no update since Thursday evening for Capital One credit card Accounts or San Franccisco Fed CU accts

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
With the One-Step update issue, i have been unable to download trasaction to these accounts using one step update. have tried sine the posted resolution, but to no avail. Do I need to remove the accounts from on-line access ande re-enable them?


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  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I am having the same issues with my Capital One accounts - checking, savings, and credit card. I am getting no error and nothing is downloading.
  • Moderator mod
    Hello @btc415 & @mwatson4him,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community to tell us about your issue, though I apologize that you are experiencing this.

    Could you please provide which version of Quicken you have currently running?
    • Help > About Quicken
    To start with, I suggest that you try deactivating the account(s) experiencing this issue and then reactivating through Add Account (not through Setup Now).

    Please, follow the steps found in this support article to deactivate. Once deactivated, to reactivate through Add Account, navigate to Tools > Add Account..., search for your Financial Institution name and follow the prompts to connect. Once your account(s) have been found, be sure to link them to the existing account(s) you have already set up in Quicken.

    Let us know how it goes!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Deactivating the accounts worked as a one-time fix for both sets of accounts. I could download cleared transactions, but over the week, it failed to work as part of one step update. This morning, I deactivated all associated accounts, backed up my file, closed quicken and did a full restart of my windows machine. After starting quicken again, I reactivated the accounts and did an update for each set, which downloaded current and past transactions. Will see if this fixes the issue, or if it remains a temporary workaround.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Deactivating and relinking only works as a one-time solution, then it reverts back to not updating the accounts.
  • Moderator mod
    @btc415 Thanks for the update!

    In that case, then if you haven't already, I suggest you create a copy of your data file in an attempt to rebuild all of the internal lists and database tables. Then, try to Validate your data file in the copied file by following the steps below. However, I do recommend that you also Save a backup of your data file first before trying these steps (just in case).
    1. Navigate to the File menu
    2. Select File Operations
    3. Copy...
    4. Leave the presets as is and click OK
    5. Wait for the copy procedure to complete
    6. Select New Copy and click OK                                                                              
    7. Once the newly copied file opens, navigate back to the File menu
    8. Select File Operations
    9. Validate and Repair...
    10. Select Validate file
    11. Click OK
    12. Close the Data Log
    13. Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
    14. Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.
    You can also try to Super validate the copied file by holding down the Ctrl + Shift keys on your keyboard while selecting Validate and Repair... (step 9) which will give you the option to Super validate file instead of Validate file.

    You may need to try the steps to deactivate/reactivate again in the copied file again after validating. However, if this does not resolve the issue, you can either switch back to your original file or restore the backup you saved prior to performing the above troubleshooting instructions (both the original and backup files should remain unaffected by the steps performed in the copied file).

    Follow the steps below to switch back to your original file
    1. Click the File menu.
    2. Look near the bottom of the options list.
    3. Select the data file you want to open. 

    Quicken will list the most recently opened data files, with a checkmark next to the file you are currently viewing.

    Let us know how it goes!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I've struggled with this for a while, now.. One Step Update Summary today showed 1 transaction was downloaded when none were. The balance used to reflect the proper account balance, but no more. I've worked with support with the last support #8272279. I was supposed to follow up with Cap One and have them reset my "quicken download". The only thing that they did for me was to show me that I could manually download files. I keep playing around and I can sometimes get a few transactions to download....but nothing is consistent.

    I'm willing to work with quicken/developers....let me know how I can help. (As of right now, I currently have only 1 transaction waiting to download)
  • Moderator mod
    edited August 2021
    Hello @John Dahlgren,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community and adding to this discussion to report your issue, though I apologize for the trouble.

    Could you please provide which version of Quicken you have currently running?
    • Help > About Quicken

    Before we move forward; did you try the deactivate/reactivate steps or the copy and validate steps I provided in my previous responses? If so, may I ask what the results were? Also, if you don't mind, please include any other troubleshooting steps you recall trying previously so I can avoid having you repeat any further troubleshooting instructions.

    In the meantime, I will go ahead and review the ticket number you provided (which thank you for that). Please, check back and let us know! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Hi Anja,

    I'm currently running R31.12. I update versions when they get released.

    Yes, I tried "validate", closed for at least 5 seconds, deactivated/activated my Capital One CC, tried "Update Now", and no luck. Also did a "super validate" with same steps with no luck.

    After my last incident #/call, I called CapOne support. The only option that they had for me to "reset" my Quicken download was to instead download the transactions within the CapOne app and import into Quicken. This worked, once, and I was able to catch up on past missing transactions. If I remember correctly, the next time I tried to manually download, Quicken would not process the file (I tried to download a months worth of transactions to be sure that I had data, and Quicken would not import.) I then re-set up on-line access and the first time I tried to download, everything worked. Since then, I've had no luck.
  • Moderator mod
    Thank you for the additional information.

