Wells Fargo download error. ccscrape.100/ccscrape119:Unable to parse date. [edited]



  • upsiddwn
    upsiddwn Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    I am guessing everyone knows they can download the data from Wells Fargo and then import into Quicken as .qfx files until this gets fixed. It is pretty frustrating that this still does not work after many weeks.
  • MikeHous
    MikeHous Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    I guess it’s somewhat comforting the know that I am not the only one with the issue but ,as everyone else has mentioned and as a long time Quicken customer, this long of a timeframe with no update or resolution is concerning. If I cannot update the largest portion of my portfolio without having to download manually, this program just became a glorified spreadsheet. We would like a status update from Quicken so know that this issue is being addressed. Thank you!
  • Redb@r0n
    Redb@r0n Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I see intuits Mint.com is functioning, and downloading Wells Fargo transactions.. So this appears to not be a wells Fargo issue..
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Redb@r0n said:
    I see intuits Mint.com is functioning, and downloading Wells Fargo transactions.. So this appears to not be a wells Fargo issue..
    Not necessarily. Mint and Quicken download data differently. (I might be wrong, but I don't believe Mint downloads and stores every individual investment transaction, just the values for each holding.) Sometimes it's a problem on the financial institution's side, sometimes it's a problem on the Quicken side (actually Intuit), and sometimes it requires both parties to make changes -- and there's rarely any way for consumers to tell which is the case.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • pa_frazier
    pa_frazier Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Received this email today:
    Quicken Anja just added a comment in Alerts, Online Banking & Known Product Issues: UPDATED 6/29/21 Wells Fargo Returns CC-601/501 or "ccscrape.101" Error
    ONGOING: 7/7/21

    This issue is still ongoing with no ETA available at this time.

    Thank you!
    (Alert #8667780)

    Reply to this email directly or follow the link below to check it out:
  • pa_frazier
    pa_frazier Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    My error, meant to post the above comment in another thread.
  • abelletti
    abelletti Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Crazy, but I just tried it (twice) and got successful downloads from Wells Fargo both times.
  • drpaulsf
    drpaulsf Member ✭✭✭
    I am not soliciting. Deletion of my post above about seeking alternative service is extremely offensive. This doubles my resolve to switch to another service. After over two weeks of no WFB downloads (restored finally tonight!), scant updates and zero apologies or compensation offered, may customers not discuss alternatives?!
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @drpaulsf This is Quicken's forum for their customers. They spend a lot of money for the hosting platform and the staff which keeps it running. They have decided that they don't want to have people using their forum to discuss competing products to funnel customers away. I think they're sometimes overly aggressive about wiping the name of any other personal finance software from this site, but it's their sandbox and they can set the rules.

    Why be offended? If your company had a website or Facebook page where users could post questions and comments about your company, would you allow people to use your site to complain about your business and ask for suggestions for competitors so they could leave your business and go elsewhere? Probably not. ;)

    I agree that the lack of information/updates/apologies/empathy from Quicken when financial institution connectivity goes out is one of this company's weaknesses. Most times, such outages are caused by the financial institutions making changes; Quicken then needs their connectivity provider, Intuit, to play catch-up to figure out what's not working and what to do to fix it. And many of those fixes require changes by the financial institution itself to enable Quicken to resume data transfers. Quicken has decided that it's not worth investing in additional staff to be liaisons to the software engineers, in order to translate the technical details to non-technical language to provide updates to users... which ultimately won't satisfy the users because they just want the darn thing fixed, and investing that time and money would not get things fixed any faster. Maybe there are other factors, but that's my take on why they do what they do and don't do what they don't.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • jwmueller85308
    jwmueller85308 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Seeing @abelletti posted that their downloads were successful, I tried mine again. I'd changed all accounts except my mortgage to Direct Connect and they'd been working. Direct Connect wasn't avaialble for the mortgage so that stayed on Quicken Connect. Just now, I no longer received the .101 error and the mortgage balance updated. It appears, for me, the problem has been resolved but I'm going to wait a bit longer before changing my other accounts back to Quicken Connect.
  • drpaulsf
    drpaulsf Member ✭✭✭
    @jacobs Thanks for your thoughtful comments. Of course this is Quicken’s forum and it’s in their business interest to silence any mention of competitors. However, I stand by feeling offended. Such emotional reactions are guided by the rational psychological function of feeling; logical reactions are guided by the rational psychological function of thinking; I value both and appreciate holding such apparent oppositions in awareness. There’s irony here. And intended humor. And, finally, while I am pleased to see things are up and running again tonight with the WFB link restored, it’s odd to get the news about it from this thread and not directly from the company’s thread on the subject, further indication to me this company seems not to be investing adequately in customer care.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    drpaulsf said:
    It’s odd to get the news about it from this thread and not directly from the company’s thread on the subject, further indication to me this company seems not to be investing adequately in customer care.
    @drpaulsf  I understand it seems odd just to discover it's suddenly working, but it's really not so odd when you think about what's going on behind the scenes:

    (1) The moderators on this site do not work 24x7. Perhaps you feel they should, but Quicken would need to hire more moderators to have staff on duty every night.

    (2) If the fix was deployed Intuit, they notify Quicken, who notifies the moderator team for this site to post an announcement. If the fix was deployed by Wells Fargo, then they need to notify Intuit, who notifies Quicken, who passes the information to the site moderators. Those chains that can take hours on a good day, or until the following day if it happens overnight.

    (3) Sometimes things start working and then stop; sometimes a fix is deployed and then pulled back because of a problem is discovered. Quicken usually doesn't post that an issue has been resolved until they are reasonably certain that the fix is deployed and working as expected. That, too, can take a few hours. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • abelletti
    abelletti Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I'm guessing that I caught it right after deployment. It was fairly late Central time last night.

    I've added back the other eight W/F accounts now. Everything is working, haven't seen a failure yet.

    Even if it breaks again tomorrow, at least those accounts got updated without me having to type :-)
  • MikeHous
    MikeHous Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    After receiving the update from Quicken related to a separate post I can say that my download issues are resolved (at least with my two previous downloads). Try delinking your accounts. This error at least seems to be fixed. I am not getting the other error that was mentioned by quicken support. Thank you for fixing this problem!
  • Redb@r0n
    Redb@r0n Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    getting a timeout 102 message on all WF accounts
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Hello @Redb@r0n,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community and adding to this discussion.

    We have opened an escalation ticket with our service provider for error 102 with Wells Fargo. While the investigation remains ongoing, please, refer to this open Community Alert for updates.

    I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause in the meantime! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
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  • Redb@r0n
    Redb@r0n Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited July 2021
    [Removed - Sarcasm/Unhelpful]
This discussion has been closed.