Help me understand about buying retail version?

Since I just bought 2 Deluxe versions of Quicken from Staples last week I'd like to understand a little better what I picked up from a couple of posts about this matter.

So it's my understanding that Quicken will take a CD packaged retail box (Deluxe), then market it to companies like Staples and Best Buy for retail sale. If these packages should stay in the supply chain for 2 years and are not used, or are sold and buyer doesn't use it for a 2 year time period of time (on Quicken's Calendar) it becomes "unusable", is that correct?

My second question would be is there a "use before" date that the retailer, or purchaser can locate on the packaging that Quicken can use to identify when the software inside actually expires ? 

To take it a step further, I've also read on more than one post where someone purchased a retail version that won't download, so they take it back to the retailer who says "sorry, the package has been opened and there is no return on opened software", and even denying to exchanging it (not that a second one wouldn't be outdated also).

I'd like to get some clarification from someone that knows how this whole Quicken process works. How can I look at the package and know how long the download is good for before if I purchase it? I think that is reasonable question.  If the superusers are not absolutely sure, can this be passed to a moderator for further explanation? Or is this just one of those "Buyer Beware" situations a buyer should think about, and just chalk it up? I can't believe Quicken would actually do that!

There has been several posts about this issue on the community the last year, but they haven't been very consistent in their explanation. Thanks


  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2021
    Anyone may install Quicken by downloading and opening:

    The functionality available in the product is determined by the rights associated with an authenticated Quicken ID.

    When we purchase the product at, the rights are immediately assigned to the Quicken ID we used to sign-in.

    When we purchase Quicken anywhere else, we're provided with a one-time activation code that is valid for two years after the code was generated.  If we purchase Quicken at a retail location, the expiration date should be on the outside of the box and, if not, it should appear with the activation code inside the box.  The activation code may be applied to a Quicken ID from within the program by selecting Help > Enter Activation Code... 

    If you haven't already, you may want to review:
  • splasher
    splasher SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't know how to tell the year of the package looking at what is offered on Amazon these days.  The packages shown do not have a year printed on the front of the box that I can see.  They don't show the sides, ends or rear, so who knows what is shown there.
    It used to be that the box had a year on it, the October/November prior to that year was when the activation codes were generated and the 2 year clock started.
    You can not use an activation code before there is less than 6 months left on the subscription.
    I can't speak to retailer's return policies.

    -splasher using Q continuously since 1996
    - Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
    -Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2021
    TTSguy said: Since I just bought 2 Deluxe versions of Quicken from Staples last week.....
    and... as per the other discussion - why did you purchase TWO copies of the software ?
    One copy -> One Quicken Account ID --> multiple installs on different computers
    + creating multiple Quicken data files (just like multiple docs & using MS Word)
  • TTSguy
    TTSguy Member ✭✭✭✭
    @Ps56k2  My wife wants to start he own version of our finances (upgrading from Starter). She wants to learn Quicken Deluxe by trial and error, then when the times to go the big spreadsheet in the sky, she can use my copy of Quicken that goes back to 2004 for any reference she might need going back that far. I have a hard enough time "keeping" my 18 years of transactions intact by just not using sync and using manual web connect so Quicken doesn't lose any of my transactions. I will not use reminders, bill pay, paycheck function, investments, budgets, inventory, Mobile and Web, and I grimace every time I use a split considering all the issues with that.

    I do not want to dirty the water with screw ups she's going to probably make on my QDF. I have a hard enough time keeping Quicken out of my QDF's thus screwing them up! I lost 3 years of Visa of transactions when sync issues started. Quicken swore up and down at the time it wasn't their fault, but it was!. I had to have datasets reset so many times because of the Sync issues, I ran out of QDF files to back up from. Approx 20!

    So the $31.00 I spent is worth it just for a checkbook register with categories, tabs and reports to use. for each of us. I wish I had a quarter for each hour I've spent fixing all the issues that caused me problems starting with 2018. I'd probably have enough to have an in house bookkeeper!  I'd better stop there!
  • TTSguy
    TTSguy Member ✭✭✭✭
    @ Sherlock please be advised I took about 30 minutes reading over the outside of the box looking for any kind of date, there is none. I know you said there "should be a date", but there is none to reference regarding the 2 years to use or else. This includes some of the small print that is so small It was hard to see even using the magnifying glass. The current version I'm using was this same deal I acquired last year. I checked the card inside with the QKN ID on it, there is no date anywhere on that either. The retailer will only refund if it's within 30 days of purchase. So with that in mind, I would not encourage anyone to buy Quicken if all you want to spend is the $31 sale price. Quicken and retailers have this pretty locked to CYA. ...yes indeed there's! If you are skeptical, I'll be happy to send you the box, and ID card from inside (with the ID scraped off. Look at all the time. Just look at all the time spent by the 4 of us, because there "should" be a date on or in the box but isn't! Looks to me like they got us by the back pocket.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    I guess I should be surprised that there isn't a date, but I'm not.
    This is my website:
  • TTSguy
    TTSguy Member ✭✭✭✭
    Seems I can't use this, because the 6 months to download it won't be until after the 30 day grace period to return it. So I'll roll the dice and see if I can download it when my 30 days left is here, and hope it will download, because I can't take it back then. Why should any customer be inside 2 walls closing in on you? Never mind I know why!
  • BK
    BK Member ✭✭✭✭
    >> RE:  If we purchase Quicken at a retail location, the expiration date should be on the outside of the box and, if not, it should appear with the activation code inside the box.

