Chase - OL-301 Error vs Online Bill Payment [Edited]

sshinr Member ✭✭
Last week, I received this error code and resolved it by changing the date payment was to be. I am getting the error code again, for a payment to be made on 8/5/22. Plenty of time for Chase to process.


  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    If you haven't already, you may want to review: Messages about Chase account connection updates

    You should contact Chase with regard to the OL-301 A but it might be a good time to switch your bill payment approach.  If you want to keep using Chase to pay bills, I suggest you use Chase's bill pay portal.
  • sshinr
    sshinr Member ✭✭
    Thank you, Sherlock. Upon reviewing the article, it indicates that the new process is not yet ready for the transition to occur. I will contact Chase as you suggest.
  • MarcStone
    MarcStone Member ✭✭
    edited July 2022
    My accounts update as expected but I have to log into the Chase website directly to pay bills. I'm using Windows 8.1, Quicken is up to date, error code is OL-301A.
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    If you haven't already, you may want to review: Messages about Chase account connection updates

    You should contact Chase with regard to the OL-301 A but it might be a good time to switch your bill payment approach.  If you want to keep using Chase to pay bills, I suggest you use Chase's bill pay portal.

    To answer your specific query, the issue was raised earlier today: Error Code OL 301 A from Chase
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    YES - just today - July 21 - had one bill to SEND, and the update failed with the OL-301-A error....
    I was going to just try and wait, to see if it clears.....
    OR - remove the SEND transaction, and see if the update then works, or still fails.

  • sshinr
    sshinr Member ✭✭
    Unfortunately the tried and true method of paying vendors via Direct Connect has ceased for me at Chase. As Sherlock recommended in an earlier comment exchange, I went online at Chase to pay invoices due in the next few days. Unfortunately, only payments posted to the Chase account are reflected on Quicken now, and I no longer have the benefit of seeing payments scheduled for future, which was a very valuable feature.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    I have all my payments setup as Manual Bill Payment Reminders..... so I can see them all the time, and then merely enter them for "SEND" if an online Chase Bill Payment, or just "ENTERED" for any manual bills...
    I will just revert to my old 2-step method -
    1 - Enter Reminder on Quicken for bill payment paid
    2 - manually log into Chase - bill payment - and enter the bill to the existing Payee
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    sshinr said:
    Unfortunately the tried and true method of paying vendors via Direct Connect has ceased for me at Chase. As Sherlock recommended in an earlier comment exchange, I went online at Chase to pay invoices due in the next few days. Unfortunately, only payments posted to the Chase account are reflected on Quicken now, and I no longer have the benefit of seeing payments scheduled for future, which was a very valuable feature.
    To view payments scheduled for the future, I suggest you also enter the transactions in Quicken.  You may still use reminders to enter the transactions.  When the payment transactions are imported, they should match the transactions already entered.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    FYI - I was receiving the 301 error -
    so I just edited my payment transaction from SEND to just blank
    (so it would not try to connect to Chase)
    and then performed the Update Now on the Chase Account - worked fine... no 301 Error.
    So, it is definately related to trying to SEND payments to Chase for Bill Payment...
    Will try the SEND every day....
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    Ps56k2 said:
    FYI - I was receiving the 301 error -
    so I just edited my payment transaction from SEND to just blank
    (so it would not try to connect to Chase)
    and then performed the Update Now on the Chase Account - worked fine... no 301 Error.
    So, it is definately related to trying to SEND payments to Chase for Bill Payment...
    Will try the SEND every day....
    Hardly seems worth it to me to pursue this.  We know it is all going away in a month or so.  People should be making other plans.
    This is my website:
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    Chris_QPW said: Hardly seems worth it to me to pursue this.  We know it is all going away in a month or so. 
    Easy transition back to my manual 2-step method.... 
    1 - Enter Quicken manual Reminder
    2 - Enter Chase manual Bill Payment
    Was just waiting for the actual migration to EWC+ and whatever other damage might happen.
    [EDIT] - July 22 -
    started doing my 2-step dance today.... since Chase is now rejecting Bill Payments with the OL-301 Error

  • mymo
    mymo Member ✭✭
    For the folks that are scheduling bills through quicken to be initiated by Chase, there still has been no clear announcement by Quicken if this ability will be implemented under the new connection methods or not. Best they say is ... "will contact you folks later with info" All they address is basic downloads of transactions. My ability to schedule stopped working a couple of days ago as well with the aforementioned database error. You would think Quicken folks would make some announcement on a service of theirs that is currently failing
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    mymo said:
    For the folks that are scheduling bills through quicken to be initiated by Chase, there still has been no clear announcement by Quicken if this ability will be implemented under the new connection methods or not. Best they say is ... "will contact you folks later with info" All they address is basic downloads of transactions. My ability to schedule stopped working a couple of days ago as well with the aforementioned database error. You would think Quicken folks would make some announcement on a service of theirs that is currently failing
    The announcement is very clear.  Chase has decided they will no longer support the Direct Connect connection method.  Without support for the Direct Connect connection method, a financial institution does not support the ability to receive bill payment instructions from Quicken.
  • mymo
    mymo Member ✭✭
    I hear that that Direct Connect is gone 200% but will a different method be coming down the pipes to allow that functionality? Also, does this effect Chase's Billmanager product and its ability to draw funds out of chase? I assume Billmanager makes the actual payment.
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    mymo said:
    I hear that that Direct Connect is gone 200% but will a different method be coming down the pipes to allow that functionality? Also, does this effect Chase's Billmanager product and its ability to draw funds out of chase? I assume Billmanager makes the actual payment.
    Direct Connect is not gone.  Direct Connect is still supported by over 1800 financial institutions and bank bill payment service is still supported by over 500 of these financial institutions. 

