Bank of America checks missing more data

ChrisM Member ✭✭

Have had BofA forever and used Quicken until a year or two ago. Revived/updated my Windows Quicken recently and the online update with checking seems to work EXCEPT for this:

For many years I would be online with BofA, open a check transaction and view images of the check, then write the receiver name in the description field. Then "Check 1234" gets displayed as "Check 1234: receiver name". BUT when I update transactions in Quicken, the receiver name doesn't come through. OUCH.

Any suggestions?


  • Quicken Jasmine

    Hello @ChrisM,

    Are these previously added checks or new checks that you are attempting to add?


    -Quicken Jasmine

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  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭

    Bank of America switched from Direct Connect to Express Web Connect a while back, most likely this is what caused the dropping of transferring the description entered on the website to what is sent to Quicken.

    This is my website:
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If you write paper checks from your checkbook, for best results I recommend you enter a register transaction into your Quicken data file when you write the check. For recurring payments use scheduled reminders.
    This way you have valid register transactions available, with correct Payee Names and Categories / Splits. When the check finally clears the bank, all Quicken has to do is to match the downloaded "Check 1234" to your register transaction with Check# 1234, regardless of any other information provided (or not) by the bank.

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