Missing Register Entries

I recently upgraded to Quicken 6.0.3. I now find that many of my 2020 transactions are missing from my checking account register. Specifically, its seems that transactions categorized as DEP or with a CHECK # have "disappeared". Transactions labeled EFT seem to all be intact and displayed. I can find individual checks by searching for the CHECK #, so the checks are not deleted, just not being displayed. Similarly, the last reconciliation I performed looks correct, so all transactions that went into that reconciliation are apparently intact, though again some do not display in the register. I have restored from a recent backup (one made before I upgraded), but this made no difference. I have a second checking account within my Quicken file, and all transactions, including DEP and CHECK # seem to display in this account. All very odd ...


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    I'm confused. You say transactions with a check number have disappeared, but you can search by check number and find them. Is this using the Search box on the upper right? And when it finds then, they're displayed in the register section.

    It sounds like perhaps you might have a Filter set. Above the column headings, are the three filter settings showing "All Dates", "Any Type" and "Any Status"? If so, can you also click on the Date heading to make sure the register is sorted by date. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • garbow
    garbow Quicken Mac Other Member
    Thanks for the feedback, No Filters were set and I did have the register sourced by Date. In the end, it turns out that the dates on the "missing" transactions in question had been corrupted, so that they did not appear in their "proper" location in the register. Your comments caused me to take a more careful look at the details of the missing transactions, leading to my discovery of the corrupted dates. Thank you.
  • Herm Winter
    Herm Winter Quicken Windows Other Member
    I also only go back a few months and all headers are correct.
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @Herm Winter

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community and post your issue, however, this is an older post and is less likely to get an answer.

    I suggest creating a new post for better visibility.


    Be sure to include a description of the issue, along with any error messages, as well as the version/release of Quicken that you're using.

    -Quicken Tyka

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