ZZZ-paypal OLD ??



  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2022
    BTW, my bad - it IS ZZZ-Paypal OLD. I missed a Z. Mods if you could change the title might help more people find this.

    ACTUALLY, no. It WAS ZZ-paypal OLD when I first found it. TODAY it is ZZZ-paypal OLD.

    So changed today....
  • Quicken Kathryn
    Quicken Kathryn Quicken Windows Subscription admin
    edited May 2022 Answer ✓
    Hi All,
    Sorry you've been having issues with this transition--I think there's a few things going on here: 

    First, @Bob., I think what you encountered was bad timing--when you first posted, we were in the process (which takes 3-5 hours) of transitioning the old Paypal BIDs to their new "ZZZ" state.  This prevents new users from adding that as an option when they create new Paypal accounts.

    We will not "turn on" the cutover to the new Paypal instances until tomorrow, which should prompt users to go through the process in the support article when they perform an OSU.  In other words, if you see a ZZZ today, you shouldn't need to take any action; you will be prompted when the cutover is available.  This also explains why the process isn't quite working as intended, as we're still testing in the backend, and haven't exposed the full cutover process to users yet (which requires some coordination with our service providers and Paypal).

    If you go in before the cutover and de/reactivate the accounts, and clear out the old Paypal instance, you will be able to add the new Paypal instance, but there's no need to do this--just wait it out, and follow the prompt steps when things are set up tomorrow :smile:

    Hope this helps--

    Quicken Kathryn
    Community Administrator
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks @Kathryn. I shall wait and I appreciate your post.

    But if you knew this, why did you not tell us BEFORE all the hassle and issues? If I had an alert saying there is a transition coming and do nothing until... I would have been fine. I think this was a blunder not alerting the community. As much as I appreciate you all and your immense amount of help over the years, the process and communication should be reviewed internally in my opinion.

    Waiting until tomorrow to post again :)

    And if it is informative, that ZZ is really now ZZZ. Perhaps that is expected, perhaps not.
  • Quicken Kathryn
    Quicken Kathryn Quicken Windows Subscription admin
    Hi @Bob. - fair enough; we don't typically notify users of this intermediary stage because not a lot of users will see this during the transition period, but obviously, community users aren't typical :wink:

    The ZZ and the ZZZ are expected--they're just markers of the intermediary states that a bank can have in Quicken as it's being removed from our FI List.

    Quicken Kathryn
    Community Administrator
  • AZCoder1959
    AZCoder1959 Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2022
    I successfully logged into my PP account via my browser after being transferred there and now I'm stuck trying to connect to Paypal in Quicken (see below #1). Then it finally failed (see below #2) Definitely not a seamless transition.



  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    No change so far today for me. ZZZ appears to connect and download (nothing there) but no message of change nor dialogs to assist the change. Now 1 PM EST.

    Will sit tight unless advised buy the mods to try something else....
  • Quicken Kathryn
    Quicken Kathryn Quicken Windows Subscription admin
    @Bob. Yes, we were informed this morning that the changeover is only now open to 50% of users, as we monitor for issues--tomorrow (if nothing goes wrong) you should see the prompts.

    @AZCoder1959 Thanks for reporting this--I sent it over to our development team, and it looks like there was an issue connecting to our provider this morning, that caused the timeout when you tried to update PayPal; sorry for the issue.  It should be fixed now, and we're monitoring the situation.
    Quicken Kathryn
    Community Administrator
  • AZCoder1959
    AZCoder1959 Member ✭✭✭

    @AZCoder1959 Thanks for reporting this--I sent it over to our development team, and it looks like there was an issue connecting to our provider this morning, that caused the timeout when you tried to update PayPal; sorry for the issue.  It should be fixed now, and we're monitoring the situation.
    I can confirm that my two accounts linked successfully after quite a long period of waiting. I counsel patience for those who try.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    I realize its still early on the West Coast, but no change yet today for me. Updating all or just PayPal does not bring up any dialog box and still updates ZZZ paypal OLD. I'll be out this morning so likely not testing again until afternoon East Coast time.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2022
    Now almost 2 PM EST / 11 PST and no change. No dialog on updating PayPal with any kind of OSU or Account Update.

