Quicken for Mac v5.15 Released

Quicken Marcus
Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
There are 2 primary changes in v5.15 -- QuickFill Improvements and the new Quicken Bill Manager feature for US Premier members.

QuickFill Improvements
If you read the v5.14 release forum post you would know that the biggest issue brought up by customers was the inability of 5.14 to auto-create/edit a QuickFill memorized transaction with tag and memo fields from the register.  We've solved this issue in 5.15 by giving you the flexibility to decide whether you want just the category to be saved or all key fields.

This option appears above the Category field in the register and also appears in the Transaction Details screen when editing details or splits.

This gives you the ability to decide whether or not to save a QuickFIll that contains all fields for a particular transaction or just the category field. We'll remember your last selection.

Also, we changed the behavior of the checkbox in the tab that appears above the category field.  The checkbox controls whether or not a QuickFill should be auto-created when editing a transaction. There may be times when you don't want a QuickFill to be remembered because you know that the edits you're making will never be needed again or if you don't want the current QuickFill to be modified.  In this case, you can uncheck the checkbox and then Quicken will NOT edit or create a new QuickFill rule with your edits.  Previously, Quicken would remember the last thing you did and so in the next transaction you edited, this feature would be off.  We decided that it would be better if the ability to create a QuickFill was always on by default allowing you the ability to uncheck this checkbox without any concern for having to remember to turn this back on the next time you edit a transaction. We felt this is what the majority of customers would want and it was too much work for people to constantly be forced to manage this checkbox.

Quicken Bill Manager (For US Premier Customers Only)
Quicken Bill Manager is a new service that allows you to pay online bills directly and on the same day (Quick Pay) or to write and pay checks (Check Pay) all from within Quicken.  We've been testing this internally for the past 6 months and I've been a huge user of the feature. I'm the type of person who likes paying off his credit cards immediately as I use them so I don't get into trouble by spending more than I have in my checking account which means I'm always in the mobile apps of each of my credit cards.  I also like credit card points so I have lots of credit cards.  Now, I can just use Quicken to pay all my bills using the new Quick Pay feature.   Go to Bills & Income and click on the Payees tab.  Click Add Payees and walkthrough the eBill Payee steps to add payees.  I personally added my credit cards.

After you have some eBills added, now you need to set up a Quick Pay payment account.  Select the Bill Pay main menu and choose the Add/Edit Payment Account menu item to enable your checking account for Quick Pay.

Walkthrough the steps to enable your account.  Once enabled, you can now pay your bills from within Quicken by clicking on the Pay with Quick Pay button or click on the 3 dots to get a menu to give you options to pay a particular bill.  The best part of this is that the payment is made immediately.

Check Pay takes a bit more to set-up a payment account because you have to wait a few days for micro-payments to be sent to your account.  Once you receive these, you then need to verify the amounts to enable your account for Check Pay.  After this, Check Pay works very similar to Quick Pay.  For example, if you have a gardner or someone else you have to pay with a check, simply select Pay with Check Pay in the 3 dot menu, fill out the address information, verify the address and then your check will be printed and sent for you.  You don't have to pay for postage or anything.

As always, please let us know of any issues you run into with the 5.15 release in this forum post and also let us know if you like or don't like the way we implemented a feature.  We're listening and making changes based on your feedback.  We can't monitor all of the forum posts but will be looking at this one so please direct feedback here.

The Quicken Mac Team.

2/28 - Shipped 5.15.
2/29 - Stopped the release to assess if there are any major issues.
3/3 - Shipped 5.15.1 with some minor fixes and now we're 100% released with no plans on stopping the rollout unless something comes up.
3/20 - Shipped 5.15.2.
3/27 - Shipped 5.15.3. - Fixed a number of issues we accidentally introduced in 5.15.2 like the 1899 calendar issue, QuickFill rules sometimes not being applied to downloaded transactions and a transaction auto-matching problem.



