Test Message from App



  • tcurnow
    tcurnow Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    @joecg im sorry. I shouldn’t have made that blanket statement. My email arrived yesterday at 7:33p EST

    Dear Quicken Mobile app customers,

    Many of you received a notification on your Quicken mobile app today that said: "test message $240".

    I'm writing to let you know that this was meant to be an internal test message generated by our Quicken development team as part of a routine test of our mobile notification system. However, a configuration error during the test resulted in the message going to our Quicken mobile customers by mistake.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and we are putting in place new internal procedures to avoid accidents like this in the future.

    Thank you for being a Quicken customer,

    Jeff Parker
    VP, Product Strategy & Design
    Quicken Inc.
  • tcurnow
    tcurnow Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    What they should have done was email us the moment they realized it happened. Being a developer myself I can understand it happening. I do not appreciate the lax attitude in alleviating our fears. In a world of phishing you can’t be too careful.
  • kevin93
    kevin93 Member ✭✭
    Hey @joecg , I got the message, but found it in my "suspected phishing" folder. The email went out with a reply-to/from address of quicken@quicken.rsys2.com ... probably not a good way to send out important emails from a domain that doesn't match the service or brand name :-/
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello all,

    This has been acknowledged and emails have been sent explaining as well as an announcement posted here.

    We apologize for any concern or inconvenience this may have caused.

    This post is now being closed.

    Thank you!
This discussion has been closed.