How do I get a end of quarter account summary? (Q Mac)

Quicken Mac Subscription Member
The account summery shows for July 2020. I want it for June 30 2020
Hi, @chbush73 . If you are referring to the Banking Summary report, see the yellow highlights. Most Quicken reports allow you so select the same criteria.:If this is not the report you want to see, which report is it?Also, which Quicken version are you using (you can get this information from Help > About Quicken)?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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I am using Quicken 5.16.1 Deluxe on a Mac. Just converted from Moneydance.
I can’t find any Banking Summery report. What I want is a report listing all accounts market value with sublist of all securities with number of shares, share NAV of specific date, like at end of quarter. Steve29 had some good questions which I agree with.
Some of reports have a Export key which can be very useful for getting reports over to spreadsheet programs. I don’t see this feature on some of the reports. Using the clipboard to get information to speadsheet is very useful. The Account summery report doesn’t have that feature, that I can find. The Net Worth over time doesn’t have that feature either that I can find. Those reports don’t break out the security information either. Neither of those two reports break out the security information.
The Portfolio report, gotten by clicking the account in the left side bar and selecting portfolio, has the information on specific accounts and the date can be set to end of quarter. But that report I can’t pick and paste in a spreadsheet and it is only one account, doesn’t have all accounts in one report.
Just to not be completely negative I love that Quicken has up to date NAV and even has the NAV for my TIAA-CREF funds. Both Vanguard and Moneydance fail here. So let's here it for Quicken and Marketwatch (which also gets it right).0 -
@chbush73 - Ah, your post was made under a Quicken Windows category which is what my reply addresses. Quicken Mac is quite different from Quicken Windows.@Quicken_Tyka - Would you be able to categorize this post as one for Mac Reports so @chbush73 can get response(s) from people who know more about Mac than I do? Thanks in advance!
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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@chbush73 Just to clarify terminology to avoid confusion, Quicken Mac divides its accounts into banking accounts, investment accounts, and asset/liability accounts. So if you ask for a "banking report", to most of use who use Quicken, the assumption is you mean something like your checkbook register, your credit card bills, etc. But you've explained that's not what you want; you want reports on your investments.
So that brings us to the quirky situation where most reports on investments are not currently part of the Reports menu. Only the Net Worth reports, which give you a summary of your accounts as of a specific date, are in the Report section. For all other investment reporting, you have to click on the investment account or investment group in the left sidebar, and set up your Portfolio view to show what you want it to. (This isn't optional, because you can't save different settings a you can with Reports; hopefully Quicken Mac will get that addressed in the future… but I digress!)
It's also correct that drag-copying from the screen to the clipboard isn't possible in the Quicken Mac portfolio screens -- but you can get this functionality a different way if you want.
So if you want your portfolio report for more than one account, the key is selecting the correct account group in the sidebar or in the portfolio screen filters. To include all your investments, you want to click on the Investing heading in the left sidebar. If you just want your retirement or non-retirement accounts, click on the appropriate subheading (e.g. Brokerage, Retirement) in the left sidebar. Next, make sure you're on the Portfolio tab. Next, set the filters -- which appear under the chart -- to show what you want. If you want the value of your investments as of the end of the last quarter, for instance, set the first filter to Portfolio Value; set the second filter to Group by Account, Group by Security, or another grouping. Set the date in the upper right to 6/30/20. The result: your holdings, grouped how you selected, for all your accounts, as of the date you selected.
You can further tweak the setting by clicking on the columns icon in the menu bar on the right side under the graph. Show any of the columns you want by dragging each one from the left "Available" side to the right "Displayed" side, or do the reverse to remove certain columns. You can drag columns up and down in the Displayed side to re-arrange the order of the columns. Click Save and view the results; it may take a little trial and error to get it showing what you really want.
Now, click the Export icon (the last on on the right of the menu bar below the graph). The drop-down menu allows you to export to a CSV file or copy the data to the clipboard (either as totals or broken out by individual lots).
Sorry if some of this covers things you already figured out, but I just wanted to walk through it.
Back to what you find on the Reports menu… it will help your understanding to know that Quicken Mac has a small number of "old" reports which were developed for the 2010-era limited Quicken Essentials program which former the code base for the modern Quicken Mac. Those old reports were not very user-configurable, some couldn't be printed, some couldn't be exported. Over the past several years, the developers have been building a new reports engine from the ground up to be customizable and configurable; these "new" reports have more controls for printing and can all be exported and/or copied to the clipboard.
I notice you said you're using version 5.16.1. You might want to go to the Quicken menu and select Check for Updates to upgrade to the recently-released version 5.17.1. They re-organized and grouped the reports to make them easier to find and to further bury the old reports. It's easy to from the menu which reports are the "old" reports in version 5.17, because their icons are gray. Accounts Summary and Net Worth Over Time are two of the old reports that I wouldn't recommend using; there are "new" Net Worth reports that will get you the data in the modern reports engine.
Post back if any of this isn't clear, or you're still not finding a way to get what you want.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Now this is a great answer. Thanks much. Everything spot on. Being new to this Quicken never though to click on Investments or Brokerage. Now got my investments in a spreadsheet. Now to work on getting the other catagories of net worth over to the spread sheet.
Before putting Moneydance DB into storage wanted to get 6/30 quarter end networth from both Quicken and Moneydance for matching.
Great! Thanks again. Chuck1
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