    It is Chase that has decided that they will no longer support the Direct Connect connection method to save money. 

    There is no different method coming down the pipes to allow that functionality in Quicken.  The alternative functionality in Quicken to pay bills is Quick Pay and Check Pay.  Quick Pay and Check Pay are not equivalent to the bank bill payment service still supported by over 500 financial institutions. 

    Chase's decision to no longer support the Direct Connect connection method has no impact on Chase's Bill Pay portal.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    Sherlock said:  The announcement is very clear. 
    Nope - to just cutoff Bill Payment without any other info.... and now we get the OL-301 Error
    So - the FI list still has "Payment" - and the "announcement" indicated things were happening in September....
    and here we are in July -
    Right now, you don't have do to anything.  The final changeover for these accounts will be at the end of September, however, in early August you will have the opportunity to manually transition to the new EWC+ connection. 
    We will send you more information on how to do this when the new connection is available.
    10898    10898    10898    Chase    1-877-242-7372    ACTIVE
    [EDIT] - July 22 -
    started doing my 2-step dance today.... since Chase is now rejecting Bill Payments with the OL-301 Error
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Ps56k2 said:
    Sherlock said:  The announcement is very clear. 
    Nope - to just cutoff Bill Payment without any other info.... and now we get the OL-301 Error
    So - the FI list still has "Payment" - and the "announcement" indicated things were happening in September....
    and here we are in July -
    Right now, you don't have do to anything.  The final changeover for these accounts will be at the end of September, however, in early August you will have the opportunity to manually transition to the new EWC+ connection. 
    We will send you more information on how to do this when the new connection is available.
    10898    10898    10898    Chase    1-877-242-7372    ACTIVE
    [EDIT] - July 22 -
    started doing my 2-step dance today.... since Chase is now rejecting Bill Payments with the OL-301 Error
    In my opinion, you are confusing the announcement with the implementation.  Chase connectivity has been unreliable since Chase started working on this degradation in functionality many months ago.  Previously, if there was a Direct Connect connectivity issue, resources would be allocated to address the issue.  Now, those resources are assigned elsewhere.
  • mymo
    mymo Member ✭✭
    RE Chase, it's clear Chase is de-supporting Direct connect and EWC (Express web connect) entirely and that does not effect any other bank visa vi quicken.

    But Quicken alludes to something called EWC+ and transitioning to it from EWC.

    Cannot find anything anywhere on what EWC+ is and how it is different from EWC,
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    mymo said:
    RE Chase, it's clear Chase is de-supporting Direct connect and EWC (Express web connect) entirely and that does not effect any other bank visa vi quicken.

    But Quicken alludes to something called EWC+ and transitioning to it from EWC.

    Cannot find anything anywhere on what EWC+ is and how it is different from EWC,
    If you haven't already, you may want to review: My explanation of the different term/services that Quicken has provides and provided in the past.
  • AnonAnon
    AnonAnon Member ✭✭
    Quicken user from the 90's; Chase bill pay user as well. Noting all of the advanced warnings that chase is about to change authentication and interface approach.

    Have not seen that the whole bill pay service is totally down (just the advanced warnings).

    Getting 301-A errors for anything other than a chase:chase transfer or credit card payment. Tried the 'refresh branding' suggestion but was no help.

    This is irritating bc sending directly through chase is posible but quicken refuses to match transactions manually (wont recognize despite same payee name and amount). This renders the cashflow pretty limited in usefulness,

    ??Has this architecture change already happened and I should just sit tight for further instructions??

    Chase is frustrating to me on so many levels and this annoyance is just the latest.

