Pentagon PenFed PFCU unable to download x (QMac) [Edited]



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  • avic
    avic Quicken Mac Subscription Member, Mac Beta Beta

    I was able to download QFX transaction via PenFed transaction download page, however, note that for credit cards, the transaction signs are REVERSED!

    I've created an urgent feature request asking quicken to add a "reverse" transaction checkbox to the QFX file import dialog

    please upvote this feature request.

  • Fighter Pilot
    Fighter Pilot Member ✭✭✭

    Here's my simple answer to this continuing issue with PenFed. I've withdrawn ALL of my funds from deposits there with the exception of about $10 in the share account to maintain my membership. I've been a member forever but their attitude on this is ridiculous. Hope more follow my lead.

  • drmcnabb
    drmcnabb Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    I joined PenFed about 10 years ago to take advantage of their good CD rates. I got one of their credit cards last year but no longer hold any other money there. However, if they fail to correct the problem with the download I will be looking elsewhere too.

  • Fighter Pilot
    Fighter Pilot Member ✭✭✭

    Great, I hope many more folks let them know this this is unacceptable.

  • BBHart
    BBHart Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    What I like is that Quicken just sent me an admonishment to renew my autopay information so that, as the first point in their give us more money for incomplete service message, I can "avoid a disruption to connected services such as bank downloads." Seems the PenFed download service on which I have most heavily relied over the years is not among the ones included in Quicken's mind…

  • BBHart
    BBHart Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Update… After reading the previous posts further, I contacted PenFed directly. The agent that I spoke with indicated that, in mid November, PenFed made a corporate level decision to no longer support data aggregators, such as Quicken due to supposed security concerns. He openly admitted that this decision was unlikely to be reversed. In exchange, I noted that PenFed was unique among the 45 plus financial accounts with which I routinely interact in this regard. As others have done, I then let PenFed know that I would no longer actively use their financial services, keeping accounts open only to maintain continuity of my credit history (another company recently announced a 2% unlimited cash back, no annual fee card that doesn't require a bank account, obviating PenFed's previous competitive advantage among this type of credit card). While I urged the representative to convey the Quicken community's "class" dissatisfaction with PenFed to the corporate leadership, we will see whether PenFed will continue with these self-destructive support policies.

  • Fighter Pilot
    Fighter Pilot Member ✭✭✭

    Good move! I have dropped ALL my PenFed accounts except for the simple share account. Other institutions offer better rates now anyway.

  • Doug Kruth
    Doug Kruth Member ✭✭✭

    I'll keep the bare minimum there, this is really disappointing.

  • drmcnabb
    drmcnabb Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    BBHart: Care to share the name of the company that has a 2% cash back card?

    I too am considering curtailing my use of my PenFed card. I thought they at least provided the ability to manually download a QFX file. However, today when I did that I found that they still have the debits and credits reversed.

  • hansenb40
    hansenb40 Quicken Windows Subscription Unconfirmed ✭✭✭

    If you already do business with Fidelity, take a look at the Fidelity® Rewards Visa Signature® Credit Card. 2% on everything. Cash is deposited into your brokerage or CMA account, plus a few other choices.

  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2023

    Citi also has a 2% cash back card (the Double Cash card), no bank account required. Fidelity's card requires a Fidelity account to deposit the cash back into in order to receive the full 2%, otherwise it's just a 1% card. Wells Fargo also has a 2% card, I don't know the details of that one.

  • drmcnabb
    drmcnabb Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    Thanks for the additional info about these other 2% Cash back credit cards. For anyone else considering a change, be sure to check the complete list of fees and features of these other cards. For example the Citi Double Cash and Wells Fargo Active Cash cards have no annual fee but they both charge a 3% foreign transaction fee.

  • QU01knom
    QU01knom Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭✭

    I was able to successfully connect and relink all my Penfed accounts tonight. I had a few balancing issues but resolved with a bit of effort. It appears to be working at this time! Hopefully for everyone…

  • Joe Roksewicz
    Joe Roksewicz Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2024

    QU01knom … relink didn't work for me… same old problem [Edited - Language]!!!