  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Some people on the Windows side of this forum, who got had access to the new bill pay tools a little earlier, have complained that the new system can only be used to pay bills immediately, and that it lacks the ability to schedule your payment for a future date (such as paying for a credit card, or making  a mortgage payment on or just before the due date). I think a lot of existing bill pay users will find this problematic. Can you comment on whether the ability to schedule future bill payments is planned, and if so, whether that's in the near-term or far off future?


    Completely unrelated to that, there's a problem several of us were discussing on the forum today that is an ongoing problem (and, I just checked, not fixed in 5.15.1): when printing any of the "new" reports, rows collapsed by the user on-screen are nonetheless printed by Quicken. That is, if I create a Category Summary report and click the collapse triangle next to Expenses, then only my Income seciton is expanded; when I click Print, I expect the printed report to be the same -- but it isn't. The printed report ignores the collapsed settings and prints every cateogry in the report -- perhaps 4 pages instead of 1. It's even wrose for a Transaction Report which has much more data; a user who collapses much of the report can still end up with 19 pages instead of 2. I'm hoping this is viewed as a bug and not a feature, since even the "old" reports printed exactly as they were collapsed on-screen. Now that it's tax time, a lot of users are finding there's no way to print out reports the way they have them carefully set up on screen. 

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • RCinNJ
    RCinNJ Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Just updated from 5.13 to 5.15. So far so good. Thanks for making these improvements to QuickFill!
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    jacobs said:
    Can you comment on whether the ability to schedule future bill payments is planned, and if so, whether that's in the near-term or far off future?
    We decreased the complexity of the new Bill Pay feature by removing scheduling from the mix to ensure we could get this over the finish line with a solid feature release but we know we're not done yet.  We realize scheduling is important and the good news is our partner already supports the feature meaning the work to implement it would be completely on the Quicken side. I can't be too specific but let's just say we'll be continuing to work on the new Bill Pay and BIlls & Income in general in 5.16, 5.17, and possibly more releases.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    jacobs said:
    ...There's a problem several of us were discussing on the forum today that is an ongoing problem (and, I just checked, not fixed in 5.15.1): when printing any of the "new" reports, rows collapsed by the user on-screen are nonetheless printed by Quicken. That is, if I create a Category Summary report and click the collapse triangle next to Expenses, then only my Income seciton is expanded; when I click Print, I expect the printed report to be the same -- but it isn't.
    Thanks for bringing this up. I actually just ran into this myself when trying to get ready for taxes.  The printing reports code is completely different than displaying reports so it's not technically a bug given that no one actually coded this capability up but I get the sentiment and need.  Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way we'd have this done in time for taxes but we'll definitely get this on the roadmap.  It makes a lot of sense to me.  By the way, you can copy or export a report to Excel which is what I've done in the past.  I'm not bringing this up as a way to deflect the request.  Just making a suggestion.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    By the way, you can copy or export a report to Excel which is what I've done in the past.  I'm not bringing this up as a way to deflect the request.  Just making a suggestion.
    It would be a fine suggestion, but both the export to .csv and the copy to clipboard also export every detail line. My collapsed 10-line report on-screen exports as 2,196 rows in Excel! Yes, I could edit that, but it would take a lot of time to edit down to something useful. ;)
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    So in QM2007, the default behaviour of QuickFill is that it always saves. In new QMac, we now have the option to save or not to save. To add to what @RickO suggests, in QM2007 there is the option to NOT save or override the existing QuickFill simply by pressing the OPT key while pressing the ENTER key. This records the transaction but ignores updating QuickFill just for that entry. This would be ideal combined with remembering the last setting, so would work very much like in QM2007.