    Appreciate any insights from the community.
  • rpgarrett75703
    rpgarrett75703 Member ✭✭✭✭
    I'm still able to use Chase Bill Pay in Quicken. Just made 3 payments. It's strange how it works for some and not others. You would think everyone using Chase Bank Bill Pay in Quicken would be equally affected if Chase has shutdown that feature. I would assume it's all or nothing on the Chase side but it appears their shutdown process is incremental since not all users are affected at this time.
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I'm still able to use Chase Bill Pay in Quicken. Just made 3 payments. It's strange how it works for some and not others. You would think everyone using Chase Bank Bill Pay in Quicken would be equally affected if Chase has shutdown that feature. I would assume it's all or nothing on the Chase side but it appears their shutdown process is incremental since not all users are affected at this time.
    Chase has not shutdown their Direct Connect service yet.  Chase simply will not be putting resources toward resolving any Direct Connect issues users may experience.  Similarly, Intuit will not be putting resources toward resolving any Express Web Connect issues users may experience with Chase.
  • William Fee
    William Fee Member ✭✭
    How do I fix this error?
  • rpgarrett75703
    rpgarrett75703 Member ✭✭✭✭
    Just an observation. I see in this thread and other threads I have followed posters are making reference to Intuit. What does Intuit have to do with Quicken? Aren't they now both separate companies ever since Intuit spun off Quicken. It's been several years since that occurred. Am I missing something?
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Just an observation. I see in this thread and other threads I have followed posters are making reference to Intuit. What does Intuit have to do with Quicken? Aren't they now both separate companies ever since Intuit spun off Quicken. It's been several years since that occurred. Am I missing something?
    Intuit and Quicken have been separate companies for about six years.  Quicken pays Intuit for access to Intuit's Express Web Connect (and Express Web Connect+) service.
  • rpgarrett75703
    rpgarrett75703 Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    Interesting. I wasn't aware EWC & EWC+ are Intuit services. I read your excellent description of EWC+ in another thread, "Express Web Connect+ is just like Express Web Connect except, instead of maintaining the authentication credentials, Intuit maintains a certificate provided by the financial institution when you successfully authenticated." So it appears EWC+ is more secure than EWC since no Username/Password are exchanged just the certificate (unique token). I assume that certificate can only be used by the Intuit servers to access your account and not some other third party. It loosely reminds me of how Apple Pay works on my iPhone except there you're dealing with credit card numbers versus Usernames/Passwords: "Apple Pay uses a device-specific number and unique transaction code. So your card number is never stored on your device or on Apple servers." In both cases they're trying to protect user sensitive information i.e. Usernames/Passwords and Credit Card numbers.
  • TracieK
    TracieK Member ✭✭
    I am having same issue with sending bill payments. A bit annoying Chase said the changes would be made in Sept - thought I had some time to move to new approach!
  • rpgarrett75703
    rpgarrett75703 Member ✭✭✭✭
    From what I understand the "new approach" EWC+ is not yet available. At this time the only alternative to Direct Connect for Chase is EWC which is not exactly the same as EWC. However, if you switch to EWC you will lose the Chase Bank Bill Pay Feature which it sounds like you are using as am I. I assume when EWC+ does becomes available a new connection method I assume called Express Web Connect + will appear as an option in Quicken and "Express Web Connect" will go away. I set up a test file using EWC with my Chase accounts to get a preview of what the EWC+ experience will be like. As I expected I lost the Chase Bill Pay feature and if I make a transaction from Chase today it won't immediately download to Quicken since EWC will only collect your Chase data on a nightly basis. So those transactions should be available the following day. Since I have no experience with EWC I can't say what impact EWC will have on transactions that occur on the weekend. Does EWC do nightly data collections on the weekend as well? For example, currently using Direct Connect if I use Bank Bill pay on the Chase website to pay a bill and then do a One Step Update in Quicken the transaction gets downloaded immediately. Not so with EWC since it only collects the data nightly.
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    From what I understand the "new approach" EWC+ is not yet available. At this time the only alternative to Direct Connect for Chase is EWC which is not exactly the same as EWC. However, if you switch to EWC you will lose the Chase Bank Bill Pay Feature which it sounds like you are using as am I. I assume when EWC+ does becomes available a new connection method I assume called Express Web Connect + will appear as an option in Quicken and "Express Web Connect" will go away. I set up a test file using EWC with my Chase accounts to get a preview of what the EWC+ experience will be like. As I expected I lost the Chase Bill Pay feature and if I make a transaction from Chase today it won't immediately download to Quicken since EWC will only collect your Chase data on a nightly basis. So those transactions should be available the following day. Since I have no experience with EWC I can't say what impact EWC will have on transactions that occur on the weekend. Does EWC do nightly data collections on the weekend as well? For example, currently using Direct Connect if I use Bank Bill pay on the Chase website to pay a bill and then do a One Step Update in Quicken the transaction gets downloaded immediately. Not so with EWC since it only collects the data nightly.
    If you are having issues using Chase's bank bill payment service from within Quicken, I suggest you use Chase's bill pay web portal instead.

    If you are having issues importing transactions using the Direct Connect connection method, I suggest using the Web Connect connection method instead.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    today - JULY 30 - Saturday -
    and I just SENT a bill payment to Chase Bill Payment feature and it was a SUCCESS ....
    The last time I tried was JULY 22 - and it failed -
    So don't know when it started working again, or if today was just a fluke,
    but will now continue to SEND bill payments via Quicken to my Chase Bill Payment and see what happens...
This discussion has been closed.