  • QU01knom
    QU01knom Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭✭

    I had to disconnect all penfed accounts and then relink. Not sure if you tried this or not.

  • Joe Roksewicz
    Joe Roksewicz Member ✭✭✭

    I got it to work!! I had 1 account (out of 6) that was still connected. After I disconnected that account, I was able to connect all accounts….

  • QU01knom
    QU01knom Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭✭

    Good news. Congrats

  • Rickd83
    Rickd83 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am now able to also connect to my PenFed accounts. It did create new accounts for PenFed. I just deleted the old accounts, then renamed the accounts to what they were previously named. My PenFed Visa though stayed the same.

  • QU01knom
    QU01knom Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭✭

    Quicken automatically creates new accounts during the link process. but you can change it to link once Q recognizes the accounts. There is a dropdown to link to existing accounts.

  • graepers
    graepers Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta

    I too was finally able to connect to PenFed!! YAY!!!
    While the connection process seemed like it took an eternity, I was finally able to connect my 3 previously disconnected PenFed accounts and get updated transactions.
    I think our combined effort of removing funds from PenFed after expressing our displeasure with them not playing nicely with Quicken, was a major factor in getting Pen Fed to rethink their policy of not allowing screen sweeps.

    Good Job everyone!

  • Harry D
    Harry D Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I'm happy for those of you who are able to connect to PenFed, but I am not among you. I am still experiencing exactly the same behavior that has persisted since mid-October with Quicken. I have disconnected all my accounts — when I try to re-connect I get the same messages as always, after a 5+ minute wait! Did you do anything else to magically restore this capability, because it's still not working for me (Quicken Mac Classic Deluxe)

  • QU01knom
    QU01knom Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭✭

    Make sure you don’t have any closed accounts that remain connected. That could create the issue.

  • Joe Roksewicz
    Joe Roksewicz Member ✭✭✭

    One Step Update for PenFed accounts worked yesterday but today I get CC-502 errors again

  • Rickd83
    Rickd83 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have been able to reconnect my PenFed accounts, and I am no longer getting the connection error CC-502. However, I noticed that my PenFed Visa was not downloading any transactions to Quicken, but my other accounts are downloading to Quicken. So, I disconnected the Visa from downloading transactions, and I renamed the account to TEST so not to lose my old transactions. I then added a new account, selected Pentagon Federal Credit Union as the financial institution, and entered my user name and password, then proceeded on. On the download, it selected my PenFed Visa (under the name Platinum Cash Rewards) as a new account and downloaded the current balance for today's date showing "Live Opening Balance" as the Payee. So, going forward, I will see if it will download upcoming charges/payments.

  • Harry D
    Harry D Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Still getting errors when trying to connect to PenFed today (1/7/24). There are several ways to connect to accounts, and I have tried all of them without success. I stopped reporting errors back in early December when Quicken Support told me they already had enough information on my problem. Now, I will be reporting these errors again, since some people seem to be having some success.

  • QU01knom
    QU01knom Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭✭

    I just connected with PFCU successfully. I have a checking, 2 savings and 3 credit cards.

    A couple of thoughts. 1. Make sure that all connections to PFCU accounts are disconnected prior to trying to connect any account. 2. Make sure that you connect to "Pentagon FCU" and not “Pentagon Federal Credit Union” when trying to connect accounts. 3. Make sure you disconnect accounts and not just try to change connections. 4. Good luck! 5. PFCU has been a bear to keep connecting for long periods. I think it has been 4 times everyone lost the ability to connect over the last year. Frustration is an understatement.

  • Harry D
    Harry D Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I disconnected all my accounts a while ago. Still no luck. There must be something unusual about my setup. I will continue to send issue reports to Quicken and probably invest a couple of hours in the support chat to get their attention.

  • Rickd83
    Rickd83 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Disconnect all accounts. Go to "Add" account → Select Pentagon FCU as financial Institution (not Pentagon Federal Credit Union), and proceed from there. You will have to reenter you User Name and Password. Don't link accounts to your old accounts in Quicken. Select as "add new account". This is what I did to get it to work. You can try to link to see if it will work first, but if it doesn't, just set as new account.

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