Wells Trade Advisors

connecting to Wells Fargo no longer connects to Wells Trade Advisors,and the instruction / response for trying says not to contact them because Wells Fargo cannot fix this. Is someone at Quicken working on this? Neither balance nor transactions will update because that Quicken account does not connect -


  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Hello @Roy Van Brunt,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community to tell us about your issue, though I apologize that you are experiencing this.

    Could you please provide which version of Quicken you have currently running?
    • Help > About Quicken

    Also, does there happen to be any specific error code(s) associated with the error message you are receiving that you could provide us with here, please? 

    Please, check back and let us know! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Roy Van Brunt
    Roy Van Brunt Member ✭✭✭
    edited 2021 06
    Responding to the email is undeliverable. Using Windows, fully updated subscription version.

    No error codes but I can send you the screen print if you give me a good email address for you. ([email removed - privacy])
  • Minne2
    Minne2 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same thing going on with me for all my WF accts, been going on since mid February. Error code CC-501. Getting a bit old for no fix yet.
  • Roy Van Brunt
    Roy Van Brunt Member ✭✭✭
    The wellsfargo.com/fmssetup page last week directed a Quicken logon w/in 10 minutes and did a search for and connect to existing Quicken accounts. But it offered only Brokerage Cash, but not the WellsTrade brokerage account. You may want to try that for a start anyway
  • Roy Van Brunt
    Roy Van Brunt Member ✭✭✭
    The error code showing is CC-501
  • Roy Van Brunt
    Roy Van Brunt Member ✭✭✭
    trying to contact Quicken Support gets you to a web page showing in progress cases,.....but no contact. How does one talk to a live person?
  • Roy Van Brunt
    Roy Van Brunt Member ✭✭✭
    Potentially something for Quicken to look into. I called WellsTrade Advisors today and was told that the contact page is now not "wellstradeadvsors.com", and not "Wellsfargoadvisors.com" (both of which sites appear to show as what Quicken is trying to connct with, based on the screens I see. They are now "WFA.com" She was able to walk me through downloading an activity file that will post directly to Quicken. I STRONGLY suggest that Quicken tekkies try to reach the WF Advisor activity site for download using "WFA.COM" rather than what they have been using. Why Wels Fargo never told them that is hard to understand - but then again,....that's Wells Fargo.
  • Roy Van Brunt
    Roy Van Brunt Member ✭✭✭
    Every time Online Update attempts to run, it interupts/pauses to offer "Add An Account" for Quicken E-Trade. I don't have such an account. The updte only continues after I cancel. But it interrupts/re-appears two more times before the update completes. Is there any reason this is happening and/or how do I get an updat to run uninteruppted
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @Roy Van Brunt

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to report this issue, although I apologize that you're experiencing this trouble.

    I would deactivate all of the e-Trade accounts and remove the bank name listed under the financial institution in the account preferences screen. To do so, please follow the steps below. 

    Confirm that you have Deactivated all online services with all accounts held at that Bank.

    1. Use Ctrl + A to bring up the Accounts List.
    2. View Hidden Accounts by selecting the Hidden Accounts to check box in the lower-left corner of the Accounts List window.
    3. Make sure the Online ServicesTransaction Download, and/or Online Payment fields are NO or DEACTIVATED for the desired account(s).

    Edit the Deactivated account(s) to remove the Bank name.

    1. Click on the account displayed on the Accounts List.
    2. Choose the Edit Details button on the account.
    3. Clear the Financial Institution field on the right side of the window.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Repeat, as necessary, for each Deactivated/Disabled account for that Bank.
    To reactivate the accounts, we are going to act as if we are adding a new account to be able to link all of the accounts at once.

    To begin this process, please select the (+) sign in the top left-hand corner. Then search for your financial institution and sign in.

    You will then LINK the accounts found to the accounts in Quicken, be sure not to ADD the accounts or you will end up with duplicate accounts.

    Please let me know if these steps work to resolve the issue.

    -Quicken Tyka
  • Roy Van Brunt
    Roy Van Brunt Member ✭✭✭
    I removed the names of the financial institutions in the old Quickeen E-Trade accounts. And I closed the account as well
    you say:

    "To begin this process, please select the (+) sign in the top left-hand corner. Then search for your financial institution and sign in."

    On what screen am I supposed to find the plus sign (+) in the top left hand corner?
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @Roy Van Brunt

    Thank you for the response, although I apologize for the confusion. The (+) option is available in Quicken on the left-hand side under accounts.

    Please let me know if you are able to locate the option.

    Thank you!

  • Roy Van Brunt
    Roy Van Brunt Member ✭✭✭
    Ahhhh. But only if you are using standard view menu. I was using Classic. But I individually deactivated and then reactivated each of the accounts I want included in the download. (Jabe not played with my one USAA account - they are always finniky!) Hopefully everything will work normally. The "problem with Qiocken finding/activating downloads from WellsFargo"s Brokerage ( Wells Trade advisors - now using a "wfa.com" as its website) is the only unresolved matter. Thanks :-)