Can I get a pie chart or bar graph alongside a custom summary report? (Q Mac) (7 Merged Votes)

Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
edited October 2023 in Reports
Will there be any support for Quicken Deluxe on Mac to be able to visually see the data (e.g through bar graphs) for custom summary reports?
117 votes

Planned · Last Updated

This idea is planned by the Mac development team. We don't yet have an ETA on the launch of these changes. QMAC-25065


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  • Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2020
    Hello @goodnessd

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to post your question, although I apologize that this feature isn't currently offered.

    I have gone ahead and changed this post to an Idea thread so that others may vote to add this feature to Quicken.

    Be sure to navigate to the top of this post and click the up arrow to add your vote!

    Ideas are reviewed by our development team to see what people would like to be available in the future.

    Thank you,

    -Quicken Tyka

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thanks @Quicken_Tyka. Where can I find a cumulative list of ideas?
  • Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @goodnessd

    The Idea posts are located under the Mac Category and then under "Product Ideas-Quicken for Mac"

    There are several subcategories depending on the topic.

    I hope this helps!

    -Quicken Tyka
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    This capability wasn't removed from the Mac version; it just hasn't been built (yet). Quicken Mac was re-written from scratch over the past decade, and nothing from the old Quicken 2007 carried over -- each feature needs to be built from scratch.

    With an idea wishlist from users that consists of literally hundreds of new and enhanced features, the developers can't deliver them all and need to prioritize their work.

    The developers have focused primarily on adding capabilities entirely missing from Quicken Mac that didn't have workarounds. Producing charts and graphs is something users can do by exporting a report to .csv and opening in Numbers or Excel. I'm not suggesting that's as easy as having this functionality in Quicken Mac itself, only noting there's a way to get to the desired result with some extra steps.

    The developers also pay attention to which Ideas on this site generate the most heat from users. This topic hasn't seen a lot of requests until recently, and this Idea thread is where users who want to see such functionality can vote for it. A low number of votes doesn't mean an idea isn't a good one, nor that it won't be implemented eventually, but ideas with larger numbers of votes get moved up the priority list.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    This seems simple to me, though I am not a computer programer by any means. But I do know that there are graphs on the home tab which show bars and pies displaying income and expense data. If they can be there, why are they not also listed under the report tab. Just a thought. Nonetheless, I appreciate the new Quicken Team and all the work you guys have done since acquiring this software from Intuit. Thanks again.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    I'd like to add my support for more graphical displays of data. I can best understand how item costs (utilities, food, booze, auto repair, gas, travel, etc.) are evolving with a line or bar chart of categories over time. A collection of numbers and much study may provide more precise information, but a graph provides understanding and appreciation almost immediately. Also a pie chart of my investments types (stock, bond, property, cash, etc) is the best way for me to understand my market exposure.

    Please implement more graphical ways of displaying data as rapidly as possible!

  • Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭
    I added my vote above, but I'd like to reiterate how important I think it is to have a bar chart (or similar) feature for reports.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    Functionality was there before the upgrades. I can still run the saved report for Net Worth and it still generates the graph. I don't like the idea that I have to run a spreadsheet system separately to just get a simple line or bar chart. Might want to look at the code again jacobs
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @MNunes27  I can't look at the code, as I'm just a fellow user like you. ;)

    There are two sets of reports in Quicken at this point. There are 6 old reports which are carryovers from the predecessor Quicken Essentials program circa 2010. These reports will be eliminated from the program at some point, pending the developers providing a way to convert customized reports users have saved. Those reports were not very customizable, but a couple of them offered graphs. The Net Worth Over Time report is one of those.

    The old reports are identifiable with a gray icon, or in Reports > Quicken Reports > Other Reports.

