Fix Reconciliation Issue

tkabdou Member ✭✭
When downloading transactions from my bank, I get all transactions except for the "Pending" transactions. This makes sense since these transactions have not been posted yet. However, when I try to reconcile and there are "Pending" transactions at the bank, Quicken tries to reconcile against the Online Balance which includes "Pending Transactions".


- For my posted transactions, I have a balance of $1000
- I have a Pending payment of $50
- This $50 payment does not get downloaded to Quicken (this is valid)
- If I try to reconcile the account, I expect it to say that my Online balance is $1000 since this is the balance for all posted transactions. However, Quicken shows that the Online Balance is $950 which then shows a negative $50 difference instead of $0.

What Quicken should do is to get the Online Balance which include ONLY posted transactions.

Bottom line, since Quicken does not include Pending transactions when downloading then it should exclude these Pending transactions from the Online Balance. We are now comparing apples to oranges.


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 2023

    You're correct that this mismatch is a problem.

    [Post edited to reflect my updated understanding of what's going on.]

    If this is a financial institution which has switch to Quicken's EWC+ connectivity method, then pending transactions apparently are being downloaded by the financial institution to Quicken. @tkabdou It would help if you shared the name(s) of the financial institution(s) where you are experiencing this mismatch due to pending transactions. It may be one of the known cases; I've seen several similar reports about USAA, for instance.

    When the financial institution downloads pending transactions and a balance which includes those pending transactions, Quicken needs to add back the amount of the pending transactions to the balance, because Quicken doesn't show pending transactions in its registers. Apparently this correction is made at the server level as each download takes place. So if Quicken's server process doesn't correctly adjust for the pending transactions to adjust the balance to excude them, the balance doesn't match.

    You should use Help > Report a Problem to report the mismatch of pending balance with posted transactions, including the financial institution. You won't get a reply, but with your report and your logs transmitted via Report a Problem, they can escalate this issue. Alternatively, you could call Quicken Cupport and walk them through the problem to get them to escalate it. (You may — or may not — find out from a support representative if this is already a known issue with your financial institution.)

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @tkabdou,

    Thank you for visiting the Community and telling us about your issue, though I apologize that you are experiencing this.

    This is a known issue that has been escalated internally, though we do not have an ETA available at this time. While the investigation remains ongoing, please refer to this Community Alert for any and all available updates. Additionally, as previously mentioned by Jacobs, you can also contribute to the investigation by navigating to Help > Report a problem from within your Quicken program and submitting your log files.

    We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
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