Capital One - Multiple Cards/Multiple Users?

I have a new Capital One Venture card and have established two authorized users (one for each of my kids). Each card has its own account number and each user can set up their own login to see just their transactions. When I log into my online account I can see the transactions for myself and all authorized users, but the
When I set up the card in Quicken with my Capital One login, I see all the transactions with no data to distinguish which card was used. I then tried to use the log in of one of the authorized users and Capital One says there are no available accounts to authorize.
Is there any way to be able to see the transactions for each authorized user? I don't care if it's a single download with something in the tag field or multiple downloads using different user ids. I just want to know which authorized user made each transaction.
Hello @mark303,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. Essentially, the authorized user accounts are sub accounts of your main account. If nothing is coming over from the financial institution to identify which card was used, then Quicken wouldn't have a way to automatically mark which card was used, but you would be able to manually put that information into the memo column or add it as a tag. Note: Often, authorized users do not have the proper permissions from the financial institution to connect and download their accounts into Quicken.
If the information is coming over from the financial institution, there are a couple things to check to see if its just not being displayed due to settings in Quicken. What columns do you have showing in your register? Do you have any renaming rules that may be changing the information after it downloads?
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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@mark303 I don't believe Quicken Mac can capture a differentiation of which card was used in a CapitalOne account when you have multiple cards on the account. As Kristina wrote above, the different credit card numbers are all still part of your account. The same is true if you use CapitalOne's Eno feature to generate and use virtual card numbers unique to specific merchants — the card numbers are different, but they all post to your account.
The OFX standard (including Quicken's slightly modified QFX variant) has been used since the late 1990s as the data exchange format between financial institutions and software programs like Quicken. Until the most recent update to the standard, there was no term in the standard's language for identifying different cards on a single account. That capability was added in version 2.3 of the OFX standard in October 2020. However, it's up to each financial institution to adopt updated standards, and it also requires updates from both Quicken and its connectivity provider, Intuit.
I just downloaded a QFX file of my CapitalOne account and opened it in a text editor. I can see that CapitalOne includes an optional "ACCTID" data field which identifies the last four digits of the card used for each transaction. It looks like this as part of each transaction:
</CCACCTTO>However, when I import the QFX file into Quicken, it appears that data is not processed in Quicken. If you click on one of the credit card transactions which has downloaded, and select Show Inspector from the View menu, the bottom portion of the Inspector window, under the "From your financial institution" heading, is showing exactly what was received from CapitalOne, untouched by Quicken. When I look, I see the same data in the Statement Payee and Statement Memo field, because that's the way CapitalOne is sending the data. That is, when I open the QFX file in a text editor, I see the same Payee name in the NAME and MEMO field. It appears Quicken doesn't know what to do with the ACCTID filed and just ignores it. Of course, Quicken wouldn't know how to map the account number to a specific Quicken Tag; the only thing I think it could do is put the information into the Memo field — but it doesn't.
So I don't see any way to accomplish what you want without logging into the CapitalOne website, viewing the transactions, and using the information in the Card column to direct you to manually tag the transactions in Quicken. (Or you could download the QFX file from CapitalOne, open it in a text editor, and search for all the transactions with "<ACCTID>1234" and "<ACCTID>9876" to direct you to manually tag the appropriate transactions in Quicken.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Thanks for looking at this.
Quicken - can you add an enhancement to put the ACCTID field into a memo or tag?
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@mark303 This is a user forum, and the Quicken developers are not reading the posts here.
I will take the information I wote above and create an “Idea post” — enhancement requests — in the Product Ideas section of the forum, because I think it’s worthwhile and I’ve seen other users looking for the same solution in the past. But to be realistic, I have to note that there are hundreds of enhancement requests the developers haven’t gotten to yet; unless this is something already on their agenda, it’s not likely to be implemented anytime soon.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
I've created the feature request post. Please visit this link and add your vote in the yellow box near the top, and feel free to add additional comments to help the developers understand the need and use case for such a feature.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Another idea is for Quicken to talk with their contact at Capital One and see if they can allow us to use the login that the authorized users use to log into the web. When the authorized user logs into the web, they only see their transactions. If we could see each authorized card as its own account we would be able to automatically see the transactions for each card. That's what I do for the Chase Ink card. I then do one entry a month to eliminate the duplication in the main card account and the subsidiary cards.