Issue with online balance for chase accounts

wyrn73 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
Ever since I updated to use the 'new improved' Chase connection, the Online Balance for my Chase cards has been completely wrong in Quicken, meaning the Online Balance that shows at the bottom of the register doesn't match what I see when I sign in to Chase through the website. I'm not sure why this happened but I'm also not sure how to fix it. It's driving me nuts that I can't reconcile my two Chase cards :/


  • splasher
    splasher Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    You can't fix it, since the new process downloads a Online Balance that includes pending transactions and that is not the current balance due on the Chase website is displaying.
    For some reason, the powers that be seem to think that including pending transactions in the Online Balance and in the downloads is a good idea, but in my opinion it is wrong since they might change like a restaurant bill that doesn't have the tip in the pending charge but will in the final posted charge.

    -splasher using Q continuously since 1996
    - Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
    -Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • cdennett
    cdennett Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Check the opening balance. For myself and others, when Quicken switched to the Express Web Connect + recently the process for some unknown reason changed the opening balance. This also happened to me in the past when Quicken changed their connection method. Someone else suggested noting the opening balance in the memo field of the first transaction just so you know what it is. It took me a few tries to get it switched over to the new connection method. Luckily I had a backup I could revert to each time it screwed up.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    splasher said:
    You can't fix it, since the new process downloads a Online Balance that includes pending transactions and that is not the current balance due on the Chase website is displaying.
    For some reason, the powers that be seem to think that including pending transactions in the Online Balance and in the downloads is a good idea, but in my opinion it is wrong since they might change like a restaurant bill that doesn't have the tip in the pending charge but will in the final posted charge.
    Quicken Inc doesn't consider this right, it is flagged as a bug:

    Note that they did state that they were going to allow downloading pending transactions, but also stated it would be optional.  That has not yet been implemented.  One would hope that when they implement this option they would make the downloaded transactions and the online balance consistent.

    One thing I find interesting about this about this problem is that this is with Express Web Connect +.
    For Express Web Connect one might explain a problem like this that Intuit's "scripts" might be getting the wrong balance because there isn't a set protocol of how to get the data.  Instead it is an "agreed upon method".  But Express Web Connect + is using a set protocol (FDX) it should be impossible to get the wrong online balance in the same manner.  That would mean that the reason the online balance is wrong would be the same reason it is sometimes wrong with Direct Connect.  And that would be that the financial institution put the wrong balance in the field for the online balance passed back to Quicken.


    Of course this assumes that Intuit and Quicken are in fact also getting the online balance from the correct field in the  returned data.  If not the problem lies with them.
    This is my website:
  • Tuli
    Tuli Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited September 2022
    After installing the latest update from quicken and reauthorized my chase accounts my balance in chase on quicken did not match the amount it was supposed to. Also doesn't match to what I see in the bank. I realized as well that a big transaction that was my opening balance in the chase account was removed. Any ideas or help on this?
  • Dennis Mc
    Dennis Mc Member ✭✭✭
    The migration created a new beginning balance for my Chase CC, which had been $0.00. I deleted that $184 beginning balance added during the migration, and now the displayed online balance is less than the actual balance. The difference is the pending balance displayed on the Chase site. If I add the pending balance shown on the Chase site to the online balance displayed by Quicken, it matches the final balance on Quicken. Very strange.
  • Bill Pa
    Bill Pa Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Even with installing the new update (R43.20 Build on Windows 11... I continue to get the reauthorize screen... and if I go to a browser and enter my info at chase... and come back to quicken... it still wants to create *New* accounts... and the only accounts it offers to let me "link" to are irrelevant and nothing to do with Chase.... they aren't even the same *type* of account.

    So far if I click "Do this later" or whatever... I'm still getting updates... and I get an email from Chase every time I go there saying I"ve successfully reauthorized the account... but now every time I do an update, I get the "reauthorize" dialog box.

    I tried changing the name of the accounts on Chase to match my nicknames in quicken... no dice. Didn't help.
  • John@113
    John@113 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    "and the only accounts it offers to let me "link" to are irrelevant and nothing to do with Chase"

    Same here. When I went to link to an existing account, the choices did not include the existing Chase accounts.

  • outback20
    outback20 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Ditto here. Quicken created a new Chase account (most recent 88 days of transactions). My original account had about 6 years of transactions. I also get the same Reauthorize request every single time I attempt to update account details. R43.20 build The Reauthorize ends up in the Add Account Quicken dialog. I'm offered the choice of linking to an existing account, but my existing Chase account is NOT one of the options so it creates a brand new duplicate account.
    How can anyone at Quicken or Chase think this is desired/correct behavior? Very frustrating and no longer worth the subscription price.
  • John@113
    John@113 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Frustrating? Absolutely.

