CC-800 Error - Best Buy Credit Card - account deleted with red circle (edit)

Rich Member ✭✭

After I reconciled this morning I received an CC-800 error indicating my Best Buy Credit Card was deleted and there was a red circle with a slash across it next to the account name in the accounts list. I tried restoring from several known good back-ups the but the account was still showing as deleted. I followed the instructions here and got the red circle to disappear on the back-ups but none of my past transactions were present even after reconciling. I'm on version R52.28 for windows and on Windows 10.

How do I recover my past transactions?

How is it possible that Quicken just deletes an account without any user interaction?

PLEASE help! Thanks.


  • Rich
    Rich Member ✭✭

    The account was deleted again this morning when I downloaded my transactions with the one step update. I'm able to log into my CC account so I know the account is still active.

    I just realized I misspoke yesterday when I said this account was deleted after I reconciled. It was deleted after I did the one step update and not related to reconcile.

    Anyway, I appreciate any advice anyone has and/or knowing if others are running into this problem. I did see one post from a few years ago of what sounded like the same problem but the post is closed without a resolution.


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @Rich,

    To help troubleshoot this issue, could you please clarify some information? When did you first notice this issue? When you say the account is deleted, are you referring to the CC-800 error, or is the account completely vanishing from your Quicken?

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

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  • Rich
    Rich Member ✭✭

    Hi Kristina. Thanks so much for your help. I posted my first comment on this the first time I saw this error so it's only been since 10/5. And yes, I'm referring the CC-800 error. The account is still there but with a slashed red circle next to it and the transactions were deleted. I followed the instructions for the CC-800 error and got the red circle to go away but it came back the next time I downloaded transactions.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply,

    That error shouldn't be causing transactions to disappear. Did the transactions disappear when the error showed up, or did they vanish at some other point (such as while following the troubleshooting to clear the error)? Did all the transactions in the account vanish, or was it only some? Did you have any transactions vanish when the error came back?

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Rich
    Rich Member ✭✭

    I know there were transactions in that account but I honestly can't say when they disappeared. It's not a card I use or look at often in Quicken. I assumed the transactions disappeared when this error showed up. There are currently no transactions in the account. I was hoping to recover at least some of them when I followed the CC-800 instructions and then downloaded transactions but downloading didn't retrieve any transactions. It's likely that the most recent transaction on that account was a little more than a year ago. When the error reoccurred the next day, there were no transactions to disappear.

    Thank you.

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Go to Account List. If the box for Show hidden accounts is not checked, check it. Do you see more than one account listed for this credit card?

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R58.9 on Windows 11

  • Rich
    Rich Member ✭✭

    There is one other BB credit account but it's for a different credit card and was closed a while ago. It is not not set up for download.

    Thank you.

This discussion has been closed.