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    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Ancient User
    Ancient User Member ✭✭✭
    Always pleased to see improvements, but the most recent upgrades seem to be playing hell with my database. I upgraded the app and am now on plus 20 minutes on the database...I store it on a network device and am wondering if this is normal...I'm getting kinda nervous just looking at "Upgrading your Quicken Data Setting up"....
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @Ancient User I can't answer your question about the time delay, but I have a guess… and it's related to something late in your post that I was going to advise against. Storing your live data file on any sort of cloud storage is not supported and highly discouraged. (You wrote network storage, so I'm not sure if that's a local network, like a file server or another Mac, or a NAS device.) Your Quicken data file actually consists of many files and folders, and permissions and file locks can get messed up, temporarily or permanently, if you're trying to use the Quicken file remotely. It is strongly recommended that you keep your data file on your local Mac. It's fine to store backups generated by Quicken, or copies of data files which have been compressed (.zip) on cloud storage services. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Ancient User
    Ancient User Member ✭✭✭
    This is a high speed local network storage device and I have been using this configuration for over a decade. It's required for me, not an option. It's one of the reasons that I originally chose Quicken. If this configuration no longer works, I will need to reassess my choice of software.

    What I have done:

    1. I restored a backup to local storage
    2. I updated this backup (took about 5 minutes)
    3. I was able to access the database
    4. I closed the application and copied the file to the networked drive
    5. I attempted to open the database from the networked drive
    6. Database did not open

    The database resides on an Apple networked device. Guess it's time to go shopping...a very disappointing upgrade indeed.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    RickO said:
    Please make the checkbox remember its last state, or at least give the user the option to make it so or not.
    @RickO  I understand the concern, but I respectfully disagree with having the checkbox always remember its last state. That's the way it initially worked in beta testing, and I found it a huge problem in my use.

    In your example, I understand wanting to uncheck the box when you enter an Amazon transaction. But if the state is persistent, then when I come back to Quicken two days later and enter a McDonals transaction, I need to remember/notice that the boxes was unchecked from two days ago, and remember to turn it back on again. And if I did that, and then had another Amazon transaction to enter, I'd have to turn it off again. I found I was getting it in the wrong state a significant number of times because I wasn't carefully checking it on every transaction.

    Currently, you'll have to turn it off for every Amazon transaction. If they changed the state to be persistent, you'd need to turn it off for Amazon transactions, and turn it on for many other transactions -- so you'd end up needing to check every transaction carefully, and frequently change the state of the checkbox (including most Amazon transactions). I think it's better to be persistently on, so all you have to think about is turning it off for the transactions you don't want.

    Now, I think the real solution to this issue is to add one additional feature which Quicken 2007 had: the ability to lock a QuickFill rule. In the case of Amazon, you'd create a rule with no splits, memo, category or amount and then lock it. So every Amazon transaction you enter would come up with nothing from before, and whatever you enter wouldn't change your QuickFill rule.

    Meanwhile, if you create just such a "blank" Amazon QuickFill rule and check the checkbox to use that rule as the default for Amazon if more than one rule exists, wouldn't that largely solve your problem? Yes, Quicken would be creating new QuickFill rules every time you made a differently-categorized purchase at Amazon, but it would never use those rules by daft -- it would always use the "blank" rule. 

    smayer97 said:
    In QM2007 there is the option to NOT save or override the existing QuickFill simply by pressing the OPT key while pressing the ENTER key. This records the transaction but ignores updating QuickFill just for that entry.
    Really?! I'll be darned; I just learned a new Quicken 2007 trick after all these years. ;) I've always made good use of the other hidden shortcut -- Option-Tab out of the Payee field so the existing QuickFill rule for the Payee is not filled in, but I never knew pressing Option which saving the transaction overrode it from creating/updating a QuickFill rule. Since the former has already been implemented in modern Quicken, I don't see why the latter shouldn't be as well.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @Quicken Marcus  I have one more comment/request regarding the creation of QuickFill rules. When I import my Quicken 2007 data file into a new Quicken Mac data file, no QuickFill rules are created. That makes for a huge task getting started, because I have to recreate every Payee transaction without benefit of QuickFill rules.

