Can I export specific accounts from within my data file as discreet QXF files Q for Mac Premier 2020

Our Credit Union has rolled out a new System Application and I buggered up the credentials in my data file by only disabling transaction download in one account instead of all four accounts within my data file. Can I export individual account files as, for example, .QXF files, then delete the accounts and set them back up and import the discreet .QXF files into Mac accounts?

Best Answers

  • Michael Dulaney
    Michael Dulaney Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I'm answering my own question in case anyone needs to do this.
    YES! You can make a copy of a Quicken file, delete all the accounts that you do not want to re-import, export the file to Quicken for Windows (QFX) format. The QFX file will only contain the accounts that were left after deleting everything else. You then open a new copy of a Quicken file, delete the accounts that you want to replace and then IMPORT the QFX with the accounts that you want to replace.
    It goes without saying that you want to have lots of backups before you start and at each step, rename the various files with names that clearly explain exactly what it is.


  • Michael Dulaney
    Michael Dulaney Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I'm answering my own question in case anyone needs to do this.
    YES! You can make a copy of a Quicken file, delete all the accounts that you do not want to re-import, export the file to Quicken for Windows (QFX) format. The QFX file will only contain the accounts that were left after deleting everything else. You then open a new copy of a Quicken file, delete the accounts that you want to replace and then IMPORT the QFX with the accounts that you want to replace.
    It goes without saying that you want to have lots of backups before you start and at each step, rename the various files with names that clearly explain exactly what it is.
  • Michael Dulaney
    Michael Dulaney Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2019
    Oops on the QXF vs QFX. Lysdexia strikes! Interesting how the "Break any transfers between accounts within Quicken" occurs. At this point, inter account transfers are way down on my problem list. Thanks for the response!
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