.  This creates 16 accounts in Quicken. 

    To make matters worse some of my C shares now converted to A shares, and thus I now have more funds and more Quicken accounts in order to direct connect to them.

    Everything works good except the account list is long.  Would just be nice have the ability to expand or contract groups of accounts in the bar on the left.  I know this may cause some ripple effect with the way Quicken already groups account, so it may not be that easy to implement. Just wanted to get my vote in that this would be a nice to have feature in future if possible.

    Got it. Vote done. I hope others will vote on this.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    Good idea. I think a general solution to this would be to add a user definable "Account type" [edit 3/2022 - Account Type is already used] "Account group" which could be used to select and group accounts in reports and the Investing > Portfolio views. This would be similar to the Investing goal for securities but would be an account attribute.

    Some people have asked to be able to use this also for selecting and grouping "his" "hers" and "joint" accounts instead.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • volvogirl
    volvogirl Quicken Windows Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Would Tags work?  You can sort reports by Tags.

    I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think Tags can only be applied to transactions. This would be like tags but for accounts instead.
    QWin Premier subscription
    BRETTB Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    So I have a lot of accounts in Quicken H&B.

    I would like to see a filter box at top of the left column where all the accounts are listed on left side where if we put a key word(s) it would filter the accounts on those key word(s).

    I tend to put some key initials of accounts so I can easily see who they belong to whether a business, personal (my and my wife), property, etc XX BANK xxx9239

    So if I put "XX "it would redisplay list with all that contain that key word/letters.

    Another example my wife and myself may have same accounts at same bank and I want to see all accounts quickly buy putting say "Wells" and it would filter the list to include those accounts with the letters "Wells" which may include mine/wife and businesses.

    Also nice to include ability with "AND" and "OR" - when filtering to make it even more powerful.

    In the filter box is should be have an X to clear filter box.

    Be a great help to have this feature when one has many accounts.
    BRETTB Member ✭✭✭✭
    One more suggestion. It would be nice to have the ability to group accts together. yes my work around is the filters but if I were to put accounts into groups or add tags to them and then to filter on them would be very beneficial also.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    [removed self-referencing link]

    Would it work for you to have user definable account groups? That way you would not have to take up space in the account name.
    QWin Premier subscription
    BRETTB Member ✭✭✭✭
    Yes account groups would be useful. I think for maximum flexibility I like tags where multiple tags can be applied to accounts. So I may credit card account where I may give it an tag-Credit Card and Name1 for whose account it belongs too - say my wife.

    So it I filter or only want to see all credit cards it can select that tag. I might put two tags to filter and condense the list of accounts on left side.

    My Filter suggestion was based upon key words in the account name. Selecting tag filters could be another why to condense the list quickly vs looking through 50+ accts

    Just think it would improve usability for those having complex setups and alot of accounts.
    BRETTB Member ✭✭✭✭
    Want maximum flexibility on filtering the list that I'm currently working with on the left side of screen list.
  • gt00tx
    gt00tx Member ✭✭✭
    I have been away from Quicken for many years. Trying it out again. I see that the program organizes Banking Accounts into Spending and Saving. Is there a way to change this structure so I can customize to arrange by institution instead of what type of account Quicken THINKS it is?
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2019
    Hello gt00tx,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to post your question, although I apologize that this feature isn't currently offered.

    I have moved your post to the ongoing Idea thread to add the ability to create an account.

    Ideas are reviewed by our development team to see what people would like to be available in the future.

    Thank you,
    -Quicken Tyka
    BRETTB Member ✭✭✭✭
    I want to add to my previous suggestion. I think most that have posted here that have many accounts in quicken are looking for quick way to condense the accounts on the left side of screen quickly. I have already suggested maybe tags, search box to filter on key words of account names. Then also being able to save a search or tag search where we can drop a box and select that saved filter setting. There would be a quick "X" box to clear the current filter to show everything.

    I want to take it one more step. I would like the general tabs at the top - Home, Spending, Bills and Income, etc. that what ever is filtered on left side where it would update those tabs with those accounts on left. This could be setup as a global preference.

