Quicken Mac will No Longer Launch

NolanEgging Member
I recently used Quicken for the first time the other day and everything worked fine. However, now when I try to open the app, it does not open. I've tried re-downloading Quicken and restarting my Mac, but nothing seems to resolve the issue. Does anyone have any advice?


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    A few questions…
    • What version of macOS are you running?
    • How are you launching Quicken? Clicking app icon in the Dock? Double-clicking on Quicken data file? 
    • When you click on the app icon, what exactly happens. Does it bounce in the Dock for awhile? I assume no error messages?
    Since you've restarted your Mac and re-installed Quicken, the next thing I'd suggest is trying to launch Quicken in a different user account. In System Preferences > Users & Groups, click the+ icon to create a new user account. Log out of your current user, and log in to the new user account. Then open the Applications folder and double-click on Quicken.app. Does it launch and open to the welcome screen? 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • NolanEgging
    NolanEgging Member
    I am running macOS Monterey Version 12.4. I've tried launching Quicken both ways. When I attempt to open Quicken, the app bounces once and then nothing appears: no messages or anything. I've tried shift clicking and that hasn't worked. I usually have to wait and then I can force quit out of it.

    When I try on a new user account, I am able to launch the app and get the welcome screen.
  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    It sounds like something in the Quicken settings on your account might have got messed up. I would try backing up & then deleting the following files/folders:

    ~/Library/Application Support/Quicken/Downloads

    and then see if you can get Quicken to launch.
  • NolanEgging
    NolanEgging Member
    I was able to get Quicken to launch when I did what you said; however, after I close Quicken, I am not able to open Quicken again. I also tried not having everything saved to iCloud, and I got the same result.
  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Ah… saving your file on iCloud (or Dropbox or any cloud service) is a definite no-no. It's not supported, and odd things can happen, including getting locked out of your data file. 

    If you can repeat the steps you did to get it to launch again, I would try File > Move To… and select a new location on your local hard drive just to get the file moved cleanly. Quit and relaunch; does it open correctly?
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    jacobs said:
    Ah… saving your file on iCloud (or Dropbox or any cloud service) is a definite no-no. It's not supported, and odd things can happen, including getting locked out of your data file. 

    To be clear, it is ok to save your backup files to a cloud service... just not the live main file.

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    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • NolanEgging
    NolanEgging Member
    I've tried moving everything off of iCloud and on to my local hard drive. I've also attempted to start from scratch; however, I am still not able to launch the app after the initial launch.
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