Corrupted reports

acs2 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
edited May 2023 in Reports (Windows)
I have a basic Income and Expense report that I have been running for years. Today a number of the transactions in the report were $0.00 but when I opened the transaction in the account the value was correct. These were all Investment accounts with Cash Out as the transaction. I deleted the report and recreated it. Results were the same ($0.00 in the report but accurate in the account). I ran validate with no improvement. I had to delete each transaction and re enter each. This resolved the problem.

Any ideas as to the cause or fix of these erroneous reports?

I also have a few transactions which are on the Uncategorized list within the same report. They also have $0.00 but the investment transaction to Buy bonds is correct. The problem here is the $0.00 amount AND that it is listed as uncategorized since a Bond purchase does not ask for a Category to be entered.



  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @acs2,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue.  I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. Did you just notice this issue today, or has it been going on for a while? Was there anything that happened just before the issue started, such as a power surge, power outage, update, unexpected program or computer shut down, etc? Do you keep your Quicken file on your C drive, or is it on a shared network drive? Is it synced with any cloud service, such as OneDrive or Dropbox (often, when synced with a cloud service, you will see that service name in the file path)? The simplest way to check your file location, if you are in your Quicken and have the file open, is to click on File, look near the bottom of the list, just above where it says Exit, and it will list the file paths for the 4 most recent Quicken files you have accessed. The file you are currently in wil be in the #1 spot (see sample image below).

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

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  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭


    I've found that customized reports sometimes get corrupted for reasons unknown. If your problem report has been customized, take a look at the default version of the report. If it's not displaying the same problems, try creating a new customized version. If that fixes things, you can toss the corrupted version. Good luck!

  • acs2
    acs2 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    In response to Kristina
    1. I just noticed the problem
    2. No unexpected events
    3. Quicken file is on C drive
    4. It is not synced with cloud service except periodic backups that have been occuring fine for years
    5.The path is via the C; drive

  • acs2
    acs2 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks for replying. It is customized report. I deleted it and recreated the report . The problem remainder
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    To summarize, you have two problems with an Itemized Categories report. Is this the report you started with, or did you start with a different report?

    1. Some XOut transactions showed as $0.00 in the report but were correct in the account's Transaction List (Register). Deleting and re-entering the transactions resolved the problem. Was this a permanent fix or did the problem come back? Or were these some other transactions, Deposit or Withdraw for example? What I see with that report is that XIns and XOuts are shown in the Transfers section. The transaction amounts are sometimes 0 but the transfer account total is correct.
    2. You also saw some Buy Bonds transactions that appear as $0.00 and Uncategorized. What I see is that Sold transactions with no capital gains have amounts of 0.00 and are uncategorized. I don't see any transactions relate to buying bonds. Were there commissions, accrued interest, or something other than a straight purchase related to the bonds?
    QWin Premier subscription
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