    The new reports engine is used for all the other reports in Quicken. They are more customizable, and resolve bugs in some of the older reports, but none of them have graphs.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited December 2020
    I have been a Quicken user since the early DOS days. I'm now using Quicken for Mac. You have made great strides with improvement with the MAC version. However, one area that I have been disappointed with is not being able to graph, especially with investments. I would love to see this function in Quicken.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I agree, it would be great to see a pie graph next on either with the report or in addition to the report. This is something, in my opinion, is badly needed with Quicken for Mac.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited December 2020
    [Removed-Speculation] I have been using the old Quicken for the Mac since 1995 and have all my data there. 20 years ago, pie charts were not considered "unnecessary luxury" - they simply WORKED. I believe they even worked in fairly recent versions of Quicken. So, at the very least, if you are trying to foist an "upgrade" like 6.0 on unsuspecting subscribers, you should WARN them that some features will get lost. I have not found ANYTHING in Quicken 6.0 that I was sorely missing in previous versions - but now I am sorely missing pie charts. Come on - export and open in Excel and fiddle around until you get something that used to be simply available in Quicken - are you serious?!?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    > There are two sets of reports in Quicken at this point. There are 6 old reports which are carryovers from the predecessor Quicken Essentials program circa 2010. These reports will be eliminated from the program at some point, pending the developers providing a way to convert customized reports users have saved. Those reports were not very customizable, but a couple of them offered graphs. The Net Worth Over Time report is one of those.
    Since you are just a user yourself, why do you repeat the official Quicken excuses? As you say yourself, 6 old reports are still there - why remove ANY of the old reports if there are no replacements for their full functionality (just a useless list of endless numbers)? Why not at least warn users that if they upgrade to Quicken 6.0, they will loose "obsolete" features AND won't be able to open their own files in earlier versions of Quicken ever again to regain those features? As someone else stated, the home tab still shows a bar graph - but it's ability to be customized is so limited that I can't even look at previous years. It has SOME customizability, so why not at least spent the minimal amount of effort to make it more useful so subscribers have at least something to work with?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    SKuhn said:
    Since you are just a user yourself, why do you repeat the official Quicken excuses? As you say yourself, 6 old reports are still there - why remove ANY of the old reports if there are no replacements for their full functionality (just a useless list of endless numbers)? Why not at least warn users that if they upgrade to Quicken 6.0, they will loose "obsolete" features AND won't be able to open their own files in earlier versions of Quicken ever again to regain those features? As someone else stated, the home tab still shows a bar graph - but it's ability to be customized is so limited that I can't even look at previous years. It has SOME customizability, so why not at least spent the minimal amount of effort to make it more useful so subscribers have at least something to work with?
    I'm not offering any excuses; I'm simply explaining the way things are.

    I've complained about reports since the modern Quicken Mac first came out as Quicken 2015 six years ago, and over time, I feel they have made very significant improvements in the accuracy and configurability of reports. But they definitely haven't crossed that finish line yet. There are still a number of often-requested reports features we're still waiting to see developed, including:
    • investment reports (now completely absent)
    • a more usable budget vs. actual report (with a user-specified date range)
    • more sorting and subtotaling options
    • totals and subtotals at the bottom of data instead of the top
    • optional graphs of report data
    We all use Quicken differently, so we can reasonably disagree on which of those, or other features, we feel are most important. I'm okay with tables of numbers without graphs, so that's not at the top of my priority list -- but I understand why some users prefer graphs. 

    That all said, I think you've got a misconception about Quicken 6.0: No reports or report functionality have been taken away from version 5.18 to 6.0.

    The old reports have a lot of flaws and limitations, which is why they spent years building a new reports engine and user interface. In the future, the developers have said they plan to remove the remaining old reports once users can accomplish similar things with the newer-generation reports. For instance, the old Category summary report is now pretty much obsolete, but some users have noted it offers subtotaling by Tags that the newer Transaction reports do not. Perhaps that's a reason they haven't yet removed Category Summary (even though it has several flaws, including sometimes omitting data) from the program.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • as a user of quicken since 1997 (at least) I have to admit that I'm disappointed that the functionality of quicken on the mac is so far behind the windows version from even 20 years ago.

    I appreciate that there's a backlog of work and that prioritization of this backlog is an on going issue. I expect the issue is a function of capacity and that the owners from 2016, H.I.G. Capital, are doing what all too many Private Equity firms do when they purchase companies and tech companies in particular--focus on short term profits over long term value.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @Michael DeCorte  Obviously none of us knows the inner workings and financials of H.I.G. and Quicken, but I'd note that the size of the Mac development team was substantially increased after H.I.G. brought Quicken out from its purgatory at Intuit -- the opposite of what you suggest a private equity firm would do.

    The forward progress on Quicken Mac still isn't as fast as any of us would like to see, but those limitations seem to be the result of the complexity of the code, not cutbacks by the ownership.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    edited February 2021
    I'd like the line graph from the old Net Worth Over Time report to carry over into the new reports as well. [removed - no soliciting] and others offer that basic functionality.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I'd like the graph of each investment showing buys and sells to come back
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I find that graphs make comprehending data much easier, especially over a 20+ year period. BRING BACK GRAPHS, PIE CHARTS, etc. Having just gone over to Premier Quicken for Mac from Quicken 2007, I am very disappointed in the lack of depth in both Reporting and Graphing capabilities. Boo!!! It seems like Simplifi has at least some pie-charts and graphs, why not QMac???
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    For instance, I'd like to be able to see in a report how much I have given to charity annually over the past 20+ years (without having to wade thru all my other categories at the same time), then also be able to see in a different view how much I have given to each individual charity over that time period. Easy to do in QM2007, is that possible in the new version?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @SaxBro  Yes, you can do both -- but in a report, not in a graph.

