Major account error in download from Fidelity

Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
A bond worth under 10K was recently called in my IRA. Quicken's transaction deducted 800,000K from my account in processing the transaction. The numbers in Fidelity itself are correct. The error persisted the following day. When I tried to use the reconcile function it deducted even more. I manually corrected the reconcile transaction to put cash back in so that the total value equals the real value in Fidelity. But what I really want to do is correct the error. How?
It's worth noting that I've used Quicken for more than 20 years but moved to the Mac only 6 months ago. I have never seen anything like this before.
It's worth noting that I've used Quicken for more than 20 years but moved to the Mac only 6 months ago. I have never seen anything like this before.
Hello @drhelen
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community and post your issue, although I apologize that you have not yet received a response.
If you haven't already, please take a moment to review the information available here regarding placeholder entries and see if there is a placeholder in the account that could be causing the error message.
If you do locate a placeholder, please take a moment to review the information available here.
Let me know how it goes!
Thank you,
-Quicken Tyka~~~***~~~0 -
Thank you. I can’t find a placeholder associated with this holding.
Looking carefully I can see that there is a comma where there should be a period. So 7.9 shares became 7,900—still not sure why that led to a negative number when the bond was called but it does explain the size.
I’ve looked at the transaction history and don’t see either a placeholder or an original transaction that I could delete. It’s a small bond, now gone, so I have no problem erasing it—is there a way to do that? Thank you for trying to help.
Could a placeholder in a transaction for a different holding have done this?0 -
Hello @drhelen,
Thank you for providing additional details, though I apologize that you have not yet received a follow-up response.
If you haven't already, I recommend that you contact Quicken Support directly for more extensive troubleshooting and possible escalation if they see fit. Our support agents also have the ability to screen share with you (if you are comfortable doing so) which may make it easier to resolve this for you.
Thank you!
-Quicken Anja
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Thank you. I'll do that although probably not for a few days--yes, I'm willing to screen share. The only other option I can think of would be starting from scratch which isn't terribly hard but isn't fun either.
My cat is named Anja--it was a little startling to get your message but I assume you are not related!4
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