    Let me know if I need to do anything to be proactive or if I am too anxious :)
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello All,

    Please be advised that we are seeing some instability with our Online Services tokens. As a result, users may have issues downloading transactions as well as setting up/completing the new PayPal connection, though these issues will be temporary. Our teams are working on resolving this. However, we do not have an ETA at this time.

    We apologize for any inconvenience! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • dondgc
    dondgc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @Bob. said:
    > Now almost 2 PM EST / 11 PST and no change. No dialog on updating PayPal with any kind of OSU or Account Update.
    > Let me know if I need to do anything to be proactive or if I am too anxious :)

    Bob - I screwed up my initial update as I mentioned earlier and restored a backup. Since then the request to sign in (using the new protocol) has not reappeared. My PayPal account shows the ZZZ in the download progress window but it downloads all transactions just fine. Not sure how long that will continue to be the case, but at the moment I'm just happy to have everything working.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    dondgc said:

    Bob - I screwed up my initial update as I mentioned earlier and restored a backup. Since then the request to sign in (using the new protocol) has not reappeared. My PayPal account shows the ZZZ in the download progress window but it downloads all transactions just fine. Not sure how long that will continue to be the case, but at the moment I'm just happy to have everything working.
    Thanks for that Don. Seems there are bugs still being worked out and no one yet posting this has worked as expected. I'll try to be patient.

    And thanks also for the post Anja.

  • Margaret F.
    Margaret F. Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Adding a data point (thanks for asking my exact question).

    On May 7th, I synchronized my PayPal account normally and got two transactions (meaning it was working). I was not prompted to do the transition. But I noticed the ZZZ, went to the Web, and found this question.

    I tried using add an account as directed in the linked article, but my Quicken PayPal account wasn't listed in the link.

    I went back and deactivated my Quicken PayPal account in Account Details (I've been with Quicken a long time and this has been a workaround before).

    Did the "Add an Account" once again (note both times I had to manually click on Quicken after sitting on the browser redirect page for a while before it started the next step in Quicken). This time everything went as expected (my account was there) except for the slight hiccup above.

    Transactions for the past 45 days were downloaded (and not duplicated as I feared). It did find two that had not been downloaded already. These came in as "Other" and both were cases where I used my creditcard through the PayPal payment portal to buy something at a store. Both were correctly linked to the creditcard charge.

    As far as I can tell, mine is working fine now. Just a bit of a stumble in the initial transition.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    Glad that worked for you Margaret. I thought about trying that myself as it has worked in the past. But my understanding is if you wish to keep ALL you past transactions, best to do nothing until Quicken prompts to make changes and requests the authorization after a One Step Update.

    I have nothing yet, not unexpected from the mods posts above. Being patient.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    Tuesday Morning, still nothing when I update PayPal. Has this worked yet for anyone? Still in process of being debugged?
  • Quicken Kathryn
    Quicken Kathryn Quicken Windows Subscription admin
    @Bob. When you say "nothing" do you mean that you are seeing no transactions after a successful OSU?  Or are you still seeing the ZZZ/error messages?

    If it's that transactions are in PayPal, but not yet in Quicken, this is expected with the new connection method.  Because the new connection allows more transaction detail, including the difference between pending and cleared transactions, it may take up to 10 days for transactions to clear PayPal and download into Quicken (only cleared transactions are available to download right now).  

    Hope this helps--
    Quicken Kathryn
    Community Administrator
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    Sorry. Should have been more specidfic.

    I do an OSU or Paypal only Update and it remains ZZZ paypal OLD. Nothing prompts me to validate, change, combine or anything else. I was lead to understand that there would be popups and dialogs to follow to transition. I see nothing different but the name of the account.

    Should I do anything proactively to make this happen, Kathryn? Confused at this moment.

    I had thought it was as described, then stopped for internal glitches but maybe should have been reactivated. If you could explain where this is - activated or not - and what if anything i or any other Quicken user with PayPal should do, it would be appreciated.
  • Quicken Kathryn
    Quicken Kathryn Quicken Windows Subscription admin
    @Bob. Ah, I see--thanks for the update--in this case, I'm going to ask our devs to take a look; can you go to Quicken and use the Help>Send Feedback to submit your log files into our feedback channel?  

