Payment -- 4th attempt to get an answer

Have used Checkfree and Quicken since first version rollout, but am becoming confused with changes and marketing buzz words...Quick Pay, Bill Pay, Check Pay, Bill Minder, Direct Connect, Web Connect, Express Web Connect and now "+".

I understood with the changes at Chase we could no longer send an electronic payment from our bank in Quicken, so I've been making online payments on their website. Out of curiosity, I have also sent small additional payments using my Wells Fargo account in Quicken. Those payments have all been received by three Chase cards and deposited to the accounts? I thought that would not be possible since they are flagged EWC+ in Quicken.

This past month did the same with Citi, which now EWC+ in Quicken software. Made payment online on their website and sent a small additional payment from Quicken using Wells Fargo, which was received and credited to account.

Now I see Bank of America is temporarily unable to use Quick Pay, but I have a payment already scheduled in Quicken for the 17th? Will that be paid? Do I have to make payment on their website to be safe, and then end up with duplicate payments? Do I do nothing and the previously scheduled payment is not transmitted so I end up with a late payment?

Big supporter of Quicken for well over 20 years, but the last year or two, and the way things are rolled out has me ready to look for my old bank checkbook and buy postage.

This is my fourth attempt to get an answer since the Chase switch and have not received an answer.

Best Answer

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    Some additional comments:

    1. The changes in Quicken's online services and product features have absolutely no impact on any payments you schedule while logged into your online accounts….ever. If you schedule a bill to be paid while logged into your account, it will get processed correctly by Chase regardless of what happens with your Chase account in Quicken.
    2. Scheduling payments with WF from within your Quicken account are also not affected by any of these EWC+ and Quicken Bill Manager changes. WF still supports DC and still supports DC Bank Bill Pay. If you schedule in Quicken a DC Bank Bill Pay payment to be made from WF to a Chase account (or to anywhere else) it will be processed just like it always has.
    3. Chase's EWC+ connection method and Bill Manager changes affect only your ability to pay bills from your Chase account from within Quicken. You can no longer use DC Bank Bill Pay because DC is not longer supported. And Quicken's Bill Manager Bill Pay process currently only allows for bills to be paid via CheckPay (where checks are mailed out) and not with QuickPay (where the payment is an ACH payment sent electronically). If you accidentally try to schedule a bill payment with one of the non-supported methods Quicken will not accept the transaction request.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @Ron H,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community. There are 2 kinds of bill pay through Quicken: 1) Direct Connect Bill Pay 2) Bill Pay.

    1. Direct Connect Bill Pay - As the name implies, this requires the payment account be connected via Direct Connect. Direct Connect is a 2 way connection that allows you to send instructions to your financial institution. In short, it sends instructions to your financial institution and uses your financial institution's bill pay. You can view your Direct Connect Bill Pay activity through Tools>Online Center, then going to the payments tab.
    2. Bill Pay - The regular bill pay through Quicken goes through a 3rd party. It does not use your financial institution's bill pay. When you are using QuickPay or CheckPay, it is the 3rd party processing and sending those payments.

    I hope that clears up the difference between the 2 forms of bill pay available through Quicken. Based on what you have been describing, it sounds like you have your payment account connected via Direct Connect and you have been using Direct Connect Bill Pay. That is why the financial institutions that are no longer accepting QuickPay are still receiving your payments.

    I hope that helps!

    Quicken Kristina

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  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    Some additional comments:

    1. The changes in Quicken's online services and product features have absolutely no impact on any payments you schedule while logged into your online accounts….ever. If you schedule a bill to be paid while logged into your account, it will get processed correctly by Chase regardless of what happens with your Chase account in Quicken.
    2. Scheduling payments with WF from within your Quicken account are also not affected by any of these EWC+ and Quicken Bill Manager changes. WF still supports DC and still supports DC Bank Bill Pay. If you schedule in Quicken a DC Bank Bill Pay payment to be made from WF to a Chase account (or to anywhere else) it will be processed just like it always has.
    3. Chase's EWC+ connection method and Bill Manager changes affect only your ability to pay bills from your Chase account from within Quicken. You can no longer use DC Bank Bill Pay because DC is not longer supported. And Quicken's Bill Manager Bill Pay process currently only allows for bills to be paid via CheckPay (where checks are mailed out) and not with QuickPay (where the payment is an ACH payment sent electronically). If you accidentally try to schedule a bill payment with one of the non-supported methods Quicken will not accept the transaction request.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

  • Ron H
    Ron H Member ✭✭
    Thank you both. Boatmaniac's explanations cleared up what has confused me.
    #1 I knew.
    #3 I have never used as Chase was just credit cards. But it cleared up the fog in my mind about EWC+
    #2 Was the answer I've been looking for. THANKS.

    I've been a huge fan of Quicken's functionality since the beginning. It just seems like the last 2-3 years their explanations/instructions are not as basic and descriptive as they should be.

    Thanks again.
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