Quicken reports incorrect investment share count

Gary Jay
Member ✭✭
I received a popup from Quicken "Securities Comparison Mismatch". It says my quicken holdings don't match what my financial institution reported. I took the report and found that although the column labeled "Shares in Quicken" show wrong numbers that indeed do not match my shares at my financial institution, the report is wrong. When I click on my investments tab in quicken, the numbers reported for EVERY security matches my financial institution. I have no idea how the mismatch report is coming up with its number of shares in quicken because the mismatch report is WRONG! Anyone see this and know how to fix it.
You don't give a lot of detail here, but I've seen that exact same issue with downloads from Schwab. I'll download from Schwab, maybe get a reinvestment transaction, which I accept, and then the Securities Comparison Mismatch window pops up showing the number of shares per Schwab and the number of shares per Quicken and the difference is exactly the number of shares in the reinvestment transaction.It seems like the data bucket with "number of shares of this security" at Schwab's end doesn't get updated at the same time that the shares are actually acquired; there seems to be a lag in their system so sometimes I get the Mismatch window and sometimes I don't.If that describes your situation then I think you'll have to learn to recognize the problem and decline the proposed placeholder. It doesn't seem to be a "Quicken" problem.1
Please provide the version of Quicken being used: select Help > About QuickenPlease provide the full name of the financial institution and the connection method being used: open the register, press Ctrl + Shift + E and select the Online Services tab
One possibility is the Quicken securities are not properly matched to the appropriate online securities. It might help if you provided screen captures with sufficient details.0 -
Sherlock... version I am using is: R37.67 Build Investment Company is Charles Schwab. The issue is that the QUICKEN mismatch report shows the correct number of shares on the Investment Company side, but shows a different (and wrong) number of shares in the Quicken program shares column. If you close the mismatch report and click the Investing tab, the number Quicken shows for shares is not what Quicken's mismatch report showed, but the correct number of shares (which match the Investment Company column of the mismatch report. Doesn't look like I can post a screenshot here to show the report but I believe my description is fairly clear. How can Quicken pop up a mismatch report showing a different number of shares than Quicken actually has (as determined by simply clicking on the Investing tab.) Seems like a bug.0
Gary Jay said:Sherlock... version I am using is: R37.67 Build Investment Company is Charles Schwab. The issue is that the QUICKEN mismatch report shows the correct number of shares on the Investment Company side, but shows a different (and wrong) number of shares in the Quicken program shares column. If you close the mismatch report and click the Investing tab, the number Quicken shows for shares is not what Quicken's mismatch report showed, but the correct number of shares (which match the Investment Company column of the mismatch report. Doesn't look like I can post a screenshot here to show the report but I believe my description is fairly clear. How can Quicken pop up a mismatch report showing a different number of shares than Quicken actually has (as determined by simply clicking on the Investing tab.) Seems like a bug.
My understanding is, to save money, Schwab decided to provide Intuit access to their customer's data using a Schwab proprietary API and dropped their support of the reliable Direct Connect connection method. There have been a variety of Schwab issues posted due to this decision of which none appear to me to be on Quicken's end. If you're not able to accept the unreliability of the Express Web Connect connection method to import your Schwab accounts, I suggest you either maintain your Schwab accounts offline or move your Schwab accounts to a financial institution that supports the Direct Connect or Web Connect connection methods.
You can find Quicken's current Schwab alert announcements at: https://community.quicken.com/categories/alerts If you don't find your issue posted there, I suggest you contact Quicken Support so they may escalate the issue to Intuit's Express Web Connect scripting team: https://www.quicken.com/support/quicken-support-options
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When you receive the Securities Comparison Mismatch message, one of the options is usually to allow Quicken to create a Placeholder. If you select this option, Quicken will add a Placeholder transaction that forces its share balance to match the downloaded balance. Depending on the setting at Edit > Preferences > Investing transactions > Show hidden transactions, this Placeholder may not be visible in your Transaction List (register). That would cause the change in the share balance that you are seeing.
Might this have happened in your case?QWin Premier subscription0 -
I've always looked at this as a timing issue - when buying/selling and the numbers don't match -
but they don't match by the exact amount of the transaction -
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