Wrong Date for Investment Update

For the past week, when I download price updates for my investment portfolio for the previous day, the updates are reflected for the day after, rather than the previous day's prices. For instance, on Friday, when I downloaded the previous days closing prices, the prices were shown as Friday closing prices rather than Thursday. Is anyone else having this problem?
Hello @BarbaraRich,
Are you receiving any error codes or messages? Which financial institution are you experiencing this issue with? What is the connection method? You can see the connection method by navigating to Tools > Account List. To clarify, are the correct prices downloading but with an incorrect date? Or are the dates and prices downloading incorrectly?
I look forward to your response.
-Quicken Jasmine
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This data is not coming from a financial institution. It is coming from Investing.Quicken.com. I am updating my existing portfolio with the current day's closing prices. For instance, on 10/9/23, a specific stock closed at a price of $84.06 per share. In my portfolio update, on 10/10/23, when I downloaded the previous day's closing prices, it listed the closing price of $84.06 in my portfolio for 10/10/23. I did this at around 10:00 in the morning. All my stocks, bonds and mutual funds which don't price until after close, were updated with the 10/9 closing prices on the portfolio for 10/10/23. I knew something was amiss because only the stocks should have shown a price for 10/10 at that time since trading was still occurring and the bonds and mutual funds should not have shown a price for 10/10.
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Hello @BarbaraRich,
Let’s try a few troubleshooting steps for this issue—these steps should resolve things for you, but if not, please come back and post more about your experience so we can investigate.
First, backup your Quicken file.
- File
- Validate and Repair File...
- Validate File
- Click OK
- Close the Data Log
- Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
- Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.
If the issue persists, proceed to Super Validate. If the issue is resolved after performing validation, then please disregard the instructions to Super Validate.
Super Validate:- File
- Hold CTRL + Shift and click Validate and Repair File...
- Super Validate File
- Click OK
- Close the Data Log
- Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
- Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.
-Quicken Jasmine
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Jasmine - Thank you for your help. I validated and super validated the file, but that did not correct the values. I read in the validating file that a fund had the incorrect date for the pricing. I followed those instructions for correcting the price history and it seems to have worked for all the holdings. The instructions were to go to the Security Detail View under Investing Tools, sect the Security, then the Update / Edit Price History menu. That seems to have corrected the dates / closing amounts for all the securities. Hopefully, future updates will be appropriately dated. Thanks again for your help.
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[Removed- Unrelated].
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Hello @BarbaraRich,
Thank you for coming back to update us and for sharing the steps that you took.
We are happy to hear that the issue has been resolved.
-Quicken Jasmine
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It is coming from Investing.Quicken.com.
Just so you know, this is an incorrect statement. Quicken never gets it security prices from Investing.Quicken.com. Quicken can export security positions to that website and it can independently fetch prices for displaying on that site, but they are never imported back into Quicken.
Quicken downloading transactions gets it prices from three sources.
- User manually entering the price or a transaction with a price.
- Download prices from their third-party provider of security prices.
- From the financial institution during the downloading of transactions. Note these prices will show up in the price history without the high and low for the day.
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