    I think it's possible that when you de/reactivated prior to the the period when we "turned on" this transition has you in an intermediary state, and before you do anything, I want to verify this.  For now, waiting won't cause any issues for you--we'll figure out what's happening--

    Quicken Kathryn
    Community Administrator
  • ProfQuill
    ProfQuill Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I want to concur with what Bob is saying, I see the same behavior. For roughly the last 2 weeks of April, I was not getting ANY PayPal transaction downloads, that issue has been discussed in another thread (https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7912325/ongoing-5-4-22-paypal-missing-transactions-credit-card-accounts#latest). However, with no other action on my part, my downloads started working, even though the last message in that thread still indicates that as of 5/4 the issue still exists and there is no ETA on resolution. Are you waiting to 'close' that thread once this ZZZ thing is settled, or are some folks still not seeing downloads?     
    I really don't much care about the odd name, it only shows up in the OSU summary, and everything else seems to be working well.  I just did a PayPal Update and it downloaded a transaction I had within the hour. 
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    @Kathryn - thanks. Note: I never did deactivate. I tried to add a new Paypal account, but never altered the original which was automatically altered to the ZZZ. So with that in mind, happy to send logs. What should I ask them to do? Any particular ATTN: in the title?

  • Quicken Kathryn
    Quicken Kathryn Quicken Windows Subscription admin
    @Bob. You can just send them over with PayPal in the title--I can find them with your email address :smile:
    Quicken Kathryn
    Community Administrator
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    Will send in moments.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2022
    @Quicken Kathryn - more info.

    I keep a TEST db in Quicken. So I just tried to add a PayPal account to that database. Just like at the beginning here, it told me I needed to login to Paypal in my browser. I did, then blank screen where it errors trying to go to Quicken after that login. Returning to Quicken, it says it failed and timed out. I have screenshots of all of this earlier in this thread. So aside form Quicken not prompting me to make a change, when I just try to add a PayPal account it fails right after logging in with my browser.

  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    All of those messages and screen shots are on the top half of page 1 of this thread. Have not changed. I do believe there are two separate things failing here.
  • Quicken Kathryn
    Quicken Kathryn Quicken Windows Subscription admin
    @Bob. Thanks for that info--I see your submitted log files--thank you!

    I talked to the dev team, and they are investigating--something is definitely not working as expected--I will let you know as soon as I get more information--

    Quicken Kathryn
    Community Administrator
  • ProfQuill
    ProfQuill Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Oh wonderful. I just did my evening OSU and PayPal nicely downloaded my new transactions but said my Online Balance is 0.00.  Retried an update, no change. The OSU update line says "Online Balance as $0.00 as of 5/9/2022".  Problem is today is 5/10.  If I look in the logs, I can't see any data logged for PayPal. Going to the site shows my correct balance.

    Pretty sure this worked yesterday. 
  • Greg Brown
    Greg Brown Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I just received the ZZZ-Paypal Old error during OSU. After reading all of the comments, I guess I'll wait for further developments.

    Quicken Classic - R61.21, Windows 11 PRO current on updates

  • Dave508
    Dave508 Member ✭✭✭
    I found another question here where someone responded to deactivate and reactivate paypal online services. I did that and it downloaded 1,139 days of transactions again and completely screwed up Paypal register. I had to restore from a backup and re-do all of the transactions since the backup. Paypal still shows ZZZ-Paypal OLD. I have no clue what should be done. Hey Quicken Support folks, it would be really nice to have an official statement to reference on this. Do we take any action or just leave it until we're prompted to do something?
  • dondgc
    dondgc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @Dave508 said:
    > I found another question here where someone responded to deactivate and reactivate paypal online services. I did that and it downloaded 1,139 days of transactions again and completely screwed up Paypal register. I had to restore from a backup and re-do all of the transactions since the backup. Paypal still shows ZZZ-Paypal OLD. I have no clue what should be done. Hey Quicken Support folks, it would be really nice to have an official statement to reference on this. Do we take any action or just leave it until we're prompted to do something?

    Definitely always backup immediately before making any account changes. I too learned that the hard way. As to taking action - is it working? If it is, I would not do anything. No reason to.
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