    All,  My friend bought it from Best Buy recently and opened it.  We looked at it together and triple checked.  I can confidently say that there are no dates or wording anywhere whatsoever to indicate if/when the activation code would expire.  We looked at all sides of the box as well as inside and both sides of the card (attached image).  Of course he entered it and successfully activated as expected.  IMO absence of wording about expiration suggests that it does not expire.  But as the OP wrote, only Quicken can verify this.
    Also see 

    - QWin Deluxe user since 2010, US subscription on Win11
    - I don't use Cloud Sync, Mobile & Web, Bill Pay/Mgr

  • volvogirl
    volvogirl SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well there is a date at the bottom.   It says 2019.   

    I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.

  • garysmith87
    garysmith87 Member ✭✭✭✭
    Two comments here (hoping I don't offend anyone):

    1 You STILL don't need two copies of Quicken.  Your subscription will allow you to have as many Quicken data files as you want.  Thus, you can have the one you usually work on and another completely new file for your wife using your Quicken ID and password.  Nothing, however is comingled.  Your file is your file and her file is her file.  

    Since you don't do anything remotely connected at all, including Sync to Mobile, just put her Quicken data file on her desktop dock and when she clicks on it, it will automatically open HER data file...not yours.  She can play with it all she wants.

    2 I'm always mystified why anyone who ONLY manually enters transactions and data even needs a Quicken subscription version.  Unless you use the Tax Planner, manual entry Quicken hasn't really changed that much since the first Windows version.  So, why aren't you just using Quicken 2017 and not annually pay for a subscription?  There is NOTHING in the subscription version of any substance that would make any difference for a Quicken user who manually enters transactions.  
  • BK
    BK Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2021
    volvogirl said:
    Well there is a date at the bottom.   It says 2019.   
    Yes, and that has the Circle C symbol, which is the copyright date.  But there is no mention of expiration anywhere in the box my friend recently purchased.
    In the old days, some boxes used to specifically say that the code would expire on 12/31/xxxx.  And maybe such boxes still exist as well.  Attaching an image of my 2018 purchase as a comparison:

    - QWin Deluxe user since 2010, US subscription on Win11
    - I don't use Cloud Sync, Mobile & Web, Bill Pay/Mgr

  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Member ✭✭✭✭
    TTSguy said:
    @ Sherlock please be advised I took about 30 minutes reading over the outside of the box looking for any kind of date, there is none. I know you said there "should be a date", but there is none to reference regarding the 2 years to use or else. This includes some of the small print that is so small It was hard to see even using the magnifying glass. The current version I'm using was this same deal I acquired last year. I checked the card inside with the QKN ID on it, there is no date anywhere on that either. The retailer will only refund if it's within 30 days of purchase. So with that in mind, I would not encourage anyone to buy Quicken if all you want to spend is the $31 sale price. Quicken and retailers have this pretty locked to CYA. ...yes indeed there's! If you are skeptical, I'll be happy to send you the box, and ID card from inside (with the ID scraped off. Look at all the time. Just look at all the time spent by the 4 of us, because there "should" be a date on or in the box but isn't! Looks to me like they got us by the back pocket.
    The missing expiration date was previously discussed relatively recently in 

    As I recall the activation codes originally did not expire and an expiration date was applied to clear unsold product from retail shelves.  I suppose it's possible Quicken has switched back to activation codes that do not expire but are maintaining the documentation until the activation codes they issued with expiration dates have expired.

    I suggest you contact Quicken Support.  Let us know what they have to say.
  • TTSguy
    TTSguy Member ✭✭✭✭
    @volvogirl here's a pic of the 2 I have. The one on top was from Amazon last yea,r bottom is one I just bought from Staples just last week. Both show an @2019 at beginning of line in red box at bottom of card, your's shows @2018.
  • BK
    BK Member ✭✭✭✭
    @TTSguy , My friend just told me that although the copyright date on his license card was 2019, the copyright date on his box is 2021.  Just FYI that there are apparently some inconsistencies.
    - QWin Deluxe user since 2010, US subscription on Win11
    - I don't use Cloud Sync, Mobile & Web, Bill Pay/Mgr

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