    You actually have the code developed to go through the database and create QuickFill rules -- this was part of the database update process in the initial update from version 5.13 to 5.14. Is there a reason that the import routine doesn't run through that same code at the end of an import from Quicken 2007 (and Quicken Windows, assuming the same situation occurs there) so QuickFill rules exist? That would make my final migration from Quicken 2007 to Quicken Mac soooo much easier! ;)
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • silvasp
    silvasp Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
    OK. I'm not getting it... I've seen the instructions on using the quickfill, but it's just not working for me. I'm not getting the option to set the quickfill, "To do this, select the down arrow next to the word category and change it to all fields"
    I'm just not seeing this.
  • silvasp
    silvasp Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
    I should mention I just upgraded to 5.15.1
  • BeauSoleilGT
    BeauSoleilGT Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @Quicken Marcus said:
    > There are 2 primary changes in v5.15 -- QuickFill Improvements and the new Quicken Bill Manager feature for US Premier members.
    > Quicken Bill Manager (For US Premier Customers Only)
    > Quicken Bill Manager is a new service that allows you to pay online bills directly and on the same day (Quick Pay) or to write and pay checks (Check Pay) all from within Quicken. 
    The best part of this is that the payment is made immediately.
    > As always, please let us know of any issues you run into with the 5.15 release in this forum post and also let us know if you like or don't like the way we implemented a feature.  We're listening and making changes based on your feedback.  We can't monitor all of the forum posts but will be looking at this one so please direct feedback here.

    Quicken Marcus, This major Bill Paying change has been rolled very poorly. I've been using Quicken for Mac since November 1988 and for me, one of it's most valuable features has been the ability to pay bills from within the Quicken app and have them paid on a date of my choosing, and further Quicken (Metavante) figured out whether the payee could receive the payment electronically or required a physical check.

    What has not been made clear is whether this new Bill Paying capability REPLACES our long standing Quicken Bill Pay or is IN ADDITION TO. I initially assumed the worse but one of your screen captures above suggests that our old reliable Quicken BillPay is still alive and well. I called both Metavante and your Premier Tech Support when the v5.15 came out and neither had a clue about this major change<>addition?? nor whether we could continue to use our existing Quicken Bill Pay payees already set up in our Quicken or had to re-enter all our Payees.

    First off: Can you please confirm whether the old reliable Quicken Bill Pay continues to work?


  • s2kdriver
    s2kdriver Member ✭✭
    Thanks for the new update. I would like to report an issue independent of the new features in the 5.15 release.

    The relatively new capability to override the date and amount for scheduled transactions (via register edits) may have an unintended side-effect. The displayed Upcoming Bills & Income transactions in the Home tab continue to be selected by the original underlying schedule, not the overridden schedule for the next transactions in the sequence. While the displayed # days pending does correctly obey the overrides, the transactions selected for display do not.

    For instance, if you have chosen a period of 14 days for future upcoming transactions to be displayed, if you have overridden one of those to be outside of the 14 day interval it still displays in the list, but with a delay greater than the 14 day period. Likewise, if you have overridden a scheduled transaction that originally falls outside of the same 14 day window, but now is inside the window, it does not display. This leads to some confusion and is probably not the way Quicken intended for this new override feature to work. Would you please look into this and decide if you want to make a correction. Thanks.
  • bill.burt
    bill.burt Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Major Bug !
    Setting up Check Pay calls for users to enter their birthdate as part of bank verification. The date of birth field will not accept birth years prior to 1999. Try it and see. I enter my year of 1948 and it immediately reverts to 2048. Get this fixed!!!
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    RickO said:
    In my usage, I only occasionally want to save another QuickFill transaction... The way it is now is a royal pain for me.
    Yup, I see that. This is what they were trying to avoid by making the state stay on or off depending on your last transaction -- but tey then acknowledged that had problems and detractors too.
    @RickO said:
    But better yet, how about a new setting in Preferences:

