Financial Institution not included in an alert and we need a refund/discount on subscription

djsomers Member ✭✭
Alert "ONGOING 1/6/22 Mortgage Accounts - CC-501/555/155 or ccclient.203" has been ongoing since September 2021. We get a message every couple of weeks saying the issue is being worked on with no ETA of when the issue will be resolved. My FI, LoanCare Service Center, is not on the list of affected institutions but it should be since I've unable to download transactions since early November. No problems prior to then, and they started after an early November Quicken update. And there is NO indication when the problem will be resolved.
1. PLEASE add LoanCare Service Center to this alert AND get this issue corrected ASAP.
2. We need to be given a discount when our subscription renewal comes up since we aren't getting all the services we paid for. What about 2 years for the price of one????

Best Answer

  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello @djsomers,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community to express your concerns, though we apologize for any inconvenience these issues may have caused you.

    We have separate Alerts posted for LoanCare Service Center as we've received reports for a few different issues with this financial institution that our teams have been working on. You can find each of these alerts here, here, and here.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.


  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello @djsomers,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community to express your concerns, though we apologize for any inconvenience these issues may have caused you.

    We have separate Alerts posted for LoanCare Service Center as we've received reports for a few different issues with this financial institution that our teams have been working on. You can find each of these alerts here, here, and here.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    If you haven't already, I suggest you contact Quicken Support:
  • djsomers
    djsomers Member ✭✭
    Oh, yes. I've spoken with them numerous times. There is no way to make a Comment on the Alert page so I'm hoping that someone from Quicken sees my question/post here to add LoanCare to their list of institutions. I have asked Quicken Support to do so, but LoanCare is still not listed. I have also spoken several times to LoanCare so they are aware of the issue, but it depends on the person who answers the phone. The issue appears to be problems with Quicken server(s). I don't understand why it is taking months to correct the problem. I've used Quicken for many years and have never run across anything like this. Very frustrated and disappointed. If the problem were with my checking and credit card accounts, I would really be in a bind.
  • djsomers
    djsomers Member ✭✭
    Quicken Anja, thank you for your prompt response. Very much appreciated. The info was very helpful & I have bookmarked the alerts referenced.
    I saw Sherlock's post and read it before seeing your post, so I now understand that Quicken IS aware of issues with downloading transactions from LoanCare Service Center, so that is progress. Somebody just needs to get the problem resolved. It's taking way too long.
  • djsomers
    djsomers Member ✭✭
    Hi Quicken Anja. I received the following email on Jan 18 but there was no way to make a Comment on the post when I went to it. I am still having major issues with Quicken. I was able to finally download information from LoanCare Service yesterday and now have the correct balance on the account, but NONE of the transactions are showing. I called Quicken yesterday and was on the phone for over an hour, after waiting an hour to reach a representative, but nothing recommended worked, not even resorting to a backup file. Are you able to notify Quicken Alyssa that issues still exist with Quicken and LoanCare Service Center? Thank you.
    "Quicken Alyssa just added a comment in Alerts, Online Banking & Known Product Issues: RESOLVED 01/18/22 LoanCare Servicing Center Returns CC-501/101 Error
    RESOLVED 01/18/22 This issue has been resolved! We will leave this Alert open for another week so anyone still experiencing this issue can report that to us. T…"
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just my 2cents' worth ... I would not bother attempting to activate any loan or mortgage account for downloading.  (Not discussing LOC or HELOC accounts here which should be treated like credit card accounts)

    At least in Quicken for Windows, an online-connected loan or mortgage account does NOT have a transaction register. All data shown in the account come from whatever information the bank downloads to you ... if this process works at all.

    As a result of being connected, the scheduled payment transaction reminder cannot transfer the amount of principal paid into the (non existent) account register and must use a category, usually something like Loan:Principal, instead. The category seems to vary with the Loan Type you selected when creating the loan account in Quicken.

    Effective with Quicken Windows 2018+
    you can deactivate an online-connected loan account and regain full control over your transaction register.  However, you should still review the Scheduled Reminder (or Memorized Payee List entry) associated with the monthly loan payments to ensure they now transfer Principal to the loan account register and not to a Category.

  • djsomers
    djsomers Member ✭✭
    Thanks, UKR. For my purposes, I want the mortgage account listed. For the past 5 years, I was able to d/l transactions with no issues until the early Nov Quicken update. I spoke with a Quicken e-Supervisor today and fortunately he was able to help me get my accounts straightened out. He, too, said the loan account transactions aren't d/l'ed, but that doesn't explain why I got them for 5 years. I am so glad the other accounts were finally straightened out so I have to pick my battles and the LoanCare account has dropped in priority. Now, I've got to spend time getting the Category listed on the transactions corrected so I can run Reports for tax purposes.
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