Suffer from not renewing

John Hard
Quicken Windows Subscription Member
[Removed - Rant/Speculation] You cannot remove the "Membership Expired" and Renew exhortations if you let your subscription lapse. If there is anything that would get me to renew, this is certainly not it.
Perhaps Quicken could implement something like what Microsoft has done with the end of support for Office 2010. For several months prior to the expiration there was a dismissable warning message.
Now that it has expired, Excel 2010 looks like this at startup:
It lets you know that your software is no longer supported, gives you an opportunity to upgrade, and does not permanently consume screen space.QWin Premier subscription1 -
I think this argument falls into the category where women will complain about advertisers using sexy women to sell products. They keep doing it because it works.
Clearly Quicken Inc feels that this taking up 25% of screen will work to get the people that might renew their subscription to do it, and for the others, well...
There are a few things that I have noticed that Quicken Inc (and Intuit before them) will not budge on, and this seems like one of them.
And in a way the more people complain about it the more it "proves their point".
As in the soul reason for this can't be to let people know that their subscription has lapsed. I have played around with a lapsed subscription and any time you try to do something "online" it tells you you can't because of your subscription, so that part is already covered.
The soul purpose of taking up 25% of the window is to "motivate" the user to renew.
And humans are motivated by pain, in fact one might say they are more motivated by pain than pleasure.Signature:
This is my website: -
For anyone not aware of what is being refereed to here, here is a screenshot:The Quicken window was reduced to about 1/4 size to make it fit in the forum picture window, so the amount of space taken by the warnings is exaggerated, but the real estate chewed up by this is still sizable. Unlike the MS Office warning, these are NOT removable unless you extend your subscription. It is a shame that Quicken wasn't satisfied with just the yellow banner and to make it removable every time like MS Office (it shows up every time you use it, no permanent setting).
-splasher using Q continuously since 1996
- Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
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I opened Quicken with the assurance that I could use my data after my subscription expired. On open, Quicken updated the software without checking my subscription status. Stupidly, I thought that they would upgrade the software anyway. I should have known that Quicken only wanted to increase my pain for not renewing. After the update, I could not look at my data. My only option is to install the old version to get back to a working system. [Removed - Speculation]0
Was hoping I would find a fix for these dang "membership expired" banners. Have been using Quicken for over 20 years and now I'm questioning my judgement in upgrading from 2007 to 2020 last Feb. My one year subscription ran out last week. Thought the banners would go away with some difficult to find setting. Nope. It's the impossible to find setting. May have to scan through the regedit file for something. If I find something I'll post it.0
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