    No longer worth the subscription price? I wouldn't go that far personally. Quicken is a fantastic piece of software. This is a hiccup...but it would have been nice to have had some warning.

    After creating new accounts (and downloading old transactions) just like you, I restored to last night's backup, skipped the re-verification and did an update. My Chase charges came through.

    I don't know how long I will be able to keep doing that but I will until I have no other option. Hopefully, by then, they will have straightened this out.
  • jwu15
    jwu15 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    It's all messed up, the ending balance from Chase download is not correct, please look into it and fix it.
  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Add me to the list --
    I too have lost my Chase connection; using R43.20
    About a week ago I started getting the requests to reauthorize my accounts... If I ignored it, everything seemed to work fine.
    But dummy me, I tried to reauthorize, it takes me to and fails.... and fails.

    I read somewhere to de-activate online, then reactivate and it works? Nadda.... now I've completely lost my Chase connection and am unable to reconnect it.
    When I try to reconnect, it takes me to Chase... and fails. What happened to the old days, where within Quicken you simply entered your online access info and it connected?
  • dneufarth
    dneufarth Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Similar issues with authorizing, my account names not in link to existing account, opening balance. Today, linking to existing accounts worked. Opening balance was altered. Changed it back to zero. Wonder what new issues will come from that? QA of this Chase authorization seems lacking.
  • sreed10
    sreed10 Quicken Windows Other Member
    Same issue for me as some of the above - Quicken prompts to re-authorize my Chase accounts, finds all my accounts, but wants to add my checking account when it is already there. If I choose "Do not add" then it does not update. R43.14. I have found that if I restore from my previous day's backup then it does not prompt me to reauthorize and it updates. Painful workaround...
  • BethE
    BethE Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited September 2022
    I have 2 Chase credit card accounts and 1 Chase savings account in my Quicken. The balance for the savings account is off by $84.93 (totally random number I can't figure out) and that dates back as far as 4/21/2019, which is as far as I can see when I look at my account history on I have no idea if it changed the opening balance or not?

    One credit card account was off by $33.04 yesterday (last reconcile was 9/5/2022, so not that far back) and is off by $288.33 today. I can't figure out how to resolve this, as there are only 12 new transactions, none of which total up to these numbers.

    The other credit card balance is fine, but the migration stripped out all category tags for the last 3 months (6/9/2022 until today). What?? How am I supposed to get those tags back? And this was on reconciled entries, so shouldn't have been touched at all.

    Lastly, I'll just say that I greatly dislike that the text that is in the Payee field is being duplicated in the Memo field, often in all caps. Completely unnecessary and is an extra step for me to remove that text - it clutters the information on the display.
  • shtevie
    shtevie Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @"John@113" said:
    > Frustrating? Absolutely.
    > No longer worth the subscription price? I wouldn't go that far personally. Quicken is a fantastic piece of software. This is a hiccup...but it would have been nice to have had some warning.
    > After creating new accounts (and downloading old transactions) just like you, I restored to last night's backup, skipped the re-verification and did an update. My Chase charges came through.
    > I don't know how long I will be able to keep doing that but I will until I have no other option. Hopefully, by then, they will have straightened this out.

    Same here.
  • bobandsherry82
    bobandsherry82 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Let me raise my hand real high and say "me too". Reauthorizing procedure for Chase that doesn't work, or rather it all works on the Chase side, it's Quicken that continues to fail by trying to add new accounts instead of linking. Come on Quicken, can you provide some support for this issue ASAP? Paid subscription, Quicken Premier, would like to be able to use the software without having to constantly babysit the process.
  • Neumanns
    Neumanns Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I have the same reauthorization loop as well. Now my Chase online balance does not match the real online balance if I long into Chase directly. My register balance matches the value from Chase however. Very odd that it can't pull down the correct balance number from Chase.
  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    OK, question --
    Based on all the comment here, does anyone know FOR SURE, that Quicken monitors this community board enough, so they are aware of the depth of the problem; and how many people are affected?

    This Community Board is only "a Self Help" (?) where we, the users of Quicken share problems and resolutuions. Where is Quicken's awareness of the problem? Does it exist?
  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    OK, found where Quicken is aware of some other issues with Chase. Similar, but not quite the same issue...
  • clabis
    clabis Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I have 4 chase accounts. checking, savings and 2 credit cards. At authorization time, the chase site seemed to have done its job, but when i flipped back to quicken to finish the process, all accounts migrated with the exception of the checking. It couldnt find the matching accounts and wanted me to create a new account. checking is updating just fine so i think this is a silly glitch in the reauth process with accounts that are labeled "checking"
  • GeeRab
    GeeRab Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Actually my problem seems different. The Online Balance show on the page is correct and matches the current balance of charges processed on my Chase account and does not include any pending charges. The problem for me is when I go to Reconcile the Online Balance that Quicken bases the reconciliation is not the current but an older amount and I can't fix or adjust it. In the reconciliation box, on the left is online balance and on the right is Quicken Balance and the Quicken Balance is correct and it based on the information downloaded from Chase, and identifies as Online Balance (and is correct) but the reconciliation insists on using a number from the previous day's downloaded balance.
  • splasher
    splasher Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If the beginning balance of the reconcile is changing from what they were, it is because the Reconciled transactions have changed.