    For a report on your charitable giving year-by-year, use the Category Summary by Year report, Edit it, click on Categories, click Clear All, then click your charitably giving category(ies), and the report will show just that category for each year. Click on any dollar amount for a yea to see the individual transactions for that year.

    For a report by Payee by year, you could do a cross-tab report with Payees as rows and Time=Year as columns. Then edit the report to include just the charitable giving category. The resulting report shows each charity Payee in a row and how much you gave them each year going across the columns.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thanks jacobs!!!
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    Why on earth can't Quicken do that??
    For years I've dreaded leaving Q07 behind both because porting over all the data from the old Quicken to new version never worked right but also because I always discovered that along with some improvements in new versions came the loss of some important earlier features.
    Because of this I'm not a big fan of Quicken anyway--sad because it's mostly a good product--but it would be another hassle to start over with a new product from another developer and probably not be able to use my old Quicken data files.

    The ONLY reason I finally made the leap was because Q07 would not function with the Catalina and now Big Sur Mac OS, so I was stuck with the aging 2018 Mojave OS . Otherwise I could have lived happily with Q07 whose graphs and other reporting capabilities were quite useful enough.

    One more time: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING GRAPHS BACK to Quicken for Mac!!!
    I used them a LOT!!
  • Quicken Mac Other Unconfirmed ✭✭✭✭
    falcon said:
    The ONLY reason I finally made the leap was because Q07 would not function with the Catalina and now Big Sur Mac OS, so I was stuck with the aging 2018 Mojave OS . Otherwise I could have lived happily with Q07 whose graphs and other reporting capabilities were quite useful enough.
    Same for me, @falcon - if I could have stayed with QMac2007 in Catalina/Big Sur, I would have.

    QMac2021 gets better every update, but I still feel like I'm compromising by using it. I miss graphs, I miss not having to deal with bugs that Quicken never fixes, I miss being able to discard an unfinished transaction with just the <Esc> key, I miss the ease of QMac2007's reconciliations, and I miss being able to see the correct balance for every account while still being able to see future transactions.

    I keep hoping that after each release, the programmers hunker down and fix all the existing bugs before adding new features, but each time I'm disappointed.

    Still, QMac2021 works a LOT better than it did even just three years ago, so I'm optimistic that someday it'll be as good as QMac2007... and likely better.
  • Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello All,

    The Community Support team regularly reviews long-standing posts and Ideas for relevancy and current interest. This Idea seems to have stalled and we would like to gauge the current interest in this request. 

    If you would like to see this idea implemented, please add your vote and a comment explaining how this idea would be beneficial for you. More information, including steps to vote and how to submit your own Ideas for future product features/improvements, is also available here.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Community Support Team
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    I'm not sure how an idea that's less than a year old with more than 30 votes can be considered "stalled"; it seems obvious there is interest in this idea.

    I'd also note there are other threads about the general issue of graphs in reports, or some subset of that functionality. For instance, this is a separate Idea thread about the desire for graphs in investment reports:

    There are various other posts from users asking for similar functionality of graphs/charts with reports which are not Idea posts. 

    If the goal is to generate more discussion on this thread, I'll say that I don't consider this as high a priority need as a number of other features for Quicken Mac, but I do understand why it's important to some users and think it would be a worthwhile addition to the program.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I would love a simple pie chart of a category where i can customize the date range. I have this setup on reports but it is a text list and not a pie chart. On my main transaction list for one of my bank accounts for example, you can click on Spending or Income and see a pie chart that, when I click on a section it shows the transactions for it. This is a perfect start, however, i cannot see both spending and income combined with this ability which is what I'm looking for.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    Here is my requirement: Ability to create a line graph using investments in the portfolio.

    - Ability to choose the investments
    - Ability to create (include) a summary investment line for all accounts chosen.
    - Ability to save the report and run it at command (by save meaning the chosen investments.
    - Ability to choose a start date and end date
    - Ability to chose periods (days, weeks, quarters, months, years)
    - Ability to create primary and secondary axis (right and left side) and to assign each account to either. Default the primary axis
    - Ability to change the primary and secondary axis major and minor tic marks.
    - Ability to set minimum and maximum for primary and secondary
    - Ability to set bars or lines to each account
    - Ability to customize each line (color, solid/dash/weight)

    See the attached picture as an example of multiple accounts, set to monthly periods with primary and secondary axis. The summary is assigned to the secondary. If it were included on the primary, the rest of the investment lines would be at the bottom of the chart.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    another vote for expanding graph options on reports


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