ZZZ-paypal OLD ??



  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    @Charlie236 was your opening balance correct? That was the first thing I had to correct. Might affect your adjustment.

  • markus1957
    markus1957 Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta
    FWIW, Quicken has an ongoing issue with changing the opening balance in the account register after an account reset or deactivate/reactivate. If you confirm that is what happened, you can manually adjust the opening balance rather than arbitrarily enter a correction.
  • Cavnaugh
    Cavnaugh Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited 2022 18
    Same issue it only allows a new Checking or Savings Account or to link to the same.
    If you select not to add to Quicken then it keeps asking the same and just loops asking the same.
    Report Sent.....
  • Charlie236
    Charlie236 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @Bob. and @markus1957 Thank you, both.
    Yesterday, pre-authorization, before all this, a balance did show up but then disappeared after another update. It was an oddity -no idea for the balance amount had no correlate within Register. And it was a different number than the balance seen earlier today.
    Today, after the Authorization, there were six transactions, each with an amount that duplicates reconciled entries with matching dates. If you set those OTHERs to zero, that's where an adjustment is required to keep my zero balance matching Paypal.
    I have a duplicate file on my Laptop, that I maintained while traveling recently (also have backups). I did the update on the laptop bypassing the Activation request. Those six "OTHER" transactions appeared but with Zero dollars and it reconciles with no additional dollars, zero balance.
    Moved that to desktop, did update, it asked for Authorization which I skipped: all was OK.
    We'll see what happens when I activate -other things to do before I tackle that.

    So, before authorizing, OTHER entries are zero. After authorization, they have dollar amounts equal to reconciled transactions - for some reason, there's something hidden that the sum of the dollars associated with these OTHERs equals.

    For now, I'll keep bypassing the Authorization until I have time to get back to this latest dilemma.
    I certainly will keep your suggestions in mind and be on the lookout for an unknown balance.
    I'm a Quicken user since 1990.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    Cavnaugh said:
    Same issue it only allows a new Checking or Savings Account or to link to the same.
    If you select not to add to Quicken then it keeps asking the same and just loops asking the same.
    Report Sent.....

    Forgive me, but PayPAL IS a checking account. There are also PayPal credit cards and maybe loans, but the standard you fund it and spend account is considered CHECKING.
  • Randy 415
    Randy 415 Quicken Windows Subscription Windows Beta Beta
    I just got the "Reauthorize" screen. I selected "Skip for now."
  • Cavnaugh
    Cavnaugh Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited 2022 19
    > @Bob. said:
    > Forgive me, but PayPAL IS a checking account. There are also PayPal credit cards and maybe loans, but the standard you fund it and spend account is considered CHECKING.
    OK, We should still be able to select the Current PayPal Account that we all no have setup.
    As far as I know PayPal has no Personal or Business Checks that can be used, and what is why I would not call it a Checking Account.
    I have been using Quicken since 1984 or 1985 when it as a DOS Based Program.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    Cavnaugh said:
    OK, We should still be able to select the Current PayPal Account that we all no have setup.
    I have been using Quicken since 1984 or 1985 when it as a DOS Based Program.

    Agreed. But it will show as a checking account when you do successfully.
  • Cavnaugh
    Cavnaugh Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited 2022 19
    OK I will leave it alone.
  • MrZipp
    MrZipp Member ✭✭✭
    I received the notice to re connect to Paypal yesterday for the first time.

    I tried to deactivate the OLD account version of Paypal, following instructions, perhaps incorrectly by Deactivating and reactivating. I made sure it was linked to my existing Paypal  ZZZ OLD file. All seemed to go fine, except all transactions for 2022 are missing and the balance is zero.

    I successfully restored the file, but I'm wondering what to do for this to work. I also have a second (spouse's) Paypal file that will need to be updated, I guess.

    OR - should I just leave the OLD named version as is and will it continue to work?

    Any help for this?

    After the Charles Schwab battles, I am dismayed that yet another round of issues await.

    Hopefully, the whole thing might be tested and proclaimed ready for use before the old connection to Paypal is removed. For now, I'll just wait.

