How to view and correct prior year data"

Best Answers
To locate the available data files and backups, I suggest you select File > Find Quicken Files...6
@PFrankWallace - It sounds to me that perhaps on Apr 1 you created a new Quicken file instead of opening the file you had been using.As @Sherlock suggested above: "To locate the available data files and backups, I suggest you select File > Find Quicken Files..."If I am correct, doing this Find Quicken Files search should find all Quicken data files on your hard drive. Take a look at the "Last Modified" column and look for the last file modified before your Apr 1 problem started. Click on that file and then click on "Open File".Let us know if you now see all of your missing data.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
@PFrankWallace - That's a pretty broad question. Can you be more specific about what you need to accomplish?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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You can open any register and change, delete or add any transaction you want. Change the Date or Category, etc. What problem are you having? What do you want to correct?
I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.
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I had been running 2013 Quicken but as of the 1st of April my machine kicked in 2020 Quicken. As a result I can not only go back to Sep 15, 2019. I must go back further to retrieve data for income tax purposes.0
Are you saying that your Quicken program was updated to Quicken 2020 version? Did you buy and install the newer version? I have Q2013 and nothing has happened to mine.
I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.
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"but as of the 1st of April my machine kicked in 2020 Quicken"Please explain what this means. Because there have been NO updates to QW2013 in MANY years.
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
Back in the Fall of 2019 I purchased Quicken Deluxe and in going through the upgrade was obligated to advance by means of a step by step "Series" method (my original Quicken dated to before 2000). When I got to the 2013 series, I was satisfied and went no further. About the 1st of April, 2020 there was no Quicken and the support people did not seem to exist. I was successful in getting part of the info back (15 Sep 2019 to 12 Apr 2020). That's it.0
"About the 1st of April, 2020 there was no Quicken "Now, please explain this. No Quicken Program? No Quicken Data?OR, no ability to download into Quicken?
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
1st of April this year I clicked the Quicken icon and my Quicken would appear but without any data. No banks, no transactions, no dates, nothing. The Quicken framework was there but empty. I am successful in retrieving some data (from 15 Sep 2019 to today).0
@PFrankWallace - When you say you can't see data prior to 15 Sep 2019, are you referring to in account registers, reports or both?If you are referring to account registers, please double check to make sure your register views are set correctly. They should look like this:
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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I am using "all dates", "any type", and "all transactions". I am still unable to go back further than 15 Sep 2019.0
By any chance is the CTRL key being held down when you click on the Q program icon?That will cause the Q program to open ... but to NOT open a data file. So, all that you'd have in the program header would be the FILE and HELP menus.
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
I'm not holding down the CTRL key but I will swap out keyboard to see if that helps.0
To locate the available data files and backups, I suggest you select File > Find Quicken Files...6
@PFrankWallace - Let me summarize my understanding of your situation:
- You previously had data in your file going back to 2000.
- You upgraded from 2013 to subscription in Fall 2019.
- On April 1 you opened Quicken and there was no data.
- Since April 1 you have been able to recover about 6 months of data (back to September) since then
If so:- After you upgraded to subscription in Fall 2019, were you able to see all of your Quicken data at that time?
- Were you able to see all the data whenever you opened Quicken subscription before April 1?
- What did you do to recover the data going back to Sep 2019?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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Summary of my situation; pretty close. When I upgraded in 2019, I purchased the Quicken Deluxe but opted to stick with 2013 Quicken as I was advancing series by series. Once complete I was able to view everything going back to 2015. I was ok with that since I didn't think that older data was meaningful. Yes, since the 1st of April I can only recover about 6 months of data (back 15 Sep 2019).0
On the 1st of April, 2020, I recovered the data going back to Sep 2019 by going online and attempted to purchase Quicken for a second time. The purchase did not occur but somehow the attempt might have screwed things up.0
I'm totally confused. Purchasing the program should have NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with your data ... especially if the purchase was unsuccessful and wasn't installed.
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
@PFrankWallace - It sounds to me that perhaps on Apr 1 you created a new Quicken file instead of opening the file you had been using.As @Sherlock suggested above: "To locate the available data files and backups, I suggest you select File > Find Quicken Files..."If I am correct, doing this Find Quicken Files search should find all Quicken data files on your hard drive. Take a look at the "Last Modified" column and look for the last file modified before your Apr 1 problem started. Click on that file and then click on "Open File".Let us know if you now see all of your missing data.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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WOW!!! That worked. It actually took me back to 2003 (all files, dates, transactions, etc.). Thanks folks, much appreciated.3
Woohoo! I'm glad it worked for you! A truly happy Easter day for you!
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home