Any Progress on the phantom online payment problem?

This with Q2020 on win10: I saw the thread a while back about this problem but I'm not sure I saw a resolution. I've verified my data file with no errors found. BUT: my wells-fargo account still shows that there's one online payment to send -- of course there's shouldn't be and when I open the online center there's nothing pending there [as there shouldn't be]

Has there been some explanation/fix for the problem been found? [NB: it's not a big deal of course. Everything works fine and the only effect is that it takes an extra mouse-click when I exit]


  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Hello @BernieC,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community to tell us about your issue, though I apologize that you continue to experience this.

    If you haven't already, please take a moment to review and try the troubleshooting instructions found in this support article regarding this topic.

    I hope this helps!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • BernieC
    BernieC Member ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the link but it addressed the wrong problem:

    my problem is that quicken thinks there's a pending online payment to send off to Wells-Fargo.. BUT: there is no such payment. When I open the online center there are _no_ pending payments to send. The only place I see the existence of this "phantom" payment is as a flag on the account in the account list and a [tiny] nag when I try to exit quicken. There's [as far as I've been able to find] any actual payment that I could delete
  • rjohn10
    rjohn10 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    As of a week ago I have the same problem: quicken showing I have a payment to send but there is no payment to send. So when I close quicken, I have to say "NO" when the dialog asks if I want to send the payment. A real pain.
    Anyone know how to fix this?
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    @BernieC & @rjohn10,

    Thank you for your response and clarification/adding to this discussion.

    May I ask if you could please verify which connection method you have set up to connect to Wells Fargo (Express Web Connect or Direct Connect)?

    Please, check back and let us know! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • BernieC
    BernieC Member ✭✭✭
    Direct Connect
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    @BernieC Thank you.

    In that case, if you haven't already, I suggest checking on Wells Fargo's end through your online account or by contacting them to see if there is a bill pay payment scheduled on their end that may be triggering this issue in Quicken.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • BernieC
    BernieC Member ✭✭✭
    I checked my account and Wells Fargo says:

    Pending Transactions
    No pending transactions to view.
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    @BernieC Thank you for checking and following up.

    In that case then, if you haven't already, next I suggest you try to Validate your data file by following the steps below. However, I do recommend that you also Save a backup of your data file first before trying these steps (just in case).
    1. Navigate to the File menu
    2. Select File Operations
    3. Validate and Repair...
    4. Select Validate file
    5. Click OK
    6. Close the Data Log
    7. Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
    8. Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.
    You can also try to Super validate the copied file by holding down the Ctrl + Shift keys on your keyboard while selecting Validate and Repair... (step 3) which will give you the option to Super validate file instead of Validate file.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • BernieC
    BernieC Member ✭✭✭
    [Wed Feb 10 15:59:14 2021]

    File: "D:\FARM\Farm"

    Validating your data.
    No errors.

    No read errors.

    All internal consistency checks passed.

    [Wed Feb 10 16:00:03 2021]
    No out-of-range security references found.

    Validation has completed.
  • rjohn10
    rjohn10 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Hello Anja:

    My connection to Wells Fargo is by Direct Connect. The Direct Connection works fine. Unfortunately, the Wells Fargo Account Register continues to notify me that I have 1 online Bill Payment to send. There is no payment to send. A notice also appears when I close Quicken, again asking me if I want to sent this "pending" payment before I close. I have run the Validate and Super Validate with no errors found. Very annoying. Have done all the things BernieC above has done but no luck.
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @rjohn10

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to post your issue, although I apologize that you haven't received a response.

    At this time I would recommend contacting support directly for advanced troubleshooting steps.

    Quicken Care has the tools to review and research this issue further.

    Thank you,

    -Quicken Tyka

  • BernieC
    BernieC Member ✭✭✭
    I"ve just spent an hour with quicken support. The conclusion: there's, apparently, NO way to undo the phantom transaction. What I'm left with is reverting back to a backup from before the phantom appeared and then work on bringing all my accounts up to date. UGH
  • rjohn10
    rjohn10 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I also spent 1 hour with Quicken Support. Sad fact is this was a waste of time as the person I spoke to was rude, all knowing, and sarcastic , but could not fix Quicken. I knew more as a 20+ year user. Once again it was the banks fault, or so Quicken Support would have me believe.
    I made a backup then started restoring backups . Just one week in I found the backup which did not have the phamton payment error.
    I saved that restored backup as my primary data file and went on line.
    It took all of 5 minuted to download my bank info and sync all register transactions.
    Quicken now up to date and running smoothly.
  • BernieC
    BernieC Member ✭✭✭
    I have a lot of online accounts and a few of strictly offline ones. I assume that I'll have to reenter the offline transactions by hand [likely means screen shots of the registers for those accounts].

    Beyond that, are you saying that all the online accounts got magically updated and brought up to date? I assume they all showed up as "new" [rather than match] in the download and all you had to do was reenter the proper categories [and perhaps memos]. What about reconciled transactions - presumably all the downloaded transactions came in as cleared.. Will that all work out OK when you next reconcile the accounts??

    As you can probably guess I'm a little scared of having to "recreate" the transactions for all my accounts. :)
  • BernieC
    BernieC Member ✭✭✭
    I'm all fixed up now. I discovered that the backup from two weeks ago did not have the phantom transaction. so first thing I did was take screen shots of all of my accounts so I had a way to deal with "missing" transactcions . then I did a restore -> copy to new file, which left my old file as it was. Then I tried an online update and it got my bank accounts but for some reason my credit cards all got cc501 errors. SO. I contacted quicken support and we deleted the old online stuff for the credit cards and then did account->add to put them back and , of cousre, when it asked what to do with this n ew online account I just had to do "link" to my existing account. And it did an update and basically everthing was OK [AND the phantom transaction is gone!!]

    It wasn't as hard as I thought but I'm disappointed -- since there was never an *actual* problem found [reverting to an old backup is kinda brute force] quicken has no information about what the problem was... and so it'll not get fixed. At least I know what to do next time it happens.
  • rjohn10
    rjohn10 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Hello BernieC
    Glad you got things back on track. You essentially did what I did, with a few exceptions.I had 1 credit card and that account also updated automatically when I logged on. I also had to do the Account Link thing but this is because I use a "friendly" account name rather than the actual account name. In other words the "Link" is linking the "friendly" name, which I chose, with the "Official" account name provided by the bank, so that Quicken recognizes it.
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