FAQ: Is there a complete list of keyboard shortcuts for Windows?

Jack Walsh
Jack Walsh Member ✭✭
edited June 2021 in FAQ'S (Windows)
I've used Quicken for over 15 years, and have never seen a complete list of all of the Quicken for Windows keyboard shortcuts. Is such a list readily accessible?

Best Answer

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Update: Date field keyboard shortcuts in Quicken for Windows

    Assuming today's date is May 7th, 2020 and it is shown in the date field and you are using standard US - style dates (this may not work with other date formats) ...
    • Type + advances the date by 1 day, 5/8/2020
    • Type - subtracts 1 day from the date, 5/6/2020
    • Type t resets the date to Today's date, 5/7/2020
    • Typing 0501 gives 5/1/2020 (always type it with leading zeros for month and day numbers 01…09, no slashes)
    • Typing 123019 gives 12/30/2019 (no slashes)
    • Typing 12011999 gives 12/01/1999 (again, no slashes)
    • m gives the first day of the month, 5/1/2020
    • h gives the last day of the month, 5/31/2020
    • y gives the 1st of January of the year, 1/1/2020
    • r gives the 31st of December of the year, 12/31/2020
    • w gives this week's Sunday, 5/3/2020
    • k gives this week's Saturday, 5/9/2020
    • typing the same letter again advances to the next / prior interval, e.g. "ww" = 4/26/2020 or "++" = 5/9/2020
    • combine multiple keystrokes to get to the desired date, e.g., "m-" results in 4/30/2020 (date = 5/7, m = 5/1. - = 4/30)


  • Jack Walsh
    Jack Walsh Member ✭✭
    Thank you!
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Update: Date field keyboard shortcuts in Quicken for Windows

    Assuming today's date is May 7th, 2020 and it is shown in the date field and you are using standard US - style dates (this may not work with other date formats) ...
    • Type + advances the date by 1 day, 5/8/2020
    • Type - subtracts 1 day from the date, 5/6/2020
    • Type t resets the date to Today's date, 5/7/2020
    • Typing 0501 gives 5/1/2020 (always type it with leading zeros for month and day numbers 01…09, no slashes)
    • Typing 123019 gives 12/30/2019 (no slashes)
    • Typing 12011999 gives 12/01/1999 (again, no slashes)
    • m gives the first day of the month, 5/1/2020
    • h gives the last day of the month, 5/31/2020
    • y gives the 1st of January of the year, 1/1/2020
    • r gives the 31st of December of the year, 12/31/2020
    • w gives this week's Sunday, 5/3/2020
    • k gives this week's Saturday, 5/9/2020
    • typing the same letter again advances to the next / prior interval, e.g. "ww" = 4/26/2020 or "++" = 5/9/2020
    • combine multiple keystrokes to get to the desired date, e.g., "m-" results in 4/30/2020 (date = 5/7, m = 5/1. - = 4/30)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 8

    A few more:

    • Type [ subtracts one month from date, 4/7/2020
    • Type ] adds one month to date, 6/7/2020
    • Type SHIFT+ [ subtracts one year from date, 5/7/2019
    • Type SHIFT+ ] adds one year to date, 5/7/2021
    • Type 6 and tab = 6th of current month, with current year, or 8/6/2024.
    • Type 5/8 and tab enters date with current year, or 5/8/2024

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    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)