  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    @MrZipp as mentioned at least several times above, you should NOT deactivate. The authorization process, which has worked for some and failed for others, takes care of making the change. Once done, you may experience false starting balances and duplicated transactions. Or not.

    I strongly suggest reading this thread perhaps a nbit more carefully. Or wait until there have been multiple postings of success :) But do not deactivate.
  • bigby65@
    bigby65@ Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @Quicken Kathryn said:
    > Hi All,
    > Thanks for reporting these issues--as you can see, we resolved the issue with no prompt to transition, but it appears there are some lingering issues with the data being sent, and the ability to link your "new" accounts to the existing ones.
    > Our dev team is looking into this ASAP, and would like to take a look at as many log files as possible to troubleshoot--if possible, please go to Help > Report a problem in Quicken and send your log files to us, especially your sync logs.  Please include "PayPal" in the subject of your submission so the team can gather them up quickly.
    > Thanks for your help!

    Submitted my log files yesterday.
  • dondgc
    dondgc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited 2022 19
    Despite the repeated prompts to reauthorize - which I "skip for now" - PayPal transactions are downloading properly. At least for me. I will continue to ignore the prompt as long as I can or until the issues are resolved.
  • dondgc
    dondgc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited 2022 19
    I would like to add that Quicken is actively working to resolve this. Someone has been touch with me trying to find the issue(s). So that was very nice to see! This is definitely getting attention and effort from Quicken.
  • MrZipp
    MrZipp Member ✭✭✭
    I'll wait this one out - It seems there's still work by the Devs to be done. Somehow, I guess I didn't get the original planning memo for EWC+ and Paypal.


  • Michael 21
    Michael 21 Member ✭✭
    I'm in the same boat as others. I can reauthorize but it won't allow me to link to the old account. I have years of history in it and don't want to lose them.
  • cjim
    cjim Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    On the day this problem started I noticed that the financial institution for my Quicken Paypal account got changed to ZZZ-paypal OLD during the OSU process. Fortunately there were no transactions to download and no changes were made to my data. I have not downloaded from Paypal since then as I saw everyone was having issues. Now I have completely stopped using Paypal and I am waiting for the issue to be resolved.

    But I still do not fully understand the problem. Why can I not just simply change the financial institution on the existing Quicken account or create a new Paypal account in Quicken using the new financial institution and then move all the Paypal transactions from the old Quicken Paypal account to the new one?

    There has also been talk of different types of Paypal accounts. I just use Paypal for what it was originally made for, i.e. online purchases. I believe that means it is a savings account or at least that is how I originally defined it in Quicken when I set it up many years ago.

    Can someone that understands the issue better than I please do provide a brief summary of the problem and why the simple steps I outlined above won't work.
  • raisleger
    raisleger Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I'm running Quicken Build and have had a PayPal Credit account linked to my Quicken for may years. As reported in this and other Quicken discussions (e.g. 7911765/paypal-cant-add-credit-account), something has changed such that the Financial Institution for my PayPal Credit account changed to ZZ-PayPal OLD. As It is important to note that for me, OSU was still successfully downloading my transactions successfully.

    However, a problem happens if I were to deactivate/activate or even delete/add back the PayPal account. That is still broken for me even though they say they have a fix (www.quicken.com/support/changes-paypal-account-services). Here is my problem when I start OSU:

    1. Quicken pops up with this dialog indicating the ZZZ-PayPal OLD connection needs updating:

    2. Press "Reauthorize" and the credentials dialog for PayPal Credit pops up.

    3. Credentials are entered and press "Connect".

    4. A progress dialog is displayed while connecting with PayPal

    5. The progress screen results with the followed error

    It should be noted that I get this same error every time I select the "Reauthorize" button on the "Your Financial Institution Connections Need An Update" screen. So in order for the OSU to complete, I have to select the "Skip Now, I'll Do This Later" button. And since my existing PayPal Credit account (ZZ-PayPal OLD" has not been changed, the update completes successfully. However, if I were to try to deactivate/activate or delete/add the PayPal account, I would run into the same error as I detailed above when using the "Reauthorize" button and therefore I would not be able to get my PayPal account successfully connected to Quicken.