    I just have a couple more question, if you don't mind, since you mentioned that this is a credit card account; is the account connected to Capital One Card Services or Capital One Card - Current? Have you tried both or just one of them? If only one, which one?

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Capital One Card Services. I've not tried to use the other?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Anja....need anything else from me regarding this?
  • Moderator mod
    Thank you for your response and for verifying that.

    If you have only used Capital One Card Services, then next, I suggest following the same steps from my first response to deactivate the account and reactivate it through Add Account. Except, when reactivating the account, try connecting with Capital One Card - Current instead of Capital One Card Services and see if that makes a difference.

    Let me know how it goes!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Had used Cabelas Capital One profile yesterday and the single transaction was downloaded in "stealth mode". The update summary showed 0 transactions downloaded, yet the register indicated that the transaction had cleared. The on-line balance was properly reflecting the CC current balance, too.

    Today, after the one-step-update (with same Cabelas Capital One), I had another transaction download in "stealth mode". But, there are 3 other transactions that did not download. The on-line balance within Quicken does match CC balance.

    I deact/act account and used Capital One Card - Current and no additional transactions downloaded.

    At this point, I'm not able to reconcile unless I manually clear the 3 additional transactions....which I don't like to do.

    What next?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    So, today I tried an "experiment". I don't have many cc transactions, and in fact I have been waiting for only 3 transactions to download so that I can reconcile my account. These transactions should have come down on the 10th.

    What I tried was:
    1) restore from the 2/11 backup and tried "update now", no luck.
    2) restore from the 2/10 backup and tried "update now". This time I received an error message that required that I deactivate/reactivate the account. Upon doing that, the missing transactions were downloaded along with about 8 or 9 that had previously downloaded and had been reconciled.

    I'm guessing that this is a "one time" fix and that the next cc transaction that clears will not download properly.

    @Anja - I am willing to working with Quicken to help trouble shoot this.
  • Moderator mod
    Hello @John Dahlgren,

    Thanks for the update and for providing the troubleshooting steps you have tried so far, though I apologize for the delay in my response.

    I'm glad to hear that after your last attempt of deactivating/reactivating was able to pull the missing transaction through. For now, I advise that you please wait for your next download to see whether or not that will be successful.

    Please provide another update here on what the results were after your next update and we will move forward from there! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Quicken Anja,

    Thanks for your help, after working on this Friday through this morning, I may have this fixed. Sorry for the tome below, but it may be helpful to know what worked and what did not.

    First, I've been getting a message that I had an illegal category for "ER Retirement Contributions". I have been getting this off an on during one step updates for the past 4 - 5 months and was never able to find this category, I looked again today, 15 Feb, and found it as a subcategory to "_401 Contribution" with no transactions attached to it. I deleted the subcategory and am no longer getting the illegal category message.

    Also, I have been continuously getting a message during one step update from when my problems began and through every attempt to use over step update or individually reactivate accounts: "Your data is being synced to our improved cloud service. This is a one time process and may take several minutes."

    Friday, 12 Feb
    Per the instructions I attempted, but was unable to copy the data file using File Operations --> Copy functionality. For a couple of my attempts, the File Copy box would pop up with the green bar showing progress, the box froze for 3-5 seconds with a message of Quicken not responding, and then I'd get the message File NOT copied (Quicken Copy Error 3.jpg),

    Saturday, 13 Feb
    Since I wasn't able to copy (via File Operations), I validated and super validated the existing file after making a backup, of course. I again tried to copy the file and, the File copy box would appear, Quicken froze for 3-5 seconds got the message "Unable to erase partly copied files" (Quicken Copy Error 1.jpg) and in looking at my quicken directory I could manually delete the partially copied file, but strangely enough, the "copy" was larger than the original file (Quicken Copy Error 2.jpg). After super validating the file again, I was back to the original situation of File Copy box would pop up with the green bar showing progress and then I'd get the message File NOT copied (Quicken Copy Error 3.jpg), I deactivated my Capital One and SF Fed CU accounts, closed Quicken and then rebooted after a minute or so. I reactivated the Cap 1 and SFFCU accounts and was able to get transactions downloaded, however, after the initial download, the accounts would not update new transactions.

    I deactivated both accounts, revalidated my file, and made another backup copy before completely uninstalling Quicken, deleting my Quicken folder and the Quicken folder in the Program Files (x86) folder. I rebooted my machine, reinstalled Quicken and restored from my back-up. I reactivated the accounts, and downloaded transactions: I had older transactions on both institutions that came through as well as a debit transaction from SFFCU that downloaded. This morning I had a debit transaction download from SFFCU and a Capital One transaction download, so it appears to have fixed that problem.

    Sunday, 14 Feb
    One Step update downloaded two transactions, one from Cap1 and the other from an account at SFFCU.