    By Default [ Save | Don't Save ] QuickFill Entries with [ Category | All Fields ]
    Yes! I agree with you: the default of whether the QuickFill rule should be on or off should be a Preference setting. Some users don't want many QuickFill rules; some users want QuickFill rules for almost everything -- so no one solution of leaving the checkbox above the Category field will satisfy the vast majority of users. And that's why a Preference setting would be optimal. (And adding a preference for the default toggle betweeen Category or All Fields in the same place would make great sense, too.)  I know from a previous conversation with Marcus that he wasn't keen on making anything about the QuickFill setting a Preference, but perhaps this discussion fleshes out why it's really a desirable solution.
    @RickO said:
    Locking QuickFill transactions would help a little, but would not solve the problem of the QuickFill list getting populated with a large number of unwanted entries.
    In my vision of it, if there were a Locked QuickFill rule for a Payee, no additional QuickFill rules would be created for that Payee. (That's the way it worked in Quicken 2007, and that seemed to work pretty well.)
    @RickO said:
    @smayer97 's suggestion of option-Enter to override the QuickFill memorization would help, if I remembered to make that my default keystroke for transaction save.
    All this amounts to is really a suggestion to have a keyboard shortcut for figuratively unchecking the current QuickFill box -- so I think it's a great idea for those, like you, who don't want to take their hands off the keyboard. By itself, it's not a complete solution. As an addition to the existing Option-Tab function, and giving more flexibility around QuickFill, it seems like a plus.

    RickO said:
    You have to be in the category field AND you have to make some change in that field for the blue box to pop up above the transaction. I really think the blue box should pop up any time you're in the category field during edit, not just when you change it. I think we're going to have a lot of confusion over this.
    Agreed! I actually would like the top blue menu to be visible when you're entering or editing anywhere in the transaction, not just the category field. If someone is thinking about creating/updating a QuickFill rule as they're entering a memo or amount or tag, it isn't intuitive that you can only set it by being in (and in some cases, changing) the Category field.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    This major Bill Paying change has been rolled very poorly… Can you please confirm whether the old reliable Quicken Bill Pay continues to work?
    @BeauSoleilGT We've been told that Quicken will push out a major announcement to users about the changes in bill payment services any day now. I suspect they were waiting for the Mac update to be in wide release so everyone could get it, and that has happened in the past 24 hours.

    For now, your "old reliable" Quicken Bill Pay is still functional. But this Quicken web page about migrating to the new bill payment services seems to imply that the old Quicken Bill Pay might be ending as of May 31. Hopfully, they'll provide more clarity about that in the near future, but for now, you can continue bysiness as usual.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • mvitulli
    mvitulli Member ✭✭
    Just updated. I no longer see save this QuickFill... in the register. I only see it if I open the Split Transaction. I miss having this option in the register.
  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    jacobs said:
    RickO said:
    In my usage, I only occasionally want to save another QuickFill transaction... The way it is now is a royal pain for me.
    Yup, I see that. This is what they were trying to avoid by making the state stay on or off depending on your last transaction -- but tey then acknowledged that had problems and detractors too.
    @RickO said:
    But better yet, how about a new setting in Preferences:

    By Default [ Save | Don't Save ] QuickFill Entries with [ Category | All Fields ]
    Yes! I agree with you: the default of whether the QuickFill rule should be on or off should be a Preference setting. Some users don't want many QuickFill rules; some users want QuickFill rules for almost everything -- so no one solution of leaving the checkbox above the Category field will satisfy the vast majority of users. And that's why a Preference setting would be optimal. (And adding a preference for the default toggle betweeen Category or All Fields in the same place would make great sense, too.)  I know from a previous conversation with Marcus that he wasn't keen on making anything about the QuickFill setting a Preference, but perhaps this discussion fleshes out why it's really a desirable solution.
    @RickO said:
    Locking QuickFill transactions would help a little, but would not solve the problem of the QuickFill list getting populated with a large number of unwanted entries.
    In my vision of it, if there were a Locked QuickFill rule for a Payee, no additional QuickFill rules would be created for that Payee. (That's the way it worked in Quicken 2007, and that seemed to work pretty well.)
    @RickO said:
    @smayer97 's suggestion of option-Enter to override the QuickFill memorization would help, if I remembered to make that my default keystroke for transaction save.
    All this amounts to is really a suggestion to have a keyboard shortcut for figuratively unchecking the current QuickFill box -- so I think it's a great idea for those, like you, who don't want to take their hands off the keyboard. By itself, it's not a complete solution. As an addition to the existing Option-Tab function, and giving more flexibility around QuickFill, it seems like a plus.

