Coastal24 - Cannot Add Accounts

jeffdoo Quicken Windows Subscription Member

Quicken had issues downloading transactions from Coastal24 for over a week (last successful download was around 10/8). Therefore, I went through the process of removing online access to every Coastal24 account and attempted to add them back. I have been trying periodically but Quicken simply shows a generic error: "Sorry. We encountered an error. (It's not your fault.)" and gives an opportunity to try again or enter transactions manually.

At one point I downloaded the transactions from Coastal24 and opened the file in Quicken only to have all of the transactions downloaded have a date with the year 1923.

Coastal24 is also known as Coastal Federal Credit Union.


  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Quicken Mac Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @jeffdoo,

    Coastal Federal Credit Union is currently undergoing a scheduled Update to their Digital Banking that will temporarily disable the ability to download transactions. The Update started on 10/17/23 at midnight and will last approximately two weeks. This scheduled update will produce various error messages. You may follow this link to access the alert for any and all future updates.

    I apologize for any inconvenience caused in the meantime.

    -Quicken Jasmine

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  • pharvin
    pharvin Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    The Quicken to Coastal Federal Credit Union connection is still not working as of November 27, 2023. No ETA for a fix is available. This seems like rather poor performance on both Quicken's and Coastal's parts in regards to managing this change/update.

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Did you voice your concerns to the upper management of your credit union? A letter or email to the office of the president of the CU should get the ball rolling.

    If you haven't done so already, you also need to call Quicken Support on the phone during posted hours of operation and report this ongoing Online Banking issue. Support will have to escalate this problem to the data aggregator, Intuit Inc., for further debugging and resolution.

    Quicken Support:

    • To contact Quicken Support, please use this link only: and select Chat or Phone support.
    • Support is only available during posted hours of operation
    • The phone number can be found at the support website.
    • To start Chat or see the support phone number, your browser must allow popup windows from
    • If you are eligible for Premium Support (purchased separately or included as part of your subscription to Quicken Premier or HB&R) call the number that can be found at the top of your My Account page at (US) or (Canada) when you log in with your Quicken ID. Place the call using the phone whose number is recorded in your account profile.
    • Other links or phone numbers found elsewhere on the Internet, even in some posts or emails received from other Community members, may not be from Quicken or may not be up-to-date. Use those at your own risk.
    • Unlike other so-called "Quicken support providers", the real Quicken Support is free for all currently supported versions.

  • pharvin
    pharvin Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    The Quicken to Coastal Federal Credit Union connection is still not working as of December 6, 2023. No ETA for a fix is available.

  • pharvin
    pharvin Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    On December 6, 2023, Coastal Federal Credit Union (CFCU) reported that they notified Quicken before the CFCU website change (in October 2023) and are still waiting for Quicken to update Quicken's processing of the CFCU website. CFCU reports that this is a Quicken issue and that there is nothing that CFCU can do to speed this up. The CFCU representative mentioned that they have been working in this department at CFCU for many years and have never seen Quicken take this long to update their web processing.

  • pharvin
    pharvin Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    On December 6, 2023, Quicken support is unable to provide information regarding the status of this issue or an ETA for the resolution of this issue (Ticket Number 10648797).

  • jclarke
    jclarke Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    And it is STILL not working on December 28, 2023. Come on people! These can't be that hard to fix!

  • CL
    CL Member ✭✭

    For me, Quicken downloaded transactions started working with Coastal today. I am running Quicken R53.32, build

    A couple months ago, I had reset the Coastal account in the online settings. Every week or so, since then I have tried set up the online connection.

    After the Quicken update in the last couple weeks or so (R53.32, B27.1.53.32), I tried to reconnect but it failed as usual. However, when I tried today, I was able to reconnect and download transactions. I don't know what changed, but it's working now for me.

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