Why do Tax Summary Reports display all categories expanded, not the way it was saved?

For about 15 years, my tax summary reports re-displayed the way they were saved; some as line items, other categories expanded out. Starting about 2 years ago, they now re-display automatically with ALL categories fully expanded. I have to collapse all, then re-expand those I want to see as such. I save them by tax year even though they are queries of all the data - primarily because the accounts appropriate to each years' taxes change over the years; ie: closing of some accounts, opening new accounts. It is easier to save for each year and then all of the changes to accounts stays put. I have tried everything including starting a report from scratch; opening up an older report that works properly then change the date range and re-save the report; etc. to no avail.
Hello @kayak,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're still running into this problem. I can see you posted about this issue in 2019. Just to clarify the issue, tax summary reports always open with all categories expanded regardless of how you had it before saving the report, and this happens whether its a saved report, saved report you edited, or a brand new report that you created?
Are you using the same Quicken file that you did back in 2019, or is this behavior persisting in a newer file? Do you keep your Quicken file on your C drive or a shared network drive? Is your Quicken file synced with any cloud service such as OneDrive or Dropbox? The simplest way to see your file location, if you are in Quicken with the file open, is to click on File, and near the bottom of the list, just above where it says Exit, you will see the file paths for your 4 most recently accessed files. The file in the #1 spot is the one you are currently in (see sample image below).
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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Just to clarify the issue, tax summary reports always open with all categories expanded regardless of how you had it before saving the report, and this happens whether its a saved report, saved report you edited, or a brand new report that you created? yes to all three parts of your question - always opens fully expanded despite saving it with most as line items only
Are you using the same Quicken file that you did back in 2019, or is this behavior persisting in a newer file? I have used the same quicken file since 1999. this behaviour just started about 2 years ago. I have tax summary and tax schedule reports saved every year, back to 2008. The older ones still open the way I saved them, but the newer ones (last 4 or 5 years) open fully expanded.
Do you keep your Quicken file on your C drive or a shared network drive? Is your Quicken file synced with any cloud service such as OneDrive or Dropbox? yes, always on my C drive, backed up religiously to 2 different, local sources, plus the automatic, scheduled Q backup. (I was a network administrator/IT guy for over 20 years, working with pc's since 1988; 5 1/4" floppies, blinking C prompts and 286 mhz processors and 9600 baud modems! You only have to get seriously bitten ONCE by the "I failed to back that up" mistake to learn a life-long lesson!) I don't sync with any online services or cloud services.
If I were to give it a WAG, I would say that if I open an old, saved report and get the Saved Report Alert which warns of new items being added since I last saved the report and subsequently agree to "view the report as I saved it" it is fine - opens as I saved it - with some line items respected, etc. But if I choose to "Show the Customize Report window so I can add or ignore these items" and go through the steps to add new accounts, etc. to the reports - even though the additions do not change the report at all (add newer accounts not even in existence when the report was saved) - I can never again save/open/recreate the report with collapsed headings respected and all the headings are fully expanded, every time. This behaviour is true even in brand new reports, ie: 2022 tax summary report. This Saved Report Alert seems to forever set the flag to fully expand all line items. [Edited - Readability]
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Wow, I left a large response to your questions, went back in to edit it a bit further, and the whole response dissappeared. Hopefully you saw it?
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Your earlier response may have been sent to the spam queue automatically because it had a sentence in all caps. I looks like it has been restored.
Your observation that old saved reports keep their Expand/Collapse settings until the customization dialog has been opened is very interesting. That would indicate that something has been broken in newer Quicken releases and that it is not a problem with your data file.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
Thank you for your reply,
I tried to replicate the issue in my own Quicken by generating some tax summary reports and saving them. When I generated the reports for the first time, they had everything expanded by default, but once I collapsed all, re-expanded only the ones I wanted expanded, and saved the report, those changes stayed the next time I reopened the reports.
Since this may be a file specific issue, I suggest that you please try validating and/or super validating your data file. However, I do recommend that you first save a backup file prior to performing these steps.
- File
- Validate and Repair File...
- Validate File
- Click OK
- Close the Data Log
- Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
- Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.
If the issue persists, proceed to Super Validate. If the issue is resolved after performing validation, then please disregard the instructions to Super Validate.
Super Validate:
- File
- Hold CTRL + Shift and click Validate and Repair File...
- Super Validate File
- Click OK
- Close the Data Log
- Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
- Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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