    I too would assume better testing/support from Quicken when there is a change to an online banking connection like PayPal. As customers who are paying for our subscriptions, we should expect more.
  • miklk
    miklk Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta
    The built in Procedure to re-authorize does not work (I tried many times and ways)

    The simple work around is to:

    Edit Account/ Online Services Tab/ Deactivate
    Click General Tab / Delete the Financial Institution Box to be empty
    Click Online Services Tab Again / Set Up Now

    From here , pick paypal and it should setup normally and you "should" be able to link to existing account
  • Michael 21
    Michael 21 Member ✭✭
    > @miklk said:
    > The built in Procedure to re-authorize does not work (I tried many times and ways)
    > The simple work around is to:
    > Edit Account/ Online Services Tab/ Deactivate
    > Click General Tab / Delete the Financial Institution Box to be empty
    > Click Online Services Tab Again / Set Up Now
    > From here , pick paypal and it should setup normally and you "should" be able to link to existing account

    This worked for me.
  • MrZipp
    MrZipp Member ✭✭✭
    Michael 21, I tried your method on both of our Paypal accounts this morning, and all worked flawlessly! I had exported the files to Excel, just in case, and closed Q between each action (automatic backups for every time I exit). No heroics were needed - balance right, reports work fine.

    Thanks so much for sharing!


  • dondgc
    dondgc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @miklk said:
    > The built in Procedure to re-authorize does not work (I tried many times and ways)
    > The simple work around is to:
    > Edit Account/ Online Services Tab/ Deactivate
    > Click General Tab / Delete the Financial Institution Box to be empty
    > Click Online Services Tab Again / Set Up Now
    > From here , pick paypal and it should setup normally and you "should" be able to link to existing account

    This worked perfectly for me. Thanks for the tip!!
  • gregandrews
    gregandrews Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited 2022 23
    Did not work for me. Did not give me the option to link to existing account.
  • Cavnaugh
    Cavnaugh Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited 2022 25
    OK I setup a new account and updated just fine and now all I get is "Quicken encountered an online error [CC-501]."
    At least the account is no longer called ZZZ-paypal OLD
  • Cavnaugh
    Cavnaugh Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    WOW! Paypal and now Chase and Citi are messed up.
  • Randy 415
    Randy 415 Quicken Windows Subscription Windows Beta Beta
    Now the ZZZ_Paypal OLD account is no longer downloading the online balance. It still downloads transactions, but not the current balance. As a result, you will not be able to reconcile the account. In my case, it shows a zero online balance, but that is not the case. This will force us to "Reauthorize" even when the process still does not work properly.
  • James J
    James J Member ✭✭✭✭
    Ugh, is this fixed yet?  Is there somewhere I can find definitive instructions for dealing with this issue in Quicken?
  • raisleger
    raisleger Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I agree, I'm still having errors trying to added my PayPal Credit account. I'm using a clean Quicken DB. I select "PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto". The Quicken Sign-In dialog (not PayPal Sign-in) is presented to enter my email/password information. After displaying "Looking for accounts...", the attached error screen always shows -- so I cannot add my PayPal Credit account to Quicken. Interestingly, if I select "PayPal" as the financial institution, it returns with the PayPal Checking Account (which I do not want), not the PayPal Credit.
  • PennyRich
    PennyRich Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Any update on this?
    I'm still seeing ZZZ-paypal OLD
    Also manual download shows zero balance
  • dondgc
    dondgc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @raisleger said:
    > I agree, I'm still having errors trying to added my PayPal Credit account. I'm using a clean Quicken DB. I select "PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto". The Quicken Sign-In dialog (not PayPal Sign-in) is presented to enter my email/password information. After displaying "Looking for accounts...", the attached error screen always shows -- so I cannot add my PayPal Credit account to Quicken. Interestingly, if I select "PayPal" as the financial institution, it returns with the PayPal Checking Account (which I do not want), not the PayPal Credit.

    I suspect (as someone with no knowledge of Quicken's inner workings) that this is a separate issue. You might want to follow this recent thread:

This discussion has been closed.