    Monday, 15 Feb, here' my current status:
    Able to use one step update successfully
    No longer getting illegal category message
    No longer getting the "one time improved cloud services" message

    Still unable to successfully copy my data file using File Operations --> Copy functionality. Does this indicate a deeper underlying file error that super validation is not catching / correcting?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I was pleasantly surprised that the 2 Capital One CC transactions that I had outstanding downloaded successfully this morning and everything reconciled. I should have additional transactions clear in the next day or two and will reply to this thread regarding success or not.

    At this point, I'm not convinced that simply restoring a prior back-up totally resolved this issue. (?)

    For full disclosure to others (@anja can read my tickets), I had previously worked with both chat support & phone support, which solved nothing. But, we did the typical backup, validate, super validate, create test file (all transactions did download successfully), I called CapOne, etc. But could not make anything work successfully downloading Capital One CC transactions to my "live" file. So, I wanted to first try to restore prior backups to see if it was a file issue, which so far has worked for 2 separate downloads. I don't have many transactions for any one account (i do have 16 separate Accounts, including investment accounts, that I'm tracking, however). If this didn't work, I would have tried @btc415 option of deleting/reloading Quicken, to see if perhaps a broken link had occurred.

    I am running Quicken R31.12 and Windows 10 Home, v20H2. All O/S updates are current.
  • Moderator mod
    @John Dahlgren Thanks for the update, I'm glad to hear everything is working as expected so far. :)

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    There is definitely a bug somewhere in the quicken application. Today, the download summary for Capital One CC indicated -0- transactions. In reality, -2- transactions downloaded.

    After accepting these two transactions (I do not use automatic entry), my CC account within Quicken again reconciles with Capital One. So far, so good (except with the summary bug).

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Had another "stealth" transaction download and auto enter into my CC account register (Capital One - auto entry off). One Step Update Summary did not recognize any transactions had downloaded. When trying to reconcile this account, it does not balance as there are other transactions that should have downloaded.

    Anything in particular that you want me to try to resolve this?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @Anja....btw, the Quicken did pull down the correct CC online account balance...just not all of the available cleared transactions.
  • Moderator mod
    Hello @John Dahlgren,

    Thanks for the update, though I am sorry to hear the issue has resurfaced.

    At this point, I recommend that you reach out to Quicken Support directly, for more extensive troubleshooting, and possibly have our support agents collect and review your log files, which may result in filing for an escalation if they see fit.

    Please, click here to review Quicken Support's hours of operation.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    No offense meant...but I've worked with both Chat and Phone support a couple of different times to only be pushed off to resolve with either Capital One directly (I did...and they couldn't help me). I was left to "experimenting" to resolve this myself.

    This is not to imply that your support staff were not knowledgeable/good at what they did. But, they could only take me so far...and then left me to my own devices. It was fun to talk to your off-shore folks as I had managed software development teams in these same countries.
    Just now, I was able to restore to a backup I made 3 days ago...before my newest download failure. All expected transactions downloaded successfully with full reconciliation.

    I do NOT want to continue to restore backup files, try One Step Update, validate results, day-by-day until I'm able to download all transactions.

    There HAS TO BE A BUG somewhere in how Quicken is handling this. I can't be the only one experiencing this...nor can I believe that Capital One is the only financial institution that has this bug.

    Again, I'm willing to work with Quicken...but you have to pick up the ball and keep it.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @Anja - FYI - had to restore data file to backup of 2/19 before all Capital One transactions would finally download.
  • Moderator mod
    @John Dahlgren No offense taken it at all, I understand. And my apologies for the delay in my response as I wanted to take some time to look further into this. 

    The reason I suggested contacting Quicken Support was in hopes that support would collect your log files and file an escalation. 

    So, I went ahead and took the liberty to do some further digging and have pulled and reviewed all of your prior support interaction tickets. I found that they did collect your log files at the end of January (01/21/2021 to be exact). However, I don't see that these logs were ever filed for escalation on the day they collected them nor after and that they advised you to call back the following day to file the escalation (not sure why, as I can see you reached back out the following day as advised and were then referred to contact Capital One directly instead). So, I do intend to dig further into that as well and see if I can find out why it was never escalated.

    Per your last response; I'm glad to hear that it seems all is working fine now. Although, as always, if the issues do reoccur again, please don't hesitate to let me know about it! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Looks like R31.20 took care of my issue.

    Had I given more thought to how my restores of earlier back-ups caused downloads to occur successfully, I would have realized that it was because my manual entries would no longer been in my register. I always enter new credit card transactions into my register when they occur and wait for them to clear via download.

    I will continue to monitor and report any other inconsistencies.

    Thank you for your support!!!!
  • Moderator mod
    @John Dahlgren You're welcome and thanks for the update! I'm glad everything is still working as expected now. :)

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @Anja - I no that I'm not the OP of this thread...but I've had no further issues with this.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I have had no issues with this as well. Thanks
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    @Anja - like others, R31.20 seems to have fixed the issue and I've had no further problems, Thanks for your help with this!
This discussion has been closed.