    I think the model used in QM2007 has always worked well offering flexibility both ways; a master preference to run on/off using QuickFill and if turned on, using the OPT-ENTER to override the behaviour just for the current entry. In QM2007, the OPT-ENTER ONLY works to override if the Automatically add to QuickFill entries is turned on.

    In new QMac, it does not have to be identical, but based on the new design, I would propose that QMac always remember the last setting and add the OPT-ENTER key-combo to override the behaviour in the opposite manner. So if it is on, turn it off for the one entry, if it is off, turn in on for one entry. This way, no one group has to always have to adjust the settings for every entry. Not sure if QWin has any better approaches but this might address all needs.

    As for the locking of QuickFill entries...yes that is still a needed addition.

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Jeff B
    Jeff B Member ✭✭✭
    CLONED my hard drive to TEST Quicken 5.15.

    Clicked "Wageworks" to write a CHECK for out medical insurance.
    Account number NOT in "Memo". It's blank. It did not recall previous checks.

    I saw the Quickfill option and clicked to remember all fields, but then would still have to go retrieve the info to write this check.|

    Tried to DUPLICATE previous check with the account number in the memo field, but the duplicate transaction did not provide any quickfill options.

    So apparently if I update from Quicken 5.13 to 5.15 it means MANUALLY REENTERING ALL THE INFO in EVERY TRANSACTION until I finally have QuickFill recalling everything moving forward?

    Am I missing something? Is there a workaround for all this extra work Quicken is making me do in order to update ? So far I have to regard this update as another FAIL..
  • Jeff B
    Jeff B Member ✭✭✭
    Just did another test where I manually entered all the info, Quickfill defaulted to my previous "All fields" preference. Then called up that transaction again, indeed all the fields were filled. But this still requires re-entering all the info for every transaction that previously filled automatically.

    There isn't anyway for Quicken to just extract that info from the database ?
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @Jeff B QuickFill rules are built as you use Quicken, so if there isn't an existing QuickFill rule for older transactions, then you need to enter the info manually -- once -- and set it to save as a QuickFill rule. Thereafter, it will be automatic. I agree it's something of a pain. If there were an option to do a one time "build QuickFill rules from all my historical transactions" I'd press that button in a second! 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Jeff B
    Jeff B Member ✭✭✭
    Just tried duplicating an old transaction to have all fields intact, but the only way to get QuickFill to work is to CHANGE your category. If I change it to call up the Quickfill option, then change it back, Quickfill option disappears.

    This update forces you to do a lot of extra data entry.

    Hopeful in subsequent updates the Quickfill option will be made available with the current category already in use, so working off old or duplicate transactions will be viable with the new Quickfill.

    For now I'm staying with Quicken 3.13. Updates only create a lot of extra work and headaches - zero benefit. I guess that's progress.

    Glad I tested all this a clone first, was hopeful issues would be resolved. I see progress made, but it's not there yet.
  • dental_floss
    dental_floss Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I recently switched from Quicken Windows to Mac since I no longer have Windows hardware and I am now all Mac-based.. so I am relatively new to the Mac version of Quicken.

    I support adding new enhancements to the tools, but these enhancements must come with user-friendly settings, and the features that haunt me in QuickenMac relate to auto categorization (and now quick fill).

    After my recent migration to Mac, I have struggled with the software's auto categorization features, both on the desktop version and the cloud version (when I log in to the cloud to review my transactions, I see that the web interface changes my categories right before my eyes...and Quicken support has verified this - the cloud does not alway honor auto categorization settings).

    I use quicken for two primary reasons: to budget (requires itemized spending tracking) and to verify no fraud is happening on my accounts.

