why are multi currency transfers in MAC not kept related and why are they applied incorrectly?

arlaarro Quicken Mac Other Member
Multi currency transfers don't apply well in Mac software. When you register a payment in a credit card account in currency A it enters as a deposit in the monetary account currency B where it should be a payment. Is there any way of keeping them related as in windows?

Best Answer

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited August 2022 Answer ✓
    @arlaarro Many of the Idea threads on this site date back many years. When they get marked as "Planned", it means that not only have the developers decided they agree, but that they have assigned it specific development time on their schedule. But you're asking: how can two years pass with out a feature being released? The answer is that happens all the time, for a variety or combination of reasons. 

    In the case of implementing multi-currency support for Quicken Mac, I would guess that this is a complex feature to implement. It touches all areas of the program, from transactions registers to budgets, reports to exports, user interface to database structure and queries. I have no idea how long implementation requires across various members of the Quicken Mac team, but I'd guess that it's a project which spans many months or years.

    Still, you're saying, it's been two years…

    Well, we don't know how far off on their development roadmap this issue was when they first marked it as "Planned". (That is, maybe when they marked it Planned in August 2020, if was slated for work starting in the 4th quarter of 2021.) We also don't know if it's still in the future or, as I'd suspect, something they've been working on for many months. We don't know if they ran into unanticipated problems during development which aded time or led to delays. We don't know if some parts of implementation got delayed waiting for related functionality to be developed. (For instance, let's say they are re-writing, or going to re-write, the budget code in Quicken Mac in order to add a number of features many users have asked them for in the budget; the multi-currency implementation may be awaiting that re-write of the budget code to implement multi-currency support in the budget.) We don't know if other projects jumped over this one on their priority list, or developers got diverted from this project to fixing bugs or addressing other pressing problems.

    In short, we don't know much of anything, except that it's something they've committed to implementing at some point. But it's not a matter of needing to "get this issue to their attention again"; it's already in their plans. And yes, it's super frustrating that it (a) takes so long for some ideas to make it to completion, and (b) they won't tell users anything about when to expect specific features to arrive. ;) 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993


  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    QMac currently does not have proper and complete multi-currency support, so no.

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  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Full multi-currency support doesn't yet exist in Quicken Mac. The developers have stated this is on their roadmap, but we don't know when it will be released. 

    You can see the request and the developer's marking of "Planned" in this Idea thread
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • arlaarro
    arlaarro Quicken Mac Other Member
    You are quoting a reply for 2020 and the points mentioned there would be of great utility to a lot of the users if incorporated but no attention has been given to this. Any ideas on how to get this issue to their attention again?
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited August 2022 Answer ✓
    @arlaarro Many of the Idea threads on this site date back many years. When they get marked as "Planned", it means that not only have the developers decided they agree, but that they have assigned it specific development time on their schedule. But you're asking: how can two years pass with out a feature being released? The answer is that happens all the time, for a variety or combination of reasons. 

    In the case of implementing multi-currency support for Quicken Mac, I would guess that this is a complex feature to implement. It touches all areas of the program, from transactions registers to budgets, reports to exports, user interface to database structure and queries. I have no idea how long implementation requires across various members of the Quicken Mac team, but I'd guess that it's a project which spans many months or years.

    Still, you're saying, it's been two years…

    Well, we don't know how far off on their development roadmap this issue was when they first marked it as "Planned". (That is, maybe when they marked it Planned in August 2020, if was slated for work starting in the 4th quarter of 2021.) We also don't know if it's still in the future or, as I'd suspect, something they've been working on for many months. We don't know if they ran into unanticipated problems during development which aded time or led to delays. We don't know if some parts of implementation got delayed waiting for related functionality to be developed. (For instance, let's say they are re-writing, or going to re-write, the budget code in Quicken Mac in order to add a number of features many users have asked them for in the budget; the multi-currency implementation may be awaiting that re-write of the budget code to implement multi-currency support in the budget.) We don't know if other projects jumped over this one on their priority list, or developers got diverted from this project to fixing bugs or addressing other pressing problems.

    In short, we don't know much of anything, except that it's something they've committed to implementing at some point. But it's not a matter of needing to "get this issue to their attention again"; it's already in their plans. And yes, it's super frustrating that it (a) takes so long for some ideas to make it to completion, and (b) they won't tell users anything about when to expect specific features to arrive. ;) 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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