    I know most of those tabs can be customize what shows on this. If a default is not shown or setup then maybe a use could have it the currently filtered accounts as its data.

    Just may be a simple away to look at each of the tabs with a saved grouping of accounts and enjoy maximum flexibility with program.
  • pmw0813
    pmw0813 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    The account list on the left for investment splits up regular and retirement. Is it possible to have other groupings? College Funds/Retirement/......
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry, the sections of the Account bar are fixed.

    If you have different securities in the different types of account, you can set your own investing goals for the securities and group a portfolio view by investing goal.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Andromace
    Andromace Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    It would be very helpful to have the ability to create Custom Account Groups on the Left Bar. Please add this ability.
  • Bobby443
    Bobby443 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    +1 Please add the ability to create custom account groups (add to account intent) so that accounts can be displayed under customer intent groupings.
    BRETTB Member ✭✭✭✭
    Also Allowing one to group a number of accounts and giving them a name grouping/tag name would be beneficial when one is trying to create different reports with the same account groupings vs going through a list of 50+ accounts and selecting individually.  
  • Jon Foster
    Jon Foster Member ✭✭✭
    Also long time Quicken user. This is a key feature for me as well. Seems like a very simple thing to add. Extrapolating, Quicken is very rigid in its reporting. Seems to me the ability to add metadata to accounts and filter /group/report based on that metadata would be very useful.
  • lsrothstein24
    lsrothstein24 Quicken Windows 2017 Windows Beta Beta
    Jim Harmon - I can't find anywhere to set up the subgroups you mentioned in your replay.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Which reply are you referring to? Please quote or provide the date of my reply.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • lsrothstein24
    lsrothstein24 Quicken Windows 2017 Windows Beta Beta
    I can't remember the exact reply, but you had mentioned that there is a way to set up subgroups in the Account listing on the side of the Quicken screen.  Under Banking, I would like to divide my accounts into Checking, Savings, and Credit and have a header on each sub-group.  Is this possible?
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Quicken already groups accounts as you describe with a faint line between them but there is no heading or subtotal.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Varsuuk
    Varsuuk Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I too would love to be able to group accounts on left pane. I'd like to add "sections" because I'd like to see accounts that are "mine" and accounts that are "PoA" separately, for example. But I figure in general it would be nice to breakup categories if we wished.

  • Joe_Sykes
    Joe_Sykes Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited May 2023

    Back in 2015 in beta testing, the Intuit Quicken folks had us test complete user customization of the Quicken account bar. User could create any name for an account group and put whatever desired accounts under that custom named account group. It was a fabulous feature and was a super improvement reinvigorating the antiquated and stale account bar! The beta version of this feature in its 1st iteration was purely skeletal. In other words, user could only create new account groups, edit and delete them, and assign accounts to the custom account groups. After that, there was no functionality.

    After a few weeks of positive testing, for some reason, Intuit quickly and abruptly killed it. When I inquired of the Quicken beta team why, the answer I was given was that it was a very complicated feature, required a significant amount of code writing to implement, and it introduced a lot of issues affecting the various modules within the Quicken application. The complexity of the feature in its interaction with other embedded Quicken application modules was not worth allocating the resources to its further development.

    With every new update of the Quicken application, I hope Quicken figures a way to re-think full customization of the account bar. Unfortunately it never happens. My view was killing this awesome feature was a big disappointment in Quicken’s future product innovation and evolution. The Quicken account bar is WAY overdue for some attention.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭


    If you are managing accounts for someone whose finances are separate from yours, it is generally easier to set up a separate Quicken file for them. If you don't do that their Net Worth will be combined with yours and the accounts will be included in your Tax reports by default for example.

    Another option would be to mark those account as Separate, which will exclude them from your reports by default and move them to a section at the bottom of the Account Bar.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Michael A Reed
    Michael A Reed Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I have seen many people asking for this but I do not see it in product enhancement. I have several investments with a couple different firms and I would love to be easily see a total by Firm. This could also help for those looking to subtotal savings accounts or checking accounts or even loans.