Shaded Register Not Saving

VGuitarist Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
Due to an eyesight disability, I need my registers to be shaded to differentiate between transactions. After renewing my subscription for another year, the Quicken registers have changed from shaded to a framed bright white look and I can't change them back (Quicken doesn't save the setting or apply it globally). It is nearly impossible to use the program now. There's another post on this forum that was closed without a solution. It appears to be a program bug and until it is fixed, I'm essentially cut off from a decade of financial data.

Because of privacy concerns, I will not screen-share my checkbook with Quicken support, but hope someone on this forum has solved the problem. Is there a registry setting or config file setting I can edit to re-enable shading?


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just to verify … you are discussing this relatively new register option setting:

    Could the following be the cause?

    Please confirm the version (R xx.xx) of Quicken that you are using. (Help / About Quicken)

  • VGuitarist
    VGuitarist Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited April 2023
    Ok, yes, I am talking about the picture you have above. I just spent hours completely wiping my computer and reinstalled everything. The application initially held shading with my original 4/8/2021 install (launched offline) then the program updated to the latest version (R48.15, Build when I went online. Now Quicken has the white-washed register with the random blue highlighted fields and three new icons. Selecting shading no longer saves. This is a serious problem; my disability needs a clear differentiation between register transactions or they all blend together. Tech support is absolutely no help - but I did what they said...remove Quicken and reinstall, only I chose to wipe the computer and reinstall everything to eliminate further scripted troubleshooting steps. I have over 10 years of data in the database and can no longer easily do my checkbook because everything looks the same. Please help me...I'm disabled and need this fix as soon as possible.
  • VGuitarist
    VGuitarist Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited April 2023
    I am a badly disabled veteran. I need shading to differentiate between transactions in the register. The feature used to work (days ago) and now it doesn't after the R48.15, build update. I spoke to support and they had me install an unpublished update -- which didn't fix the problem. Their script then recommended I uninstall the app and completely remove three Quicken folders. I did one better: I just wasted hours wiping my computer and reinstalling everything. At first an older installation worked fine when I launched the app offline. After going online, the program immediately updated to R48.15 and shading no longer saves. This proves it is a program bug.

    Apologies for the tone of frustration, but I am...I have over 10 years of data in the database and I can no longer manage my finances. To me, the register is washed out with random blue field highlights and new icons that all blend together. The shading feature was a Godsend that clearly differentiated the transactions as I scrolled through the register. Please, please, please, Quicken...fix this as soon as possible.
  • Quicken Janean
    Quicken Janean Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator admin

    Hi @VGuitarist ,

    I am sorry for the trouble caused. I have sent you a private message with some steps for you to try. Thanks!

    Quicken Janean

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • VGuitarist
    VGuitarist Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited April 2023
    I have responded to your PM. The color feature doesn't address my issue. Quicken, please fix shading or is there a Quicken version for visually handicapped people -- particularly for those whose program worked fine until a recent update? /s
  • VGuitarist
    VGuitarist Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited May 2023
    Quicken has released another update and it included nothing to correct this issue. I guess I thought their development team would empathize with disabled customers -- particularly where the application used to work and they broke it with an update. Not trying to be adversarial, but it appears I'll have to file an ADA complaint to get this resolved.

    *Edit* My quicken just took another update today. Now the shaded feature doesn't work at all. Being a customer since 1/4/2011, I find this disturbing...particularly since it is nearly impossible to view my registers anymore. I also find Quicken's apathy toward disabled customers despicable.
This discussion has been closed.