    The opening balance of the reconcile is the sum total of all of the R transactions in the register and is calculated at the time of reconciliation and not stored for future reference.

    What could change that # is one of the following:
    1. a blank or C was changed to a R
    2. an R was changed to a blank or C
    3. the amount of an R was changed
    4. a new transaction was marked R to begin with
    5. a R transaction was deleted

    -splasher using Q continuously since 1996
    - Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
    -Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • renrut4
    renrut4 Member ✭✭
    > @Tuli said:
    > After installing the latest update from quicken and reauthorized my chase accounts my balance in chase on quicken did not match the amount it was supposed to. Also doesn't match to what I see in the bank. I realized as well that a big transaction that was my opening balance in the chase account was removed. Any ideas or help on this?
  • renrut4
    renrut4 Member ✭✭
    Hi Everyone,
    I have a similar situation and a potential solution, but no one seems to either be understanding or responsive at Chase. Since the re-authorization I have had similar annoying problems as those throughout the thread. But the biggest problem - the reconcile amount return is ALWAYS wrong. Interestingly, it is ALWAYS off by a predictable amount - that of the pending charges! Easy, right? NOPE! The reconcile balance is considering the pending CHARGES as CREDITS. I have told this to Chase twice now and no one seems to be addressing this.
  • impour77
    impour77 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    The patch Quicken provided (R43.20) doesn't work for reauthorizing a Chase account that is already activated for downloads. I was able to get it to work by deactivating the account for downloads and then setting it up again. It goes through the same process as reauthorization, but at the end it did show the account linked to the proper account in Quicken. HOWEVER, it did download a bunch of already existing transactions, and it erroneously changed the opening balance for the account. Both were easy fixes, but this still is not optimal. Hopefully the promised new patch will eliminate these problems.
  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Chase account update --
    Today, after closing Quicken rebooting, etc... when I attempt to reconnect online access for Chase, nothing happens. The Quicken screen dims, as if it is going to open the Chase Authorization screen, but really nothing happens.. nothing at all. I even waited 10 minutes, still nothing.
    Nothing has changed, no updates, yet Quicken is behaving worse today.

    Quicken support -- ETA is unknown? really?
  • wyrn73
    wyrn73 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    For what it's worth - today for some reason when i downloaded my transactions, both of my Chase credit cards had the correct ending balance. I'm not sure if a fix when out or not over the last few days; but if it did, it corrected the issue I was seeing. Hopefully it stays fixed :)
  • wyrn73
    wyrn73 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    And reading the other comments in this thread - I had a bunch of weird issues "linking" my existing accounts when the change to the connection happened too. I think the only thing I could figure out to do was to "deactivate" my online service for each account and then relink them. That might have been what caused my particular issue in the first place but at any rate, it seems to be working today. Thanks to everyone who added suggestions :)
  • almatav
    almatav Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @GeeRab said:
    > Actually my problem seems different. The Online Balance show on the page is correct and matches the current balance of charges processed on my Chase account and does not include any pending charges. The problem for me is when I go to Reconcile the Online Balance that Quicken bases the reconciliation is not the current but an older amount and I can't fix or adjust it. In the reconciliation box, on the left is online balance and on the right is Quicken Balance and the Quicken Balance is correct and it based on the information downloaded from Chase, and identifies as Online Balance (and is correct) but the reconciliation insists on using a number from the previous day's downloaded balance.

    I've got mostly the same problem. After disconnecting and reconnecting my two Chase CC accounts, I see one and only one balance: an "Ending Balance," which matches the current posted transaction balance online. Only problem is, I haven't been able to successfully download any transactions since August 31. Each time I download, Quicken just updates the opening balance without downloading any transactions.
  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I’ve a successful update to report --

    I was able to successfully reconnect my Chase account to Quicken Premier, Win 11 (still on 20.43, Build, even though I see a new update.

    I use Kaspersky Total Security, and that may have blocked my re-connect attempts. Disabled Kaspersky and I was able to reconnect and download my latest transactions.

    No issues with double transaction downloads or incorrect balances.
    All is good and balanced!
This discussion has been closed.