    To verify no fraud has taken place, I review each transaction and then manually characterize it. Once categorized, I know I have verified it and don't need to worry about it anymore. Auto-categorization makes this fraud check no longer possible for me.

    To accurately budget and track spending, I make sure my manual categorization is accurate for each transaction. This means I cannot have any automated categorization taking place. There are exceptions to the rule (like recurring phone or cable bill payments).

    I try to review my transactions at least once a month, however sometimes this lapses for a few months. But it is not uncommon to have at least a 100+ transactions to review and categorize.

    With the new release of Quicken, the process for categorization has become more painful, as EVERY time I change a category, the tool AUTOMATICALLY wants to update the quick fill rules (the little check box is checked by default) - so now for each transaction, I have to make sure and uncheck that little box before finishing the edit. This means I have to click that box hundreds of times for each transaction review session. Then I have to review my quick fill list to make sure I did not let anything slip through. This is so painful that I don't want to use the software anymore.

    This is my plea to Quicken Development: PLEASE add user-controls to disable your new features and also fix these auto-categorization features and make this tool user friendly. Having many bells and whistles is meaningless if the software is painful to use.

    Quicken Windows user since 2004
  • K. Swensen
    K. Swensen Member ✭✭
    I cannot stress enough how much I hate Quickfill. I've tried working with it, and it's severely screwing with my reporting as its presuming every split on its own. For example, if my wife is out of town spending, and she brings me receipts (because she's not so good at this stuff) a week later when she gets home, every grocery store visit has the same split with a different dollar total. This is just awful stuff.

    My payees were also changed historically somehow. My wife and I have two Bank of America credit cards: Alaska Airlines and Spirit Airlines. However, somehow, Quicken decided to rename my entire history of Spirit card payments to Alaska. This is just awful. These "conveniences" need to have a toggle switch to turn them on and off. I'm way more comfortable handling data entry manually without all these ridiculous rules in place.

    Now, I'm using this from a Mac. Every guide on how to edit Quickfill seems to point to Windows. I've tried looking for the preferences the Mac way, but it's to no avail. Please please please help me set fire to this preference. Anyone out there know how to fix it?
  • dental_floss
    dental_floss Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @dental_floss said:
    > I recently switched from Quicken Windows to Mac since I no longer have Windows hardware and I am now all Mac-based.. so I am relatively new to the Mac version of Quicken.
    > I support adding new enhancements to the tools, but these enhancements must come with user-friendly settings, and the features that haunt me in QuickenMac relate to auto categorization (and now quick fill).
    > ...

    As a follow-up - Another UI problem ... if I edit a Tag on a transaction, a new entry is automagically added to the QuickFill rules, but there is no notification in or near the tag entry field about Quickfill rules being updated (unlike what I see above the category field).
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @dental_floss Yes, I'm afraid that's because the developers seemed to originally view QuickFill as primarily a tool for auto-categorization, so they tied it to the Category field. But in listening to user feedback, they now allow it to work for all fields -- which makes many of us happy -- but failed to change the user interface to make it easily visible while entering/editing those other fields. Hopefully, they'll continue listening that this is confusing and tweak the UI in the next release.

    And hopefully the comments in this thread make it clear that some users (like @RickO and @K. Swensen) want no QuickFill rules created automatically, and other users (like me) want QuickFill rules constantly updated for all fields -- and in between those camps, some users want QuickFill rules but only for categories. They tried to solve the split between Category-only and All Fields users in the 5.15 release, but they missed the mark by not allowing users to set a general Preference for whether QuickFill rules are created automatically or not. They tried to manage this with the little checkbox above the Category field, but this isn't satisfactory because it's either always on, or it stays in whatever state the user previously left it (requiring careful attention to whether it's on or off from a previous transaction). A general Preference setting, with the little checkbox to manually override the preference when desired, would solve this.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • noload
    noload Member ✭✭
    Quicken released the 5.15.1 Mac update before they checked their work. 5.15 worked but 5.15.1 destroyed my custom categories. I believe there was a remedy for the Quickfill problem but with this latest update all bets are off.
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